Ramblers House 010 Chapter 7

February 25, 2020

House 010 Chapter 6 < | > House 010 Chapter 8

First, we need to see what our new goals are:

House 010 Building Goals:
2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom home worth at least $50k Simoleons (at about 47k)
*Include a pool and a designated personal workout area
House 010 Generational Goals:
Max Wellness Skill
Max Gourmet Cooking Skill
Eat "healthy" for the whole generation
Raise the heir to Young Adult age (teen now)

Time for posting yesterday's play session, since it was Monday.

I start the week out with trying to max Wellness for our goals.

And... success! One more goal complete.

Now let's play "watch how long it takes for someone to pick up the sippy cup."

Oh, yeah, there's another skill maxed. Woohoo.

This family.. LOVES.. the pool.

Um... thanks for doing your homework.. but please don't wake your brother?

Sippy cup count: 2. And they're still there. Cassidy is upgrading the sink.. and Zara is actually cleaning. No idea what Keon is doing.

... Still there. I love Cayden's face in this one. He really hates messes.

Trying to get Blaze's skills up so he can get an "A". For some reason, the game is just not cooperating.

Sure, beat up the bear. Poor thing!

Look closely. Sippy cups STILL there. While Blaze is washing his bowl as if nothing is wrong.

Trevor.. that face.. gosh, he's so cute. Despite the fact he's filthy.

Zara says hi to ghostly grandpa.

"What'cha doin mommy??" ..

"Upgrading the toilet so I don't have to clean it anymore."

Karson.. really? You had to break it?

See, look, you upset Cayden.

Cassidy keeps autonomously painting. I guess it's ok, but I don't really need the money.

Another spar for work. This time Keon doesn't do as badly, despite the fact he's now an elder.

... Not a particularly appropriate place to teach him to talk, there, Keon. Right in the puddle.

Blaze comes home enraged, and, worried about him, I have Cassidy get him to work out his frustrations. Literally.

Clearly one run wasn't enough....

Then I notice that Zara is Mortified, and needs to go for a run too.

... Then it starts snowing. Could things get any weirder?

Blaze zonks out. Thank goodness this isn't an ISBI.. and Zara is now filthy from her run. Six sims and one bathroom is starting to cause problems.

Instead of taking a bath, both teens decide to take a nap in the hot tub. I leave them, since both are pretty miserable.

I keep forgetting Trevor is wild. Until moments like these. Somehow I don't think right past the military honors is the best place to go streaking, though.. LOL.

Really, Blaze?  .. Please don't start a fire...

*cuddles the cute toddler* .. Holy crap he's really just adorable.

Zara was clearly swimming. This family seems to be in their swimsuits at least half the time.

Blaze survives. His food is "poor" though. Why didn't he just get something out of the fridge? Who knows.

We've been invaded!! (In other words, it's harvestfest.)

She heads to the bathroom.. only to bladder fail and go for a bath. Yeah. The one bathroom thing is getting old. But I don't really have room to put it in the house. So they'll have to suffer.

AWWW... Blaze reads to his little brother.

..Then Zara plays with him. At least the teens are finally not miserable.

The end of fall, it's cold outside.. and Trevor is nekkid by the pool. Sigh.

Blaze shows off some pictures, and Zara listens intently. They both grew up so cute.

... Someone (Blaze) is in the pool again. Which makes him go to school in his swim trunks.

Now, see, Cayden has the right idea. Eat before school, not swim.

Keon is really such a good Dad. I find him taking care of Trevor all the time.

... This looks familiar. Although it was Blaze on the floor yesterday. And yes, Blaze is AGAIN in a mood that makes me send him out running. Where he pulls yet another muscle and I can't get him to do anything else for the rest of the day.

However, it's now a moot point, because he's at least got his A.

Blaze asking for advice, while mom plays with the clay. If you look closely, you can see Trevor using his potty all by himself like a big boy.

Trick-or-treaters keep showing up for Spooky Day, so Cassidy gives them treats.

Keon seems to like the sauna. Nobody else uses it.

Zara finally decides not to take her anger out on the poor bear, and finally finds the spar dummy.

Blaze plays with Trevor.. and Cassidy just stands around doing nothing.

Blaze then finds the trainer, as well.

Happy Birthday, Trevor!

Self-Assured. That's not too bad.

.. And just look at that smirk. He's gonna be a cutie.

I update the toddler's room to make a room for Zara, as the only girl.. and I add a computer to the mix.

...That Keon immediately appropriates.

..Which reminds me to check the value. Complete!

Karson visits again, and I notice Keon is REALLY skinny in the background. (He's also playing with the dollhouse ... by himself. What..?)

Blaze loses bladder control.. darn that line for the bathroom. *frown* They'll survive.

And on that note, it's the end of the week for them. So it's time for me to wrap up this post. See you next time for the last week in this house!

House 010 Chapter 6 < | > House 010 Chapter 8


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I am a 45 year old American wife, mother, and gamer. I’ve lived in the Midwest most of my life, and enjoy it for the changing seasons. My favorite movie is Labyrinth, my favorite game is Sims 4, and I have tattoos related to both. My favorite colors are purple, red, and green. When I’m not playing games (which is rare) I also enjoy reading and crafting. I’m also an animal lover, and have had many types of pets over the years. Currently, I have a dog named Cassie who is a Jack Russel / Beagle mix and three young fancy rats (all of whom are rescues). I run this Sims 4 Blog where I post screenshots and stories about the different challenges I play. Also here are the Sims 4 challenges I've written, and a place for me to store all the Sims 4 knowledge I've gotten over the years. I am also a Sims 4/variety streamer on Twitch for my mental health, fun, and to meet new people. I have also recently been accepted to the EA Creator Network, which is a dream come true! I look forward to meeting you!
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