Ramblers House 011 Chapter 1

March 2, 2020

House 010 Chapter 8 < | > House 011 Chapter 2

First, we need to see what our new goals are:

House 011 Building Goals:
2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom home worth at least $50k Simoleons
*Include a designated party space
House 011 Generational Goals:
Complete the Master Mixologist Aspiration
Achieve Level 10 of the Mixologist branch of the Culinary Career
Craft Each one of the following potions:
Confident, Energized, Flirty, Focused, Happy, and Inspired
Raise the heir to Young Adult age and give them the Mean trait

Looks like we get to build a bar, finally. I ended up building a bowling alley bar. Might as well use the pack I bought so long ago and hardly ever use, right? Plus, it sounded like a fun thing for my future drifters to do. Anyway, here it is:

I really like how it turned out. It is uploaded under the #drifterchallenge hashtag, and it's called Turkey Bowling Lanes.

Then, we send our heir, Blaze, through CAS - because, let's face it, I have to look at him for the rest of the generation.

I went with the glasses he wears to bed, and since a lot of the clothes he had picked out for himself were red, I figured that might be his favorite color, so I went with it. He's quite a handsome fellow!

He then moves out to his new lot, Umbrage Manor, and we roll for lot traits:

Ugh. Sunny aspect is what annoyed me so much last house. ... And mean vibe? (And what am I supposed to do with the science lair.. lol!)

His inventory is cleared out, and here's how he starts:

I'm going to have fun trying to get him a toilet in time! Eeeks.

After all that.. we change his aspiration, because he needs to complete the Mixology one... and we're ready to play.

We start with harvesting everything possible in the area. Because 0 simoleons is the pits.

Oh, yeah! This area has a public bathroom! Guess the toilet won't be an issue after all!

Blaze finishes his bathroom trip, and we get him his Culinary job.. which, thanks to his High School "A", he gets level 3 in.

We then spend the rest of the day fishing. Mostly useless stuff, but we did fish up a voodoo doll to give us 950 simoleons, though. That's always appreciated!

Poor Blaze spends his first day soaking wet, and the night doesn't get any better for him when I find a nearby bench for him to sleep on.

It's still pouring the next day, so Blaze visits the bathroom, and eats some mushrooms he found the day before.

Then, it occurs to me that because it's pouring, he can actually take a shower, which is a huge success for him, since he's starting to really need one.

Someone cooks baked potatoes, so we "steal" one, and, with that, our needs are full. Time to start looking for spouses.

The first young adult I find is this gal. I'm sure she would bring nice genetics in, but I'm not sure about her traits.

We keep looking.

It's Monday, and he has to go to work soon, but on his way, I have him go pay his 161 simoleon bills. He manages to find the only mud puddle in the area, though, so he'll be going to work filthy.

I also have him plant the beginnings of his garden in the middle of the night when he gets home from work - but it's ok, because he wasn't really tired yet. Back to a night on the local bench, and another day has passed.

We find another young adult, who is very pretty.. and Mom even seems to like her.

But, again, I'm not sure about her traits.

Blaze somehow gets past my iron will control, and buys himself a cupcake, but can't finish it because he ends up face first into the sidewalk. Serves him right.

After a nap, I have him eat a much healthier Grilled Fruit meal - which also helps his Cooking out, which he needs for a promotion.

I guess being a Klepto isn't a horrible thing - at least he keeps stealing books that he can read for fun!

A gorgeous day for fishing.. although I'm not sure Blaze agrees with me.

Since we have money in the bank (more than needed for traveling, that's for sure).. we send him to the new bar. We try to get him to tend bar, but he keeps route failing, so eventually I give up and just start looking at the bar patrons. Unfortunately, it's Ghost Night, so not many of them are suitable.

We do, however, run into this "bar regular" (literally, that's her job. pretty sure she'll lose it if we marry her, though) named Ariana, who seems to like us.. and has some nice traits.

The next day, I finally get around to spending some of Blaze's hard-earned money, and we buy him the bar he needs for his aspiration, and the start of a kitchen. He gets going on his Mixology, and I get him up to promotion level, which is awesome.

I do also buy him a bed - a decent one - and he gets his first good night's sleep since he took over as Heir. Poor guy. It's over halfway through the first week by this point!

I take him out for Love Day, and invite Ariana along.. but she ditches him as soon as they get to the restaurant. So I wander around looking for other options.. and we find this pretty girl.

... But again, I don't like her traits near as much as I like Ariana's.

The next day, it's POURING - again.... so he can't eat from the fridge because it's broken. Again. (Or still??) .. So I buy him some walls.. and a real bathroom so he can stop running across the road to the public one.

Mom stops by before we head off to work, and she's overjoyed that her son is doing so well. We notice that she's turned grey since we left, but that's the way time goes by. Blaze leaves for work...

.. and mom decides to clean house. I'm ok with this.

She then finds the nearest mud puddle and has some fun before deciding it's past time to go home.

Well, it's not Love Day anymore... but with having a "real" house now, we invite Ariana over to see whether she likes us "that way" or not.

.. Um, sorry, Mom.. we're busy.

First kiss.. and a "yes" to being our girlfriend... I really like this girl. Blaze seems to agree with me.

I send them to the shower to get some good "clean" fun. (sorry, I had to...)

And then, just for the heck of it, and just before Blaze has to work - we propose. I actually put some thought into letting this be the last picture of the update, and leave you guys with a cliff-hanger, but I just couldn't be that mean.

She agrees! Which just points to the fact that she was the "Right" choice - the courtship went by pretty much perfectly. (If you don't count getting stood up on Love Day at the restaurant.)

Blaze clearly approves of the choice. I love his eyebrow in this picture.

I hurry up and get them married, and move her in. What a smile on her face! She comes with 20k but we're good and cheat it all away.

Anyway, here's her traits and aspiration. She should be a great spouse!

Blaze heads off for work, and Ariana meets our teenaged brother, Cayden, and has a short chat.

... Then she decides to read our ill-gotten books before bed, making herself at home.

This is where I leave you, because it's now Monday.. which means that I went a whole day past where I was supposed to stop, but I was having so much fun! I can't wait until Friday when I get to play some more!

House 010 Chapter 8 < | > House 011 Chapter 2


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I am a 45 year old American wife, mother, and gamer. I’ve lived in the Midwest most of my life, and enjoy it for the changing seasons. My favorite movie is Labyrinth, my favorite game is Sims 4, and I have tattoos related to both. My favorite colors are purple, red, and green. When I’m not playing games (which is rare) I also enjoy reading and crafting. I’m also an animal lover, and have had many types of pets over the years. Currently, I have a dog named Cassie who is a Jack Russel / Beagle mix and three young fancy rats (all of whom are rescues). I run this Sims 4 Blog where I post screenshots and stories about the different challenges I play. Also here are the Sims 4 challenges I've written, and a place for me to store all the Sims 4 knowledge I've gotten over the years. I am also a Sims 4/variety streamer on Twitch for my mental health, fun, and to meet new people. I have also recently been accepted to the EA Creator Network, which is a dream come true! I look forward to meeting you!
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