Plumbobbing Through Time - Chapter 2.1

Chapter 1.6 | Chapter 2.2

Last time, we finished Generation One. Which means - we need to figure out what we're doing with Generation Two - and that brings us to "story time". In the original rules, erica180 had Generation Two doing handiness stuff and selling the profits with a table. I put Herbalism and selling the profits on a table as "Gen Three" .. and after putting a night's thought into it - that was just going to be too repetitive and boring. And I'd already put hours into building Bronze Age and Egyptian lots, so I didn't really want to just cut out the second or third generations completely. Then there was the question of what to do with a teen who couldn't make babies for the next generation for almost two weeks. So, I compromised. I took generation "Two" (The Bronze Age), compressed it, rewrote the flavor text and the rules.. and I made it a mini-generation at the beginning of the Gen. Now the "REAL" Generation Two is in Ancient Egypt and starts when Skyor is a young adult. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Here's "Part One" of Gen 2's rules:

Gen 2 Part 1: The First Civilization (Early Bronze age 3000 BCE)

You left the islands after the death of your parents, leaving your siblings behind and carrying your parents' ashes with you during your travels. You traveled far in your grief, hoping to find a better way of life. Eventually, you settle in the desert. You begin carving and building furniture and selling what you make for a profit. Soon, however, you realize this small village holds little for you, and it is time to leave your ghosts behind.

Town: Oasis Springs (Bedrock Strait District)

Lot traits: Quake Zone, Off-The-Grid, Homey

Holiday: Every Sunday you must go to the temple to leave offerings to the gods (Use the seasons calendar and create a holiday on each Sunday with the attend holiday ceremony tradition)

Traits: Perfectionist, Outgoing, Creative

Aspiration: The Curator (Need not be completed - remember you only have a two week period of time for this part)

Career: Must use the woodworking table to build item to make a profit by using the street sales tables that come with City Living, Jungle Adventures, or Eco Lifestyle. Get at least 20,000 simoleons total in profits from your woodworking. Gardening, fishing and collecting are acceptable means of money making as well - so long as your total earnings are at least 20,000.

Gen 2 Part 1 Goals & Rules:

  • Collect as many items as you can, and sell them via the table.
  • Use the woodworking table to build items to sell - small statues can be sold via the table, furniture must be sold out of family inventory.
  • Max Handiness
  • Build a thatched hut to use as your home.
  • No School for teens - you must cancel out this interaction to keep them at home.
  • Part 1 ends when your heir (from gen 1) ages into a young adult.
  • Leave your parents' graves behind at the home you made.
  • Optional suggestion: Make a family with a teen of the opposite sex as your heir to live at the Bronze Age Home (or in your district somewhere) and use them as your spouse to be, take them with you when you move to Part 2.

Generation 2 Part 1 Lots:
Small Bronze Age Home (for single sims)
Bronze Age Home (for families)
Bronze Age Llama Temple (Generic)
Bronze Age Hot Springs (Pool)

Venue unlocks after Part 1: the National Park in Granite Falls. Not all national parks are unlocked, just this one. Feel free to edit it to decorate better for the times. Also, build yourself a campsite in Granite Falls so you can visit the park to get ingredients for your concoctions.

Now, since I built those Bronze Age lots, I was darn well going to use them. But Skyor wasn't going to need room for a family. So I made him a smaller hut and put it across the street. But that left this great big family home empty... and Skyor was going to need friends. So I searched the gallery, and found a couple of possible "Early Civilization" prospects for his spouse. One of the families was a brother and sister, the other was an adult female. But I really liked her... So.. I made her a teen, made the two girls sisters, and made the brother the Dad. ... It's really not as creepy as it sounds, ok? I also re-named all three. So, for the sake of complete-ness, here's the three sims in question:

I gave Skyor two options, just in case he has trouble clicking with one or the other. In theory. For reference, Marl is my favorite.

And, just because I didn't feel bad enough for leaving her behind already:

That's what poor Arjuna is stuck with. Lastly, before we get started, we'll re-introduce our heir.. and let him glory in his weirdness:

Finally. Story time is over.. and we can start. Let's go meet the neighbors, shall we?

Dad Zabala keeps a close watch on the proceedings. At least at the beginning.

Marl seems to be preoccupied with wanting to swim, to we get to know Zarra first. The friendship meter shoots into Good Friend range.. and I decide we should give Marl a chance, too. Because she's my favorite, and all.

Couldn't tell you what Zarra's doing. But Dad is definitely no longer concerned. And making a sandcastle? Read: poor Skyor needs fun desperately. In fact, spoiler alert: he is low on fun nearly this whole chapter and I'm always struggling to get it back up. So much so, that I make him drink some 100 point fun potions. But I'm getting ahead of myself again.

Skyor: "See that cloud over there? It looks like a Cowplant. Wait, you've never heard of a Cowplant... well let me TELL you!"

After a getting to know everyone session, we send Skyor home to work on Handiness. Of which he has 0 skill. And we need to max it in like 12 days. AND make 20k simoleons while doing it. Ohh boy.

Our first haunting. Hey, Dad.. good to see you again!

Paku.. what did I tell you about Marshmallows. They didn't exist, silly. Stop roasting them!

The next day (or was it the one after?) - I've worked poor Skyor's fingers to the bone, and he has an inventory full of little wooden statues - and a Fun bar that's completely tanked. It occurs to me that teens can't get pregnant. Maybe it's time to do some messing around, huh? Also: if you're watching closely, you'll see I cut this shot in a wide angle so you can see Arjuna walking by. Hello, you're not supposed to be able to leave Sulani!! Stop stalking us in the middle of the night!

First kisses. Marl looks completely shocked. Apparently, she hadn't gotten the memo that she was in the lead in the race for Gen 2 spouse.

Ahh.. no babies on the way. We still have time!

Skyor's first Yard Sale. Technically, my first, too, since it's something I've never tried in Sims 4. I don't know why. That 300% markup is pretty darn nice... We sell everything to the not-appropriately-dressed-sims and go back to making statues.

Lots. Of. Statues.

Zarra invites herself over with a gift for us. I don't remember what it was, but it wasn't spectacular. Someone apparently didn't tell her that we were already "taken". Gotta give a girl credit for trying, though. Skyor looks a little creeped out by her late night visit, though.

Hi, Mom! (Skyor was too busy to say hi.. )

Ghosts do not need food. But since I can't keep it, I suppose I won't begrudge you a snack.

Yes, these were all different nights. And nothing else of interest happened except for statue making and yard sales. Over. And. Over. And. Over. Meanwhile.. Mom comes out and decides since we never have time for laundry - she'll do it for us. Um.. thanks?

Skyor finally gets to being able to make Dining Tables and Bathtubs - which, I'll tell you what, do the bathtubs when you get the chance... (and yard sales become a thing of the past...)

Woot! Part 1 of the goal done. The other part of the goal is being nickel-and-dimed by me on my phone calculator.

When we absolutely can't get past the fact that we need "social".. we invite Marl out to the local Hot Springs (Pool venue built by me). Not a great photo.. but watching all the sims walking around nude for the "Clothing Optional" lot trait was hilarious. I'm not sure how I didn't get a single nude sim in the frame of this photo. Oh, well.

Marl ages up a couple days before we do. I think it was three? .. So we just stick to friendly stuff and count the fact that she's already our girlfriend so nobody can "steal" her. At least, not since I don't have MCCC.

That's the first time Skyor had to do his own laundry. And, no, it's not raining. Just very wet clothes. Ignore the dinosaur statue in the background. LOL.

By this time, we've gotten our 20k and are just wasting time until Skyor sees fit to spin himself to Young Adulthood. He's taking forever.

Skyor gets his final trait.. and Irresponsible to add to it. Not really surprised, I mean - he didn't go to a single day of school his whole life. Nor did he ever do his homework, because I sold it. $1! Woohoo.

We invite Marl to the Bronze Age Temple lot I built - because why not. (Oh and I added a wedding arch to it. It's a generic lot, I figured we could have an actual wedding there.)

I carefully set them up in front of the arch to pop the question.. and then cross my fingers.

Whew!! She said yes! (I mean, I would have been a little surprised if she hadn't, but whatever.) We then try to set up a Wedding goaled event, but all the other "Generic" lots in the world showed up except for this one. No matter what I tried. Finally, I gave up and just invited Dad and Sis-in-Law over, hoping they would watch the ceremony.

Spoiler: They didn't.

Oh, well. At least we're married now.

... Oops. I guess I never got rid of their "last" name. *chuckles* Too late now. I save and quickly hit "Move Household" - because it's time to move to my Egyptian House(s)! I Hope they'll be able to afford the "Elite" one - but they can't. I guess we'll have to save up. Oh, and yeah, the houses weren't completely done by this point, either... so saving was necessary to hop over to my "building" save so I could finish the Egypt lots before actually moving. What do they look like? ... Well, you'll just have to wait until tomorrow, I guess! *Grin*

Chapter 1.6 | Chapter 2.2


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July 11, 2020 7:55 AM

Marl is gorgeous; I get a real Egyptian vibe from her. Here's hoping those genes balance out Skyor's weird ones.

July 11, 2020 8:20 AM

I totally hope they do!

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I am a 45 year old American wife, mother, and gamer. I’ve lived in the Midwest most of my life, and enjoy it for the changing seasons. My favorite movie is Labyrinth, my favorite game is Sims 4, and I have tattoos related to both. My favorite colors are purple, red, and green. When I’m not playing games (which is rare) I also enjoy reading and crafting. I’m also an animal lover, and have had many types of pets over the years. Currently, I have a dog named Cassie who is a Jack Russel / Beagle mix and three young fancy rats (all of whom are rescues). I run this Sims 4 Blog where I post screenshots and stories about the different challenges I play. Also here are the Sims 4 challenges I've written, and a place for me to store all the Sims 4 knowledge I've gotten over the years. I am also a Sims 4/variety streamer on Twitch for my mental health, fun, and to meet new people. I have also recently been accepted to the EA Creator Network, which is a dream come true! I look forward to meeting you!
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