I host a Shell Challenge each month from my discord and Twitch channels. I need to be better about promoting them, however, so that’s what this section is for. Every first Wednesday of the month is tour night, and I tour everyone’s submissions on this night. If you cannot attend (or don’t get done in time for the deadline), I am more than happy to tour any completed shell challenge for free at any time you are able to stop by a sims stream on my Twitch channel.
That being said, this section is also all about having a record of all the shell challenges I've done in the past. I have, from very early on, always tried to make each of my shell challenges be a bit of a brain-teaser. Something that will make you think. Either with a theme, or a puzzle/problem, or coming up with a story in your head to match your build. I am perpetually coming up with new ideas, so don't expect these challenges to stop anytime soon - I have at least through 2024 and most of 2025 already either planned, or the ideas sketched out. In some cases, they're already even built and ready to go except for their promo graphics.
2020-2021 Challenges | 2022 Challenges | 2023 Challenges
The Shell Challenges section of this website is now - finally - current again. I will try to remember to keep it current in the future! If you're interested, I have added information about my current year-long challenge - 2024 ISpy House. And in no way do you need to be a builder to participate. It's all about decorating and having a good time hiding things for me to find! See here: 2024 Shells.
3 Shells, 3 different sizes - pick whichever one you like best!! Standard Shell rules apply - no changing exterior walls, interior can be changed however you like. Styles and colors can be changed. HINT: move the bottom layer of roofs away from the wall before doing any interior work, or you'll lose the roofs. (not on large size) They can always be drug back to the wall later! #thrallshell17 Due: February 1st 2023
I will be continuing to keep the discord events schedule updated as much as I can (or remember to), but this year, I plan to post schedules on a monthly basis - and most of them will be pretty much the same. If there are major changes on any given week, I will notify on twitter or discord. Additionally, I will be launching my next shell challenge (teaser on the graphic below) on the 1st, so watch for that post!
I did intend to start Asylum back up this month, but I think what I'll do is set up a promotion graphic to try to get some people to make sims for it (because as we all know, I hate making sims!).. and I'll go back to finish my Gen 3 of the RainbowSins challenge for January. As soon as we hit Gen 4, I will then start up the next season of Asylum (hopefully with a bunch of sims I didn't have to make!) My guess is, it will start in February, but I will keep you all informed as to launch dates as I get closer to it.
Also: I do still have some Channel Point builds to do, Furnishing the Ugly Build Challenge, as well as the Restrictions and the Backwards Challenges. I also want to finish the Serious, Silly, and Spooky builds from my birthday stream, so it may be a few weeks before I get back to Supernatural Saturday. Sorry for those (including me) who really like it!
One last note.. what do you all think of the new schedule format? I wanted to make it easy to see which game was where, and try to make it so that the schedule is consistent from week to week. Obviously, if I need a Mental Health Day, I will take it, and let you know on discord and Twitter!
If you did not notice, My schedule is now set up on the "Events" at the top left of the Discord, taken automatically from my Google Calendar, and will reflect last-minute cancellations (as well as me posting about them on Twitter). Hopefully, this will make it a bit easier to know what's coming!
Also: I do still have some Channel Point builds to do, Furnishing the Ugly Build Challenge, as well as the Restrictions and the Backwards Challenges. Will do those after the first of the year, since I ran out of time due to mouse issues (which will be solved by the 20th).
If you did not notice, My schedule is now set up on the "Events" at the top left of the Discord, taken automatically from my Google Calendar, and will reflect last-minute cancellations (as well as me posting about them on Twitter). Hopefully, this will make it a bit easier to know what's coming!
Also: Don't forget! RainyJaynie and I are doing a shell collab, see the end of this post for more information!
Lastly, I want to highlight some upcoming dates (posting these on discord, too): (new ones or changes are starred)
Try something new! Join the November Share the Shell Challenge from Rainy & Thrall. Collab with a friend or ask to be paired. Follow the link for tips and sign-ups: https://forms.gle/CSHbnd7GV4HgaEae8 No personal data is being collected.
If you did not notice, My schedule is now set up on the "Events" at the top left of the Discord, taken automatically from my Google Calendar, and will reflect last-minute cancellations (as well as me posting about them on Twitter). Hopefully, this will make it a bit easier to know what's coming!
Also: Don't forget! RainyJaynie and I are doing a shell collab, see the end of this post for more information!
Lastly, I want to highlight some upcoming dates (posting these on discord, too): (new ones are starred)
Try something new! Join the November Share the Shell Challenge from Rainy & Thrall. Collab with a friend or ask to be paired. Follow the link for tips and sign-ups: https://forms.gle/CSHbnd7GV4HgaEae8 No personal data is being collected.
If you did not notice, My schedule is now set up on the "Events" at the top left of the Discord, taken automatically from my Google Calendar, and will reflect last-minute cancellations (as well as me posting about them on Twitter). Hopefully, this will make it a bit easier to know what's coming!
Also: RainyJaynie and I launched our newest shell last week, see the end of this post for more information!
Notes on this coming week: I decided to take a bit of a Sims break. I have quite a bit of Sims filming to do off-stream, so to prevent burnout, I'm going to dive head first into Crusader Kings 3, my #6 Current game - and one that's perilously easy for me to get lost in. If I get bored, I also have several other new games I may or may not play. We'll see.
Lastly, I want to highlight some upcoming dates (posting these on discord, too):
Try something new! Join the November Share the Shell Challenge from Rainy & Thrall. Collab with a friend or ask to be paired. Follow the link for tips and sign-ups: https://forms.gle/CSHbnd7GV4HgaEae8 No personal data is being collected.
If you did not notice, My schedule is now set up on the "Events" at the top left of the Discord, taken automatically from my Google Calendar, and will reflect last-minute cancellations (as well as me posting about them on Twitter). Hopefully, this will make it a bit easier to know what's coming!
Notice: A major change in this week's schedule, as you'll see, I'm taking Monday off in favor of letting Bruj stream all day for Halloween.
Also: RainyJaynie and I just launched our newest shell, see the end of this post for more information!
Try something new! Join the November Share the Shell Challenge from Rainy & Thrall. Collab with a friend or ask to be paired. Follow the link for tips and sign-ups: https://forms.gle/CSHbnd7GV4HgaEae8 No personal data is being collected.
If you did not notice, My schedule is now set up on the "Events" at the top left of the Discord, taken automatically from my Google Calendar, and will reflect last-minute cancellations (as well as me posting about them on Twitter). Hopefully, this will make it a bit easier to know what's coming!
One side note: Thursday stream may be a bit late, as I want to see some tours on the Lighthouse I've been working on lately.
If you did not notice, My schedule is now set up on the "Events" at the top left of the Discord, taken automatically from my Google Calendar, and will reflect last-minute cancellations (as well as me posting about them on Twitter). Hopefully, this will make it a bit easier to know what's coming!