Master Simmer Chapter 4.2

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First, we check on our brand-new goals...

Set #41 - Dog Trainer (Cats & Dogs) - Claire Ireland - (Heir)
Complete the Friend of the Animals aspiration
Have a pet with 1500 Simstagram followers
Level 5 Pet Training skill
Train one of your dogs with all tricks possible
Have one of your dogs have puppies

Set #55 - Handisim - Cody Orlando - (spouse)
Complete the Renaissance Sim Aspiration
Master the Handiness Skill
Create All Woodworking Objects in Excellent Quality
Upgrade 20 Objects
Decorate with 10 Woodworking Objects

This episode turns out to be - basically, the end of the generation. I played this part fully on stream, and I forgot to take as many pictures as I should have. Plus, most of them were, quite honestly, photos of the dogs. And only so many Simstagram photos are worth posting. You get tired of them after a while. LOL.

So we start out with Claire's mama dying.. and a plea deal being worked out with Grim.

But, not too long after.. we lose Brent, too. This poor family just can't catch a break.

Grim finally comes for Brynn, in the privacy of her own bedroom, and she quietly passes on into the other side.

Not too terribly long after, Claire is watching TV when Tasha goes into labor.

And... we get three adorable fluffballs to chase after.

Cupcake is not getting ignored, even though the puppies were just born.

And... now the teaching the tricks.. is mostly done. While they were working on "lay down".. I caught this picture, and about died laughing. I'm just sure Queen Cupcake is thinking "What the ever loving heck are you DOING down there, hooman??"

One skill down!

I then decide their kitchen and dining room is in dire need of an upgrade:

The new kitchen.

Dining room.

The other view of the dining room. Then.. I get a bit carried away.

The new ballroom.

The nook by the new greenhouse.

.. The hallway gets an upgrade, too.

.. A laundry room gets added...

The living room finally gets a super cozy facelift.

The poster collection goes on the wall of the new office.

.. Another view of the office.

And.. in the addition, I add a full Master bedroom.

With lots of room for puppies...

And a GORGEOUS master bathroom.

I mean, check this out...

On the other side of the addition, we have .. room for the heir. Which I really need to get to.

Even the pets seem to really like the new upgrades.

Claire is off, meeting more pets. I find this particular aspiration awfully difficult.

We have more puppies... (I sold the other ones)

Finally! The heir is on the way!

.. That's the first time I've ever completed the froggy collection.

.. And then Cody gets his aspiration complete. (While I'm still struggling with Claire's)

We go off to find the ghost pets requirement...

And, finally... I get it done.

Claire comes home from that excursion a little bit full on the bladder, however.. and doesn't make it to the hall toilet. Poor baby.

Then, right after Grim showed up to take the aged Cupcake off to her eternal resting place.. (ON CHRISTMAS, no less!.. you could have had better timing, man!)

I catch this screenshot. if you want to see the actual clip of what happened. Basically, Grim wanders over (after doing his duty) to the christmas tree, picks up a present.. opens it.. and then dumps it back under the tree as if he didn't like it.. I laughed SO HARD.

And.. somehow.. I have missed taking a million pictures. So the next picture we see is our heir, Dawn, getting her Christmas present from father winter.

While doing his Renaissance Man aspiration.. Cody learned a lot about robots. So, with very little else to do, and our aspirations and goals all but complete, I had him make a servo.

Meet Ophelia. Who is also getting their Christmas Present.

With nothing left to do, Cody apparently becomes careless with his life.. and starts trying to freeze to death in the pool.

At about this time, the ponds get added to the game, and, of course, I decide we have to add it to the game.

Dawn grows up.

.. And masters the Scout after school track. At this point, I realize there's no goals left and it's all about waiting until Dawn grows up....

So we have her birthday.

Lexie is one of the grown-up puppies, the only one left, and an elder. She will be with us at the start of the next generation, too.

But, for now.. it's .. The stinky End. *wink* See you next gen!

Back to Chapter 4.1 | On to Chapter 5.1


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July 10, 2022 12:42 AM

That generation went like a lightning! I'm about yo try the Animal aspiration soon in my Perfect genetics save, I'm curious if it's gonna ver too hard, I always hear that people don't like it too much!
Dawn is really pretty, I'm curious what her gen goals are gonna be!

July 10, 2022 10:45 AM
Reply to  salemsvartulv

The animal aspiration is just a pain. It's not hard, per se... just annoying. Especially the ghost pets and the amount you have to be friends with. My advice: remember that both the ghost and the friend pets do not need to be in your family!

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I am a 45 year old American wife, mother, and gamer. I’ve lived in the Midwest most of my life, and enjoy it for the changing seasons. My favorite movie is Labyrinth, my favorite game is Sims 4, and I have tattoos related to both. My favorite colors are purple, red, and green. When I’m not playing games (which is rare) I also enjoy reading and crafting. I’m also an animal lover, and have had many types of pets over the years. Currently, I have a dog named Cassie who is a Jack Russel / Beagle mix and three young fancy rats (all of whom are rescues). I run this Sims 4 Blog where I post screenshots and stories about the different challenges I play. Also here are the Sims 4 challenges I've written, and a place for me to store all the Sims 4 knowledge I've gotten over the years. I am also a Sims 4/variety streamer on Twitch for my mental health, fun, and to meet new people. I have also recently been accepted to the EA Creator Network, which is a dream come true! I look forward to meeting you!
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