If you did not notice, My schedule is now set up on the "Events" at the top left of the Discord, taken automatically from my Google Calendar, and will reflect last-minute cancellations (as well as me posting about them on Twitter). Hopefully, this will make it a bit easier to know what's coming!
Also: RainyJaynie and I launched our newest shell last week, see the end of this post for more information!
Notes on this coming week: I decided to take a bit of a Sims break. I have quite a bit of Sims filming to do off-stream, so to prevent burnout, I'm going to dive head first into Crusader Kings 3, my #6 Current game - and one that's perilously easy for me to get lost in. If I get bored, I also have several other new games I may or may not play. We'll see.
Lastly, I want to highlight some upcoming dates (posting these on discord, too):
Try something new! Join the November Share the Shell Challenge from Rainy & Thrall. Collab with a friend or ask to be paired. Follow the link for tips and sign-ups: https://forms.gle/CSHbnd7GV4HgaEae8 No personal data is being collected.