Ramblers House 010 Chapter 8

February 29, 2020

House 010 Chapter 7 < | > House 011 Chapter 1

First, we need to see what our new goals are:

House 010 Building Goals:
2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom home worth at least $50k Simoleons
*Include a pool and a designated personal workout area
House 010 Generational Goals:
Max Wellness Skill
Max Gourmet Cooking Skill
Eat "healthy" for the whole generation
Raise the heir to Young Adult age (teen now - 7 days to go)

So, all I have left to do is finish the generation! That means 7 days to go of just watching my sims do their stuff.

We start.. with Karson being a "good" ghost and not breaking the plumbing. For a change.

Zara working out...

While Blaze naps in the hot tub. Again.

Cassidy is trying to max fitness, while Cayden tries to distract her...

And Keon is getting into trouble by cooking on the grill while chatting with Trevor. At least he didn't burn down the house.

We get the kids all in bed.. and they get autonomously flirty.. so I let them woohoo. Luckily it doesn't kill Keon, or I would have felt really bad.

Blaze comes home very tense.. and finds the best place to work out his tension.

He then tries out the Wellness skill. Briefly.

Zara is constantly attacking this poor bear. I feel bad for him!

Blaze is in another mood... but at least the rest of the family seems to be behaving.

Cassidy joins Blaze in some relaxation techniques.

Wow, the entire family in one place at one time. I'm impressed.

Trevor using the pool. I swear, there's always someone in a swimsuit in this house.

Blaze tries working out. Spoiler: he doesn't do all that well.. but he does get to Fitness level 3.

Well, if you have to go, Keon, at least you're doing it surrounded by family.

His death hits the family hard, though.... and I'll definitely miss him, too. He was a great spouse and dad!

Everyone.. except Zara.. is sound asleep.

... but at least she's doing homework. Good girl.

Winterfest is the day after Keon dies. I feel so bad for the family, since it has to be a miserable holiday. I try to make the best of it, though.

Grand breakfast.. but the kids don't seem to be all that interested in sitting at the table. Notice all the mopey faces.

Opening presents. Everyone seems to be pretty happy with what they get - except Trevor. You can see the disgust on his face.. but I'm not sure why, he got a Future Cube. I put out most the presents for them to use, but nobody ever does. Typical.

Brynlee stops over.. and I notice that Cassidy can negotiate for a bonus.. which she does successfully.

Since it's Winterfest, I send the whole family out to volunteer, thinking that I might get Blaze's empathy trait up.

... What I get is reputation for Cassidy.

Zara finds a way to skip the second volunteering session... and I quickly decide it will be too much trouble to get Blaze's trait up, so this is the last time they volunteer.

Father Winter stops by.. only to gorge himself on spoiled breakfast. Yum?

I forget what the present was, but at least she got one.

If you look closely, you'll notice that poor Cassidy is sick. I order her some medicine, and she's all better in a hurry. I didn't want anyone else getting all spotty.

Welcome back, Keon!!

The kids all get home from school.

.. And Cayden manages to get an A at the very last possible moment.

Because today, there's a cake waiting for him.

Vampire? Hm. Not a productive aspiration, there, Cayden.

But he's definitely the nicest-looking of the kids so far, in my opinion.

Playing with the last Child in the house. He won't age up before the twins do, so we'll have to wait to see what he looks like when we're in the next house.

It's "Night on the Town".. so I send the whole family out to eat.

Blaze seems to be particularly full of himself on this evening.

And poor Cayden doesn't make it through the dinner without passing out.

Dinner arrives.. and everyone gets heart bubbles above their head about the food, so I guess the salad and water was good?

... While Cayden chooses to pick his up and eat it standing. Weird kid.

When we get home, Zara is enraged and very sleepy.. but I'm still worried about her, and try to talk her out of her mood. It doesn't work, though, and she ends up going to bed ticked off.. but survives.

Trevor loves mommy. So cute.

The next day, I manage to get Cassidy through my last goal for her... (personal goal, not house goal..)

.. And we max fitness. Finally. And with only moments to spare.

... Because it's the twins' birthday.

.. Oh... boy. What a set of traits. I'm sorta afraid to find out what this kid gets to do next house!

I don't forget Zara...

... And here's her traits.

I quickly pause, save, and start taking the end-of-house pics... so here's Cassidy's ending stats:

She really did well in her career!

Six maxed skills! Woohoo!

... And here's how many books Blaze stole during his school years. LOL. Looks like I'll be cleaning out his inventory, for sure. I didn't bother to check how many plates he stole, but it was probably quite a few.

Final house value.

And final funds/family panel. See you Monday for the next house! I can't wait!!

House 010 Chapter 7 < | > House 011 Chapter 1


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I am a 45 year old American wife, mother, and gamer. I’ve lived in the Midwest most of my life, and enjoy it for the changing seasons. My favorite movie is Labyrinth, my favorite game is Sims 4, and I have tattoos related to both. My favorite colors are purple, red, and green. When I’m not playing games (which is rare) I also enjoy reading and crafting. I’m also an animal lover, and have had many types of pets over the years. Currently, I have a dog named Cassie who is a Jack Russel / Beagle mix and three young fancy rats (all of whom are rescues). I run this Sims 4 Blog where I post screenshots and stories about the different challenges I play. Also here are the Sims 4 challenges I've written, and a place for me to store all the Sims 4 knowledge I've gotten over the years. I am also a Sims 4/variety streamer on Twitch for my mental health, fun, and to meet new people. I have also recently been accepted to the EA Creator Network, which is a dream come true! I look forward to meeting you!
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