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Welcome back! point check..
Current Points: 130 -30 Passing out -10 Fire! -5 Wetting self +25 Aspiration milestones completed +30 Births +50 Grades +30 NTH sims reaching the top of a career (Teen and YA/A/E) +20 Positive Traits Earned by NTHs +10 Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation +10 Not using spares' Satisfaction Reward points for an entire generation
.. and here we go... (I realize it's been a while since I played.. but apparently I left these guys in the middle of their week, so I'll take stock of where they are when I get to that point.)
Branden's got breakfast.
Brittney's doing homework all by herself.
Becca's napping...
Ashley's watching the news... while in the background, Alan is working on his logic.
Brittney decides to clean house for a while (which I'm definitely not going to complain about.)
While Branden checks on the family board.
Becca apparently decides that graveside is the best place to start a workout...?
... And in the background of that screenshot, I notice Ashley breaking our computer. Thanks.
...Hey. You better not set anything on fire, there, girlie.
Alan goes to fix the aforementioned computer.
Ashley helps Branden with homework, while Becca wolfs down her successful meal.
Brittney comes home in a mood. Ugh. Spoiler: she survives.
An upstairs chat.
A miserable Alan gets home from work...
With his final promotion! Yay! That means he can call off work for the rest of the generation!
Trying to get Becca's Logic skill to 3 so she can get an "A" in school. It doesn't happen this night.
Alan helps Becca with homework.. and apparently the middle of the hallway is where we do it.
And.. here's where I apparently got so bored I took a three month break. LOL. Moving on....
Ashley autonomously cleans the dishes.
Then goes to chat with Becca.
..... And here's where I go a little off the "rails".... i.e. I stop playing, and wonder why I'm disliking this family so much. My conclusion: I HATE their house. And it's not like they don't have 70k+ in the bank.... So when everyone goes to school/work except for Alan, I painstakingly put everything into the family inventory and pull down all the walls/floors/roofs.... and start completely over. Nearly 7 hours of work later - this is the result.
I bought very little in the way of new furniture, mostly bathroom stuff for the new bathrooms and some decor and kitchen counters. They're down to about 10k, which should give them a nice buffer zone to start the next generation. The house, by the way, was pulled from floorplans I found online, with some tweaks and minor changes to account for Sims building logic.
And then.. when I load the house the next morning... all the sims come home in the middle of work/school. I hate it when that happens. 🙁 ... But oh, well, let's see what everyone does first in the new house!
Becca takes a shower upstairs...
Ashley chooses to stand around outside for a couple hours... (apparently she isn't into change?...)
Brittney avails herself of the new tub in the master bath...
... And Branden immediately breaks the TV and finds the lump of clay. Sigh. Least he could have done was fix it.. wait. no. he probably would have been electrocuted. Nevermind!
Becca then decides to try out her cooking skills... or lack thereof. Luckily, she doesn't burn down the house. (I also bought a fire extinguisher box, so they should be good there..)
I swear, I didn't tell them to do this.
Ashley finally comes inside... and I start worriedly wondering if the dining room is too far away from the kitchen for the sims to route to it.
Well... that's not a room I expected them to use...
Alan fixes the TV... Branden finds the clay. Again. And Brittney is just in the way.
Well, perhaps I ought to move the stereo so they're not in the middle of the hallway dancing. They look to be having fun, though.
... This is where I breathe a HUGE sigh of relief that they will use the dining room. I was dreading having to rearrange and move it.
Becca does her homework while Alan eats and tries to distract her with conversation.
Then I start Alan in on the laborious process of upgrading ALL the new plumbing. Since he can.
Ashley.. there's food in the fridge.. why are you eating cereal?? .. Also.. someone set the table?
Is this a group project now? Also: Hi Damien! (Wait.. that is his name, isn't it?... nope.. it's Dominic. Sigh.)
Alan needs fun. so let's test out this new shower. Awkward moment, however, because if you look closely... the toilet is floating....
.. Because apparently Dominic has no shame. HAHA!
Family gathering while Alan tries to get Becca that pesky level 3 logic. This time we get her there.
Ashley's age bar is bubbling.. and what does she do? .. Goes to try out the basketball hoop. As you do...
... That's not where you do your homework.
... at least that's closer to the right spot. Apparently I need to buy some desks.
Wait.. sims will autonomously practice debate now?? Too bad it's not Charisma.
Ashley chooses to nap instead of actually go to bed. And if you look closely, you can see that Becca has bugged out/glitched, and is stuck in the bathroom behind Ashley. resetsim doesn't work, I end up having to rearrange the plumbing fixtures to get her out of there so she can stumble to bed. Luckily, I don't lose any points for an energy fail, because she makes it to bed.
Oh... no.. Ashley. While EVERYONE is asleep, too. What a way to wake up in the morning. 🙁
Alien Urns are so cool. (However, Ashley bugging out and not disappearing from the portrait panel was not cool. Luckily a save/reload fixed the issue.)
... And Grim kicks over our trash can before he leaves. Meanie!
Okay Alan, it's that time!
You've been elder-ify-ed... and yes, I know that's not a word. It is now!
The kids get home from school....
To both getting "A"s. Yay for more points!
Later that night, Brittney gets a promotion, too!
No rest for you, even if you're an elder now. Always something to do.
... And before I turn the household loose on laundry machines.. I fully upgrade them. Have to buy a moodlet solver so I have time enough before Branden's birthday and when I need to pause to go to heir poll.
... However, on the positive side, Alan maxed yet another skill! (And he got another aspiration milestone done, he's earned 75k in his lifetime now.)
We got 25 points this time. I'll count up the traits earned when the teens actually age up, so no points for that yet - also waiting on the rest of the end of generation points. Meanwhile.. it's time for the Heir Poll. Please hit the next page and pick one!!
Current Points: 155 -30 Passing out -10 Fire! -5 Wetting self +30 Aspiration milestones completed +30 Births +60 Grades +40 NTH sims reaching the top of a career (Teen and YA/A/E) +20 Positive Traits Earned by NTHs +10 Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation +10 Not using spares' Satisfaction Reward points for an entire generation
Back to 2.6 < | > On to Heir Poll #2
Wow nice points there! I somehow missed actually reading this and seeing the heir poll, not entirely sure how I did that....Friday brain? 😀
I'll take that as an excuse. lol.