Plumbobbing Through Time - Chapter 2.5

Chapter 2.4 | Chapter 3.1

An abbreviated version of our goals for this generation:

  • Finish aspiration: Outdoor Enthusiast on Skyor
  • Skills to max: Cooking, Gardening, Wellness, Herbalism.
  • At least two children
  • Only child boys can go to school
  • Heirs traits will be: Ambitious, Snob, Genius

Yup. We're done. And after putting quite a bit of thought into it, I decided it was ridiculous to wait to start the next gen until young adult if kids can move out at teen still. So I updated the rules. ... Which means that we have literally 8 days left until the next generation starts. Or about that. We do have to wait for Matteo to age up on his own, so it'll be slightly longer.

Since we have nothing better to do, I have them playing the.. um.. ancient game of Don't Wake the Llama quite a bit this week. I mean, it's just a bunch of sticks and a carved Llama, right? No technology needed.

Thalia spends a lot of time with Maliyah - possibly because everyone else is playing with sticks.. or perhaps it's because she's always low on social. Thalia, that is. Mali is fine on social. Still - a cute interaction.

Family dinner, part one.

Part two. This is where they usually eat. Sad, but it's the easiest.

After dinner, Marl spins herself up to Adult. Don't worry, sweetie, you're still gorgeous. *grin* .. Oh, and I was waiting to see if the last Try for Baby worked. Apparently not, since she just aged up.

.. Which means that, since Skyor needs "fun".. we'll have to Try for Baby instead of just Woohoo.

I finally remember the bees for a change.

Ah, yes. The old "mopping the mess that isn't there" trick. Very nice. Thanks for helping, Matteo. I think.

Wait. Seriously. There's nothing there. Matteo just cleaned.. nothing. And now you are. And I SWEAR the toddler didn't make another mess in between, because Mali is SOUND ASLEEP. Sims are weird.

It occurs to me that I could save up some more money for future generations. So Skyor goes on a marathon bathtub spree. Again. Do you think he's sick and tired of carving bathtubs? I would be!!

Marl: ".. Um.. guess what, Skyor. We're expecting again."

Skyor: "... Whaaa?"

Marl: ".. Yup. You know. Nooboo. Soon."

Me: *facepalm*

Hey, technically, you chose to wash laundry yourself. Don't complain to me!

And, yes, I know Thalia isn't doing it. She's doing what I told her to do - try to sell some of those concoctions that have been sitting there for a couple weeks.

Midnight visitation again. Spoiler: talking to it actually works for a change. But the other kids are all still upset and wake up the parents. Sigh.

Thalia taking care of little Mali, again.

One word: EW. I send Skyor over to fix it. This picture plays into the next one, so it's not just to show a nasty toilet. LOL.

SEE?? Is fixed. And that puddle is not all because it was broken. Poor Marl doesn't make it literally around the corner from her bedroom and pees herself. Sigh.

The next day, we get that orange message again - it's baby time!

Welcome to a little girl - Anaya the Sweet.

!!!!! How cute are those! I've never seen them before!

Mali: "Why do I gotta wait to be big like you!?"

Matteo: "Because ovens and cakes aren't invented yet!"

Okay, finally. When I least expected it, of course. Poor kid got Gloomy, though.

Luckily, she makes up for the "bad" trait with adorable looks. I love her.

The bubbles flying always crack me up. Thanks for your hard work, Thalia!

Um... Mali.. why are you resting up here??

Me: "Oh CRAP!"

Goes in an gives her an actual bed. Oops.

Thalia and the kids playing while Mom gardens. Who needs fun motive when you've got a big garden?

... Ummmm... oooops. Guess that last TFB was a bad idea. We've got only around a day to go. Now I have to decide whether to wait to move Matteo until the baby is born so I can name it.. or whether to go back later and rename it. Sigh. Awkward.

Samara gets too sick to "go to school" .. she wasn't able to go anyway, game. =P But thanks for the day off!

See? I told you she was sweet. That was a random roll!

... Except she looks Evil instead. And Poor Skyor looks like he's utterly done with kids. I can't blame him. It's not like his whole life hasn't revolved around them.

Matteo gets home from school on his birthday.

... And to my surprise, gets an A. I never told him to do his homework, either. That was completely on his own! Way to go, buddy. Not that you're going to use much of your education, but good job, anyway.

Peek-a-boo! I find Anaya just dancing away to her own music in the hallway. How cute!

Skyor playing with his youngest. Considering he's been busy doing other stuff most of his life, he's still managed to get level 5 parenting, mostly on his own.

.. That's quite a crowded bed. LOL. Good thing it's not actually bedtime!

Matteo gets his new trait and aspiration - which reminds me, I should update the Generation Rules to state what the teen aspiration is for the next generation, so you don't have to read the next Gen to find out, if you're trying to avoid spoilers. ... Also, time to give Matteo his makeover.....

Oh... oh, dear. LOL!!! The arms persist!! I literally laughed so hard at this, and his eventual makeover, that I was in tears. Probably not nearly as funny to the rest of you, but it really struck my "funny bone".

Anyway, here's our heir, Matteo the .. er.. Strong.. and he's all ready to move out. I will go back and rename his new brother or sister later after they're born.... because I'm truly itching to get into Generation Three.

.. Oh, and this is how much the family home is worth. Just as an FYI. They have some 35k in household funds, too. See you tomorrow!

Chapter 2.4 | Chapter 3.1


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I am a 45 year old American wife, mother, and gamer. I’ve lived in the Midwest most of my life, and enjoy it for the changing seasons. My favorite movie is Labyrinth, my favorite game is Sims 4, and I have tattoos related to both. My favorite colors are purple, red, and green. When I’m not playing games (which is rare) I also enjoy reading and crafting. I’m also an animal lover, and have had many types of pets over the years. Currently, I have a dog named Cassie who is a Jack Russel / Beagle mix and three young fancy rats (all of whom are rescues). I run this Sims 4 Blog where I post screenshots and stories about the different challenges I play. Also here are the Sims 4 challenges I've written, and a place for me to store all the Sims 4 knowledge I've gotten over the years. I am also a Sims 4/variety streamer on Twitch for my mental health, fun, and to meet new people. I have also recently been accepted to the EA Creator Network, which is a dream come true! I look forward to meeting you!
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