Plumbobbing Through Time - Chapter 1.6

Chapter 1.5 | Chapter 2.1

A brief recap of the rules for this generation:

  • Have as many children as possible. The goal is to populate the world.
  • Female Sim must complete the Freelance Botanist Aspiration, Male must complete Angling Ace.
  • Skills that must be maxed out: Fishing, Gardening, Handiness, and Parenting.
  • Save as much money as possible from your skills.
  • The founding sims must die when the heir is a teenager, and the next generation starts then.

This is the last chapter of our first generation, as we're just waiting for Skyor to grow up to teen so we can become murderers. Erm. I mean, so we can kill off his parents and have him move out. Poor Utali has no idea that she's feeding her nemesis.

I guess it never gets easier, having babies, does it, Utali? .. Wonder if the twins moving out could have changed how many babies we get??

... Welcome to the madhouse, Tiago. You truly are brave to have arrived here!

And on that note - he was a single. Thank goodness!

Ryorg stops by to say hi. Although, it looks like he's yelling at his Mom. (He's not, though, I assure you.)

Thunderstorm! Run! Everyone inside as fast as possible!!

Paku takes a bath.. and ... what on EARTH are you wearing, Paku?!?! This is actually the second time I've seen him in this get-up after taking a bath. I just didn't take a picture the first time. I thought it was a fluke. LOL. Guess not.

Aww.. Ok, Aden. You're excused from fishing duty if you look like that. LOL.

Yup. We're expecting another one. Skyor is filthy, but soldiering on in the fishing marathon... and completely unconcerned that Dad is celebrating their eighth pregnancy. (Yikes!) .. There was room in the house, so I had to try again - the rules state to repopulate the planet. So that's what we're doing! LOL.

I figured "Brave" sounded like Inquisitive would be a good bet for a trait. So I picked his trait.

Welcome to the world of walking around, buddy! It's a big world.. start exploring!

Proof that he did get his goal done before he's gone. (Morbid, but hey, it's why I took the picture.)

... And while I was thinking about it...

... Here's the other one.

Since it told us last night that it was Skyor's birthday.. I figure forcing Paku to stay out in a thunderstorm would just be poetic. Unfortunately, while he does get struck with lightning... he also never gets hit the second time. Which is just tough luck. I wanted to see what that would look like...

Sorry, Paku. Rules say I gotta kill you. And, well, the Cowplants were ready - so your time is up.

The wake begins. Everyone is miserable, and I love how Grim is completely unaware that he's brought a handheld computer to the Stone Age. Way to go, break the immersion, Grimmy.

Grim congratulating the fat and happy Cowplant that did it's duty.

Ok, so this interaction popped up and I couldn't resist. Definitely one of the creepiest Sim-Photos I've ever taken. LOL! (Also.. Grim was flirty... what's up with that?!)

Um... Utali, no, I don't think spraying Grim will get rid of him. (Yeah, I know it's for the monster, but it looks like it's for Grim!!!)

Skyor gets his appointed trait and aspiration...

And... welcome to teenage-hood. With your weird arms. And big feet and hands. At least he doesn't look like he has a fat lip like Ryorg did. I put him in a shirt because - let's be completely honest - no way was I looking at that skinny pair of ribs for the next entire generation.

Unfortunately, if you were paying attention, this is NOT the end of Gen 1. We still have a nooboo on the way, and need to kill off Utali. .. So....

Here we go again, girlie.

Okay, so it seemed appropriate.

That's One...

Awww... they have no idea what's coming. I feel horrible. Sorta. But I really want to get to the next generation!!

Bye, Utali!! Down the hatch you go! Grim arrives, takes care of business, and the sun starts to come up.

At this point, Generation's over. But we have some unfinished business. The kids can't go with Skyor, and they can't stay alone. Oh, and our heir is absolutely exhausted. We let him tuck everyone into bed and take a good long nap.

Then we invite Arjuna over - one, to tell her the bad news.. and two.. well to tell her the bad news. She's now a mom to five kids. On her own. I have to wonder if she's crying for her Mom here, or herself...

Okay, so I have to admit, Skyor's face isn't horrible. It's kinda growing on me. Plus, he almost looks like he's giving me a sidelines wink.

We move Arjuna in and take care of the last bit of business....

"Here, sis, you can have the life essences. I have a feeling you may need them. And I only have to take the ashes with me. The potions feel ... cheaty." Er, wait. did I have Skyor say that? .. Hrm. Yep. Okay then. (So yes, Skyor has both his parents' urns in his pocket, some Taro root from his mom's garden for his trip - because that seemed the most portable and useful of the foodstuffs we have in the garden - and one last thing. A Cowplant Berry that Aden, his brother caught during these last few days fishing. Because you just never know. LOL!)

Then, I take stock. Skyor is STILL in the red energy wise. So I give up and let him go to bed.

Here's when I REALLY start feeling bad for Arjuna. Myra is a screamer - and she's got two toddlers plus two kids to look after, as well. I am so glad I'm not her!! *Guilty look*

Okay, so I wasn't paying attention. And she tried to kill herself. I quickly put a stop to it, have Skyor make breakfast for everyone, and feed the other Cowplant before disaster can strike.

Okay, buddy.. time to go. I almost take all the funds, then feel bad. And give Arjuna back 5k so she can feed the kiddos. LOL!

... And I'll leave you with this.

Yep, that's all of them. 0.o .. What was I thinking?!

Chapter 1.5 | Chapter 2.1


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July 11, 2020 4:54 AM

LOL, so many kidlets! But it does make complete sense - no birth control, after all. Looking forward to seeing what Skyor has to do in his gen.

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I am a 45 year old American wife, mother, and gamer. I’ve lived in the Midwest most of my life, and enjoy it for the changing seasons. My favorite movie is Labyrinth, my favorite game is Sims 4, and I have tattoos related to both. My favorite colors are purple, red, and green. When I’m not playing games (which is rare) I also enjoy reading and crafting. I’m also an animal lover, and have had many types of pets over the years. Currently, I have a dog named Cassie who is a Jack Russel / Beagle mix and three young fancy rats (all of whom are rescues). I run this Sims 4 Blog where I post screenshots and stories about the different challenges I play. Also here are the Sims 4 challenges I've written, and a place for me to store all the Sims 4 knowledge I've gotten over the years. I am also a Sims 4/variety streamer on Twitch for my mental health, fun, and to meet new people. I have also recently been accepted to the EA Creator Network, which is a dream come true! I look forward to meeting you!
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