Plumbobbing Through Time - Chapter 3.1

Chapter 2.5 | Chapter 3.2

Okay, I'll be completely honest here.. I struggled getting ready for this generation. Mostly because I'm still in testing mode, and part of my concern is making sure the challenge is playable through all the generations. Which isn't going to be an easy task. Now, if you've read ahead, you have a sense of the next couple generations after this one, and I won't go into details so as to avoid spoilers for those who want to avoid them... but it's going to be important that everything you've worked for (wealth and house value-wise) is able to be brought with you so you can progress through generations. This being said: Sims 4 does not make it easy to do just that without taking the entire family with you. So, I'm adding to the main rules directions on how to move from generation to generation. Obviously, I didn't do this before this generation, so I'll forfeit the work done on the first house.

Moving from Generation to Generation: Use the phone, select "Move Household", then move the entire household to the next lot. When prompted, click to sell all furnishings. Move to the next house/lot and hit pause as soon as you load. Go back into Manage World, and click "Manage Households". Choose the family in question, and click the button with the two arrows - to transfer sims. Create a new household on the right and move all but your heir to this house, leaving the money alone. This will prompt you to create a new household with no funds. Say yes. This will leave your heir alone in their new home with all the work you've done intact. One further note: if you're like me, you don't want to leave your old family "high and dry" as the saying goes. Take your relatives, and Move them back into the old home. While moving, it will show that you can't afford to move them in. Fix this by opening the cheat code window, typing in "testingcheats on" then "freerealestate on" - and wa-lah, the lot will be purchase-able. Once they're all settled back at home, turn cheats back off with "testingcheats off", load up your heir's household, and you're ready to play. This seems like a lot of trouble, I know, but NOT doing this will make the challenge next to impossible to play... so just trust me on this.

Now that all that has been said, I can keep going. Here's the rules for Gen 3 at the time I'm playing this. Do realize the actual rule page may show different rules - because this is still in testing and they may change. I will not be coming back to edit these to reflect any of those changes.

Gen 3: Time of the Gods (Ancient Greek times - 800 BCE - 499 BCE)

When you came of age, your family expected you to carrying on living as they had; healing and selling your cures. However, you were a dreamer and wanted to expand on your parent's way of life. You moved, bought a plot of land, started growing beautiful flowers and opened your own flower shop.

Town: Windenburg (The Crumbling Isle)

Lot traits: Off-the-grid, Homey/Great Soil, Convivial


  • Spring: All Fools Day-Mischief spirit, drinking and party spirit
  • Summer: Festival of Remembrance- Remembrance, tell stories, fire, thankful spirit
  • Fall: The Harvest- Grand feast, drinking, fire, art and music spirit
  • Winter: Winter Solstice- Festive lighting, Give gifts, grand meal, light menorah or kinara

Traits: Outgoing, Snob, Genius

Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy

Career: Open your own store. Sell your Flower Arrangements. (If you don't have Get to Work or hate Retail like I do, just using a sales table works, too.)

Gen 3 Goals & Rules:

  • Open a store in order to make money (unless you don't have Get to Work). Place this store in either Magnolia Promenade or the Crumbling Isle near your home (your choice - but Crumbling Isle would be easier to fit to the time period). Suggestion: Keep the store small!
  • NPC's such as maids and butlers are now unlocked.
  • Optional: Move in a sim of your choice to be your servant, and build them a servants' quarters on your lot.
  • Max the Charisma and Flower Arranging skills.
  • Spouses cannot bring in money.
  • Must always “Try for Baby”. Birth control is not a thing yet. No pregnancy tests, either.
  • Only Boys can go to school, and school is permitted through the teen years as well. Girls must still stay home.
  • Teens can still move out on their own, but boys will forfeit the ability to go to school if they move out.
  • Next generation starts as soon as your teen or young adult moves out.
  • Your heir's traits will be: Snob, Materialistic, Family Oriented; aspiration will be Mansion Baron

Generation 3 Lots:
Ancient Greek Home
Ancient Greek Home 2 (updated with a flower growing room)
Ancient Greek Agora (Retail - Partially Furnished)
Ancient Greek Gymnasium (Gym)
Ancient Greek Temple (Generic)

After finally figuring out how to move poor Matteo into his new house with the "right" amount of funds, he takes a moment to look at the sea.

He then heads forlornly to "explore" his new domicile. He's sad because he missed his birthday, of course. But he'll get over it, eventually.

Since we have no servant yet, poor Matty has to make his own dinner. Miraculously, he doesn't set the house on fire.

He then has a very lonely dinner. At which point, he has to pee... and I figure out I royally messed up the house I built for this generation... I put in stuff that doesn't work off-the-grid. So I have to fix all of that, take down the "bad" version, and put up a new one. Fun. Then he can pee. LOL.

We buy the retail lot I put next door, and stock it with as close to appropriate stuff to sell as I can find in the catalog. Spoiler: it's pouring rain... and it's an outdoor market.

Oh, look, Skyor's youngest sister grew up.. and is shopping here. Long way from Sulani, eh...?

Aha! One of the teenage girl sims I madeover for spouse potentials shows up. And it's the one I don't particularly like. Meet Helle. Just then, the rain turned to thunderstorm, and in fear for poor Matty, we went to meet the rest of the girls at the neighbor house.

There's also a "mom" and "dad" (although technically they're only related to the one teen... I'll explain and introduce the girls next post.) .. and nobody really invites poor Matty in.. so we go home.

We call a young adult we met at the market, and invite her over. He's flexing his non-existent arm muscles, and I had to take a picture while laughing my rear end off.

We move her in as our chosen "servant" .. and give her a peasant-looking makeover. Her name is Madelyn the Loner. (Loner, Active, ? - and wants to be an actress. Sorry, Maddy.)

Matty needs fun.. so we add a Llama game (because it's surely been around since then... lol)

While Madelyn gets put to work instantly.

By this time, I'd decided to try flower arranging as our money making skill for this gen (switched from plain old retail..).. and so I re-do the store room as two rooms, putting in an indoor flower garden in the second.

Then we get Matteo busy on crafting. He seems confused by it. Maybe he should have paid attention to his mom's gardening more.

More laundry. It never ends!

That black lump in the chair is Madelyn - I swear. She set the kitchen on fire as well as herself, so Matteo saved her and most of the kitchen. She had to remake dinner.

We meet my favorite of the girls, Tryphosa... isn't she just adorable?

I have them do some stargazing until they're friends.. then I try to do some more skilling and selling.

Spoiler: Skilling works, selling - not so much. I try to sell the flowers at the retail store/market.. they sell eventually - but not for much - and they keep wilting. This is so not working. With everything that keeps going wrong with my plans, I decide to re-think the whole generation rules.... and also to restart the entire generation. I save Madelyn, because I like her - and the teen family. Then I take an extended break while I try to figure out what to do (and to calm down). Yet again. The above rules have been edited for what they're going to be as of the next post, when I start over, so I won't be re-posting them next post other than to have a little abbreviated goal box. See you then!

Chapter 2.5 | Chapter 3.2


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I am a 45 year old American wife, mother, and gamer. I’ve lived in the Midwest most of my life, and enjoy it for the changing seasons. My favorite movie is Labyrinth, my favorite game is Sims 4, and I have tattoos related to both. My favorite colors are purple, red, and green. When I’m not playing games (which is rare) I also enjoy reading and crafting. I’m also an animal lover, and have had many types of pets over the years. Currently, I have a dog named Cassie who is a Jack Russel / Beagle mix and three young fancy rats (all of whom are rescues). I run this Sims 4 Blog where I post screenshots and stories about the different challenges I play. Also here are the Sims 4 challenges I've written, and a place for me to store all the Sims 4 knowledge I've gotten over the years. I am also a Sims 4/variety streamer on Twitch for my mental health, fun, and to meet new people. I have also recently been accepted to the EA Creator Network, which is a dream come true! I look forward to meeting you!
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