An abbreviated version of our goals for this generation:
We had tons of progress last post, let's hope things go as well this time!
We start .. with Skyor laying down on the job. Er, well... no, he's working on Wellness. It just doesn't look like it. It looks like he's waiting to be sacrificed.
Oh yeah, and Matteo aged up at the end of last session, I gave him his makeover, and then forgot to show him to you guys. :Blush: ... Ooops. Here he is. He's adorable.
I'm not exactly sure why the pirate boat appears to be after the carriage, but Matteo is definitely yelling for the charge. Good thing his sister isn't sleeping.
I keep forgetting about the bees on this lot. It's not like they're right by the house or anything, so they keep getting left so that anyone who goes to the garden or to swim in the garden pools gets attacked. Oops.
I'm not sure why I found this screenshot so funny, but two of those sandcastles are cowplants.. so, technically, this cow pasture is now stocked with cows... *cracks up laughing again*...
Thalia is such a help. She's usually very low on fun and social... but the chores around the house definitely do get done!
Samara is just so cute. Here she is learning to talk with Marl - who I'm sure appreciates Thalia the most.
Matteo is keeping himself busy. When he's not at school - which is awesome that he can go this generation. His sisters will not be so lucky.
More playtime with mommy. I'm not sure why Marl seems to be begging the sky for something, but Samara's expression is priceless.
A rare break for Skyor from yoga practice lets the two lovebirds spend some time together. And they are - lovebirds, that is - they just don't always get to spend time together. Using the upstairs table is even more unusual. I tend to have everyone eat in the kid's room. Yep... lazy Watcher.
I catch Matteo taking out the trash by himself. What a good kid!
This is proof that Skyor is no longer upper-arm challenged. He actually looks like a "normal" sim now. WOO!! There's hope for Matteo, yet.
Oh, goodie. Clingy.
And she immediately runs over to "play" in one of the indoor plants. Never seen a toddler do that before, but it looks like she's fighting with it. Weird.
Zarra stops by with a gift for Marl, and we invite her in.
What's the gift? A rare plant seed packet. I didn't even know that was a possible gift! We open it.. and get a magic bean. Sigh. Useless. Oh well.
Skyor gets level 9 Wellness and can do a fertility massage. So I give it a try, and then while she has the moodlet, I Try for Baby. Spoiler: no baby is had. *frown* Useless massage.
Proof that toddlers don't give a hoot about monsters under beds. Matteo tries to talk to it, all by himself...
... But no success. Sorry, buddy. Better go wake up Mom and Dad.
Oh, this picture reminds me - our neighborhood is "Green" - so the plants are all "perfect" - and I just noticed sims can "bask in the rays" .. (or something like that). I try it out, and Matteo runs to the cow pasture to worship the sun, getting him an energized moodlet. Darn. I was hoping for inspired. Should have cloudgazed.
Zabala stops by to see Marl, and I have Matteo go meet his grandpa. I guess I was slacking on the family relations... but technically, we can't travel to see him since he's out of district, and the rest of Skyor's family is WAY out of reach in Sulani.
Skyor can now do handstands, too.. but this looks like an interesting pose in that skirt.
... Drumroll.... and we're done with goals! Just have to get Matteo to grow up now. We've got a while to wait, too. Since the next gen doesn't start 'til young adult - even though teens can move out. I'm not sure I'll keep that rule.. but for now it stays.
Now, poor Skyor has nothing better to do than sell all his old Herbalism concoctions. Remember this photo: I pay for this yard sale in a little bit.
Samara spins herself to aging and I roll for her trait. Then, I send her into CAS for her makeover. I don't think that maybe that yard sale had just barely ended, or was close to ending.
... Samara is gorgeous. Love, love, love her!
Then, I go about my normal watcher business.. sending sims to bed, to eat, etc.
... Until I notice that Skyor isn't moving. He keeps route-failing whenever I ask him to do something. So I have him teleport next to the food. Nope, still won't pick it up and eat. Then I mouse over him and see this horrifying sight. My game is glitched.. and the last time I saved was, like, two hours ago. I tell myself to stop panicking, and save, quit game to main menu, reload. He's still stuck. I try resetting him. Nope. Nothing. testingcheats, try again. Nope. I spend five minutes trying to find something about it on google, eventually run into a semi-similar issue on Crinrict's site... where it says to evict the family and move them back in to fix. So, crossing my fingers, I give that a try. Nope. Nothing. I try completely exiting the game, still stuck. At this point, I'm in full panick mode. Finally, I have him "Split from household and move" .. which for some reason, he can do. He moves out, and I call him back over to re-invite him. Skyor: "Sorry, I'm sleeping." ACK. *face palm* .. wait til morning, try again. He immediately shows up when I call, and has no "neighbor" tag on his head. He accepts the invite to join the household, and is fixed. When my heart finally stops beating five hundred times a minute... I test out various things, and confirm he's fully functional again.. although his needs are all reset. But that's ok. At least we have Skyor back. I save the game.. and consider completely stopping for the night. But - sometime in the moving out and back in fiasco, there are laundry piles ALL OVER the lot. And they're annoying. So I have Thalia collect them, and I watch Skyor very carefully to make SURE he's still okay.
He is... and Zarra stops by with Marl's birthday present. Not that Marl can really HAVE a birthday, since we can't bake a cake.. but that's not the point, right? She'll have to wait to spin up on her own. I honestly can't tell you what the gift was... I was still calming down at this point.
While Zarra is here - we have Matteo meet his auntie. They get along famously. I keep checking, by the way, and those Try for Baby interactions before I moved Amir out didn't work. There's no cousins. *frown*
Meanwhile, Samara and Skyor were bored, so we tried out the Llama game. Skyor looks upset at winning - which I find hilarious, and Samara gets a sad moodlet.
... Then all the phones except for Skyor's start ringing. Uh-oh. That's never good.
Zabala is no more. Aww. And he JUST met his grandson, too. Poor guy. On this note, the piles are now washed, and I'm 100% sure Skyor is fixed.. I decide that no matter how many pics I have, I'm totally done for the night. It's time to write this post up and do something else for the rest of the night. Sims has given me my heart attack of the night/week, and I'm DONE. See you next time!