Thrall LIVE

January 2022: Things have changed drastically for me in the last year, and almost all of it has been positive. This is the section of this blog that is dedicated to that journey. Suffice it to say, Thrall has gone LIVE. I now stream full time on Twitch, and most of it is devoted to Sims 4. I also have a youtube channel, and I’m actively trying to be a part of the current Sims 4 community. I miss blogging, and I do plan fully to go back to it, but much of my life is now devoted to streaming and all the time and energy that goes along with that. I started streaming on a lark, and in what I thought would be a futile attempt to get past my crippling social anxiety.

Long story short: not only have I reduced my social anxiety and made a ton of new amazing friends - but I have found that streaming 100% helps with my mental health. I am more stable now than I have been for MOST of my life. And that’s not something I am willing to stop. So - if my blogging is suffering, I’m sorry.. But this is for me, and right now what it turns out I really needed was social interaction and a purpose each day. Welcome to Thrall LIVE.


Pages Included:

IllusoryThrall on Twitch

IllusoryThrall on Twitch
Streaming on my Twitch channel is now my main focus in life. I have found something that I really love doing, and through it, I have made so many new friends - many of whom I am very sure will be lifetime connections. As I said on the Thrall LIVE page, I stream for my mental health, increasing my confidence in myself, and reducing my social anxiety. Anything else I get out of it is just a bonus to me! Most of my streams focus on Sims 4 content, but I do play other games, and some of those games will be making their way onto my stream this coming year. (For more about this, see the Thrall’s Game Awards page!) If you’re interested in visiting my channel, check out my schedule below, or just click here – – to visit my Twitch channel and drop me a Follow! Every single Follow is very much appreciated, and EVERYONE is welcome, even if you’re too shy to talk! I LOVE lurkers! Also, the Twitch button at the top of the page should indicate if I'm currently online, and you can just click to join me! If you’re interested in finding out what sort of things I stream other than just building in sims - check out my On-Stream Challenges page. I hope to see you on my channel soon! If you’re not able to make the times that I stream, don’t worry, the last month (or two?) of videos are saved on my Twitch channel, and can be watched at your leisure. Also, old videos are published on my Youtube channel, so there is that to watch, as well.

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IllusoryThrall on Youtube

IllusoryThrall on Youtube
Yes, I also have a youtube channel!! In the last few months, I have started posting some Youtube-Exclusive (in other words, they are not Streamed on Twitch first) Let's Play series. This is, honestly, where MOST of my Sims 4 content is going, and I would VERY much appreciate a subscription (it FREE!) there as I'm working really really hard (and very slowly) towards getting to being monetized on Youtube (which is quite a bit tougher than on Twitch, I will say!) All of my Exclusive Let's Play's post first thing each morning, at 9 AM eastern US time. Current Let's Play series include: Project Hospital Modded Mega-Hospital Let's Play (playlist here) Publishes on Sundays Sims 4 Taryn's Super-Sim Challenge Let's Play (playlist coming) Publishes on Tuesdays (Starting 8/13/2024) Sims 4 Khinah Timeline Adventure Challenge Let's Play (playlist here) Publishes on Wednesdays Sims 4 Turner Legendary Legacy Challenge Let's Play (playlist here) Publishes on Thursdays Sims 4 Thatcher Ultimate Decades Challenge Let's Play (playlist here) Publishes on Fridays Sims 4 Extended Not-So-Berry Challenge Let's Play (playlist here) Publishes on Saturdays Other series' that are planned: An "Old West" period Decades Hard Mode Challenge This will be a continuation of the story of the McPherson's from "McPherson's Mess" story on this blog. This will fill the Monday slot that's missing from the above schedule - but will not be starting it until I (one) finish building the world for this challenge, because I'm building it mostly from scratch... and (two) I finish writing an addition to my ruleset for the Decades Hard Mode adaptation that has rules for the 1850s through the 1890s where the challenge usually starts. A Build A World Challenge This will be a restart of the challenge I originally started on this blog. Will be starting this one after I finish the Build A World rules. (And hopefully, after I finish the Super-Sim Challenge or Project Hospital Playthrough.) Other Youtube notes: This is also where I post (mostly for storage and a record of what I’ve done) my old raw video footage recorded from my Twitch streams. These all post later in the day than my Exclusive content, usually at 12PM. The fun part of this is that having these posted means that if you really fall in love with one of my on-stream challenges, you can go back and see where it started. Hopefully eventually I’ll catch up to where I am currently, since I’m trying to publish at least one video per day on this channel, but there are times that I don’t have the time on Sunday to get things organized for that week. The only editing I’m doing for these is splitting up videos that are either too long or are based on more than one topic (and therefore need to be included in more than one playlist). Feel free to toss me a subscription and peruse the videos at your leisure! Below, I include a gallery of all my most recent posts,...

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2022 - Thrall's Game Awards

2022 - Thrall's Game Awards
How This Works: (Written Dec 2021) You might have noticed my twitter post about next year's content. Basically, I've picked out my favorite games, both current and nostalgic, as well as some honorable mentions, and have ranked them in order of how much I like them. (This was quite a process, by the way...) I will be counting down the two categories alternating week by week, featuring one game per week, starting from the lowest ranked game and ending with the highest. Each Sunday (Starting with January 2nd), I will announce here, on Twitter, and on my discord which game I will be playing that coming week. I will then post some information on this page and link to a page about that game and my history with it. Then, on Monday, I will jump right in, playing that game. Provided that it holds up to my memory of the game (this pertains especially to the nostalgic games) - I will continue to play on Tuesday. The rest of the week (Wednesday through Saturday) will be Sims 4. Unless, of course, I get REALLY into the game I'm playing, and then Thursday and Friday will be my "flexible" days in case I still want to play it. On some Sundays (once or twice a month), I will also be doing a bonus stream of a game I consider a "one-off" honorable mention game. For whatever reason, these are games that got pulled off the main list, but still deserve to be shown off. I will make every attempt to let you know ahead of time when these bonus streams will be and what game will be played then, so you can make the decision of whether or not you're interested in seeing that game. At the very least, there will be information posted on that game once it is played on this page, under the honorable mention section. Lastly, the week after playing the game, I will be uploading all raw video footage of the game to my youtube channel under a special playlist designed just for this purpose, and then link those videos from each game info page. This will allow people to browse through games played at their leisure after the fact, and not necessarily have to attend each and every day of my stream.

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2023 - Elder Scrolls Solo Playthrough

2023 - Elder Scrolls Solo Playthrough
Update: My Morrowind save crashed and burned, basically... and I took an extended break from the playthrough while I decide what, exactly, I want to do about it. I will either start in on Oblivion and skip Morrowind entirely, or I'll give Morrowind another try. but, for now, this playthrough is ON HIATUS! So, for this year, I started in on an Elder Scrolls Solo Game playthrough (As of January 2nd). I decided to skip Arena and Daggerfall, and dive right into Morrowind. My game IS modded - but mostly it's modded for graphics and patches. If you want more information on the mod pack I'm using (MOISE) - you can find it on the Wabbajack website. I will be working on this playthrough until I feel I've finished the game, which will likely include most, if not all, of the side quests. Afterwards, I will be getting to Oblivion and Skyrim as well, but there may be a game in between for a change of pace. After much deliberation, I have decided to attempt a play-through journal for this journey. Each time I stream Morrowind (Monday and Tuesday afternoons), I will then write up a short journal entry, which will be posted here. I'm doing this for several reasons: I wanted a way to easily look back on what's been done, and be able to glance at the last entry to help me hop right back into what I had been doing the last time. I also wanted a place for viewers to be able to catch up with what's been going on if they miss things, or have come late to the playthrough. Finally, I also feel it might be nice to have a record of what I did each day, just for me. So.. without further blabbering on my part, I introduce you to my Elder Scrolls Journal. Posts will accumulate under the line. If you're looking for the very first post, go to this page. I will be linking each post to the one before and after it, so you can continue reading easily. Enjoy!

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Assassin's Creed Series Playthrough

Assassin's Creed Series Playthrough
Quite a while ago, now, I made a commitment to do a full playthrough of the Assassin's Creed PC series. At the time of this writing, I am working on Black Flag (Assassin's Creed 4) on my channel, and have a long way to go to finish it. That being said, I am also aiming to get as close to 100% synchronization on each game as I go. Yes, I know it's going to be a LONG playthrough... but I am absolutely loving it. It's my first time playing these games and I don't want to miss anything. Below, I will keep track of the games that have been completed and how long it took me as well as what synch percentage I got to. Under that, I'll embed the playlist from the beginning on my youtube channel.

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I am a 45 year old American wife, mother, and gamer. I’ve lived in the Midwest most of my life, and enjoy it for the changing seasons. My favorite movie is Labyrinth, my favorite game is Sims 4, and I have tattoos related to both. My favorite colors are purple, red, and green. When I’m not playing games (which is rare) I also enjoy reading and crafting. I’m also an animal lover, and have had many types of pets over the years. Currently, I have a dog named Cassie who is a Jack Russel / Beagle mix and three young fancy rats (all of whom are rescues). I run this Sims 4 Blog where I post screenshots and stories about the different challenges I play. Also here are the Sims 4 challenges I've written, and a place for me to store all the Sims 4 knowledge I've gotten over the years. I am also a Sims 4/variety streamer on Twitch for my mental health, fun, and to meet new people. I have also recently been accepted to the EA Creator Network, which is a dream come true! I look forward to meeting you!
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