I will be continuing to keep the discord events schedule updated as much as I can (or remember to), but this year, I plan to post schedules on a monthly basis - and most of them will be pretty much the same. If there are major changes on any given week, I will notify on twitter or discord. Additionally, I will be launching my next shell challenge (teaser on the graphic below) on the 1st, so watch for that post!
I did intend to start Asylum back up this month, but I think what I'll do is set up a promotion graphic to try to get some people to make sims for it (because as we all know, I hate making sims!).. and I'll go back to finish my Gen 3 of the RainbowSins challenge for January. As soon as we hit Gen 4, I will then start up the next season of Asylum (hopefully with a bunch of sims I didn't have to make!) My guess is, it will start in February, but I will keep you all informed as to launch dates as I get closer to it.
Also: I do still have some Channel Point builds to do, Furnishing the Ugly Build Challenge, as well as the Restrictions and the Backwards Challenges. I also want to finish the Serious, Silly, and Spooky builds from my birthday stream, so it may be a few weeks before I get back to Supernatural Saturday. Sorry for those (including me) who really like it!
One last note.. what do you all think of the new schedule format? I wanted to make it easy to see which game was where, and try to make it so that the schedule is consistent from week to week. Obviously, if I need a Mental Health Day, I will take it, and let you know on discord and Twitter!