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Welcome back! Wow It's been a while since I played these guys... so ... point check..
Current Points: 120 -30 Passing out -10 Fire! -5 Wetting self +25 Aspiration milestones completed +30 Births +40 Grades +30 NTH sims reaching the top of a career (Teen and YA/A/E) +20 Positive Traits Earned by NTHs +10 Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation +10 Not using spares' Satisfaction Reward points for an entire generation
.. and here we go...
Some family time.
Getting Branden to his level 3 skill for an A.
Look who's an elder?
And who then stole a piece of cake before I could trash it. Naughty Sim.
Ashlie is still such a good mom. Here she is helping with homework on her own.
Alan autonomously playing with Brittney.
Maeve is haunting. And breaking everything. Fun.
Alan's first outbreak work event.
All fixed! Time to go back to work.
Got this notice while at work.
Alan finishing up a surgery. I'm still having trouble with the last tier promotion - getting 5 correct diagnoses - but I think from what some friends have said it's because his logic skill isn't high enough for good cures.
Hi again Dominic!
Ashlie having some fun after work.
Helping with homework when I can.
The first critically ill patient shows up.
And Our second "A" .. that's +10 points for today.
Oops. I forgot Brittney's birthday.. or, well she aged before I could cake her.
She takes her teen career.. and an interesting trait set.
Becca makes it to the cake.
Both twins are gorgeous.
... So two hot heads and an Evil sim. *facepalm* what a generation.
Getting Brittney's skills up for school.
Branden decides he wants to cook. Please don't start a fire. Spoiler: he doesn't.
A pretty good week.. if uneventful. One week left to play until I put up an heir poll... so, see you next post. Also... Alan should get his last promotion the next week. And his birthday to elder.. so I may simply retire him. They have plenty of funds.
Our points. +10 for grades. Yay!
Current Points: 130 -30 Passing out -10 Fire! -5 Wetting self +25 Aspiration milestones completed +30 Births +50 Grades +30 NTH sims reaching the top of a career (Teen and YA/A/E) +20 Positive Traits Earned by NTHs +10 Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation +10 Not using spares' Satisfaction Reward points for an entire generation
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Oh the days of being above 100 points! Great job with all the kiddos, I think they are adorable, and super successful so far! They are an interesting mix of traits for sure....of course Evil can be a little subjective. Yuri vs Alan. 😀
But I love Yuri! And I hated the Doctor career so Alan lost his "shine" pretty quickly.
Oh I love both my Evil boys, but Yuri fits Alan (which I just realized was both of our A-gen heirs lol) hardly fits evil. He's cute sweet with everyone. lol
That is funny we both got Alans for heirs.