Plumbobbing Through Time - Chapter 2.3

Chapter 2.2 | Chapter 2.4

An abbreviated version of our goals for this generation:

  • Finish aspiration: Outdoor Enthusiast on Skyor
  • Skills to max: Cooking, Gardening, Wellness, Herbalism.
  • At least two children
  • Only child boys can go to school
  • Heirs traits will be: Ambitious, Snob, Genius

Okay.. so where were we?... Working on Herbalism.

Oops. Marl looks so bored, but she's the one who saved Skyor's life.

As a thank-you, Skyor practices his massages on Marl. Which, thankfully, gives her a whole bunch of positive moodlets.

Why Thankfully? ... Because we're expecting.

Baby time! Will it be a boy? (I want a boy for heir.)

Well hi there! Guess our timer has started, because this little guy will be our heir.

I really want to move these guys to the bigger house, but we can't afford it yet, so I put all of Skyor's skilling on hold and have him work basically day and night on bathtubs to sell. I think my main reason for wanting to move is that I want to move a servant in to take care of things like laundry and cleaning so Marl doesn't have to.

...See? He barely even gets time to sleep!

I swear, he rolled Angelic..

Oh, he's adorable! Let's hope he doesn't grow up with skinny upper arms like the last generation did.. Although, I'll be honest, I'm really coming to like Skyor, despite his faults.

MM... Baked Potatoes. .. Or maybe I'm just hungry.

However, Now that Marl has cooking maxed, that's one of our skill goals done, and when we move, the servant can now do all the cooking. Hooray!

Daddy needed fun, so he plays with Matteo for a little bit.

Then he's back to the grind. We're getting close, though!

Matteo: "Oopsie. Sowwy Mommy..."

This is what I get when I'm too busy with other things than watching the toddlers.

Uh-oh. That last social/fun Try for Baby seems to have worked. Well, that's our second kid. Soon as it's born, we can cross that off, too.

I don't have any idea whether they had flash cards back then, but they should have. Matteo loves these things.

With barely enough - off we go!! I even managed it before the second baby was born.

.. Barely. Marl looks about ready to pop in this picture. I ended up making two servants, because this is such a big house, it made sense to me to have a second servant. The girl is Thalia the Neat, and the guy is Amir the Handy.

I quickly figure out that the second servant was a mistake. It's just too many adults to be keeping track of. I start trying to figure out what to do with him, because I worked hard on making him and I don't want to just kick him out.

I told you we barely got in before the second kid. Marl easily births a little girl who we name Samara the Meek. The descriptor wasn't my idea, it was my hubby's, because, quite frankly, I'm running out of ideas. LOL.

Thalia doing what she's supposed to. Cleaning. Saving Marl so much time and energy.

Wellness turns out to be an annoying skill to work on. He doesn't get much in the way of fun from doing yoga, and he loses hygiene like crazy. I give him a break to eat with his wife.

I finally figure out what to do with Amir. Marl invites her sister, Zarra, over, and we start getting the two together.

While I'm busy with that, Marl works on her gardening...

.. And, since I wasn't watching her, I'm completely surprised by this popping up. Yay! Another skill marked off. Which means that Marl is done with her skills.

Having them Try for Baby a couple times, hoping to have little cousins.

Then - just because I have a feeling it'll be a "yes" and I didn't want Zarra to leave without Amir, I hurry up and pop the question. She agrees, and we get the move in box.

One less servant to worry about. Thank goodness.

Samara grows up and gets her makeover. She is so cute!

Matteo gets a bath, while Marl complains a little bit about the laundry. I mean, I would too, when someone is supposed to be doing that for you.

Guess what, honey?? There's another one on the way!! Skyor seems happy with it, which is a good thing, because it's happening whether he likes it or not!

I've had him working on his skills a little bit each day, trying to get closer to "done".

I contemplate making that Fertility Elixir, but we really don't need twins. I'm having enough trouble with the toddlers I have!

The only thing Skyor has left for his aspiration is sleeping in a tent for 5 nights. He's at 4/5 and I've tried three different times to get it with no luck. Something keeps interrupting him or it just doesn't count... I dunno, but it's exceedingly annoying. We'll try again after he wears himself out on yoga.

Baby #3 incoming! I feel so bad for Marl, she keeps ending up giving birth all by herself.

We got another little girl, named Maliyah the Misfit. And somehow, the birth didn't wake up Skyor.

So... finally....

We can delete that darn tent in the cow pasture. Not that we have cows.. but, you know. The point stands. It's supposed to be for the animals!

What does that leave us? ....Lots of time for Matteo to grow up, and Wellness for Skyor to max. (He's at level 7 now I think, and we have plenty of time.)

Chapter 2.2 | Chapter 2.4


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I am a 45 year old American wife, mother, and gamer. I’ve lived in the Midwest most of my life, and enjoy it for the changing seasons. My favorite movie is Labyrinth, my favorite game is Sims 4, and I have tattoos related to both. My favorite colors are purple, red, and green. When I’m not playing games (which is rare) I also enjoy reading and crafting. I’m also an animal lover, and have had many types of pets over the years. Currently, I have a dog named Cassie who is a Jack Russel / Beagle mix and three young fancy rats (all of whom are rescues). I run this Sims 4 Blog where I post screenshots and stories about the different challenges I play. Also here are the Sims 4 challenges I've written, and a place for me to store all the Sims 4 knowledge I've gotten over the years. I am also a Sims 4/variety streamer on Twitch for my mental health, fun, and to meet new people. I have also recently been accepted to the EA Creator Network, which is a dream come true! I look forward to meeting you!
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