My Builds

One of my favorite things to do in Sims is building. Even when my brain isn’t working well enough to play a challenge, I can still build. So I’ve amassed a rather large (in my opinion) collection of builds I’m actually proud enough of to share. They’re up on the gallery, but as we all know, the Gallery pictures never show the true beauty of a lot… so I want to add some pictures to show them off on this blog. This is a section that is very much still in-progress, though, so bear with me as I work on it over the next few months.

Some things to check out in this section: progress on my Save Files, my Historical Builds, pages devoted to showing off the channel point redeem builds I have done for other people, and my #100daycreativity builds.


Pages Included:

Save Files

Save Files
Yes, I have finally started on a full save file. Actually, two of them. I want to be as inclusive as possible, so I will be publishing what I call a “Base Game + 1” Save file, as well as my “Dream” save file. The “Base Game + 1” will be literally each build with only the absolutely required packs. So, a Haunted mansion in Forgotten Hollow would be Base Game + Vampires + Paranormal. A Club in Windenburg would be Base Game + Get Together…. And nothing else. I will be using the same building shell for each save file, but changing the packs used to decorate. There will also be sims included, most of which will come from my Twitch community. I will be including some empty lots (for legacies, or whatever), and some starter lots as well.  Now, I will warn you…. This is NOT going to be an instant sort of thing. I have only just begun working on this, and as of January 1st, 2022 - I am at about 8% complete. If you’re interested to see where I am now, check out my tracking spreadsheet, here: Thrall's Save File Project. I will be keeping that document up-to-date as I go.

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Historical Builds

Historical Builds
I am currently working on my test play-through of my Timeline Adventure Challenge, as well as my (three) Decades Challenges… so I’ve been publishing a lot of historical-based builds on the gallery. I figure it’s about time to start showing them off to people. So, here we go. Over the next few months, I will be adding to this category so you can see the builds. I am sorry that at launch, this category will be mostly empty, but I hope to publish at least 1-2 lots a week until I get through the backlog of builds I have piled up.

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Timeline Adventure Builds

Timeline Adventure Builds
I am currently working on my test play-through of my Timeline Adventure Challenge, as well as my (three) Decades Challenges… so I’ve been publishing a lot of historical-based builds on the gallery. Originally, I had my Timeline Adventure Builds listed in the Historical build category, but since I will eventually be doing a save file of all of them, I figured they deserved their own category. Beyond that, I am also in the process of updating all of these lots and re-uploading for the new packs and base game features - like ceilings. Will try to post some pictures as I upload the new edits of each lot.

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100 Day Creativity Builds

100 Day Creativity Builds
When I wrote my #100daycreativity challenge, I wrote it for me to play. So it only makes sense that I show off what I’ve done while playing along. The best way I’ve found to get better at something is doing it... And CAS is my worst area, so that’s why I included both CAS and my favorite thing - building - in the challenge. Eventually, I plan to get through all 100 builds and sims. Wish me luck…

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Thrall's BAW Builds

Thrall's BAW Builds
My newest obsession is a Build A World Challenge that someone asked me to adopt. I liked the challenge so much that I started one of my own, and will be building lots to suit as I go. Basically, the challenge is to fill all of the Sims 4 worlds with your own houses, commercial lots, and sims. This includes all the special and locked-build lots, so I will be uploading those, as well. Obviously, since this is a new thing, it may take me a while to start getting the builds up here, but I'll try to remember to at least post the four shells I currently have in play....

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Channel Point Redeem Builds

Channel Point Redeem Builds
On my Twitch channel, you earn Channel Points, and I have a bunch of different things you can use them for. Several of these are custom builds. I will build you a shell of a home (either small or large) in whatever style you wish, with a floor plan, and based on whichever packs you actually have. I will also decorate a room in either my Bed and Breakfast build or my Apartment building for you based on whatever thing you’d like. Lastly, I also offer a fully decorated house, or community lot to your specifications. However, I’ve been terrible about showing these off, and in the next few months, I want to start showing them off for everyone, not just for the person they were made for, so expect to start seeing them posted under this category!

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Random Builds

Random Builds
What can I say? Sometimes I build just to build. Whether it’s for someone else’s shell challenge, or just because I feel like building, I do have some semi- random builds out there that I’d like to show off. This is where I will do that.

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I am a 45 year old American wife, mother, and gamer. I’ve lived in the Midwest most of my life, and enjoy it for the changing seasons. My favorite movie is Labyrinth, my favorite game is Sims 4, and I have tattoos related to both. My favorite colors are purple, red, and green. When I’m not playing games (which is rare) I also enjoy reading and crafting. I’m also an animal lover, and have had many types of pets over the years. Currently, I have a dog named Cassie who is a Jack Russel / Beagle mix and three young fancy rats (all of whom are rescues). I run this Sims 4 Blog where I post screenshots and stories about the different challenges I play. Also here are the Sims 4 challenges I've written, and a place for me to store all the Sims 4 knowledge I've gotten over the years. I am also a Sims 4/variety streamer on Twitch for my mental health, fun, and to meet new people. I have also recently been accepted to the EA Creator Network, which is a dream come true! I look forward to meeting you!
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