Oasis Springs: Day Thirty

June 30, 2021

OS: Day Twenty-Nine < | Challenge Home Page | > Willow Creek: Day One

New Beginnings

Marnie was still in her room, sleeping, by the next morning, so, without any other choice, Jaz stayed home from school. Phoenix and Myles laughed at them, and wished them "luck" with the twins and the granola... but Jaz's mind was made up. The twins could not be left alone again. So, through the long day, Jaz did what they could. They cleaned up the piles of dishes, picked up some messes the twins had made, and made very sure they were safe, and fed, and taken care of. Sure, it wasn't Jaz's job.. but someone had to do it, and clearly Marnie wasn't going to.

By the time school was out, Jaz's absence and the lack of information from the family had definitely been noticed. Kayla Bliss, the Social Services officer had now heard more than enough to know that an emergency, unannounced visit was the order of the afternoon. Excusing herself from her other priority cases, she called Gemma Fleming up on the offer of coming along to introduce her, and hopefully make the visit easier on the family.

The arrived at the house on the outside of Oasis Springs, and listened for the sounds of kids playing. You know, what one would expect from a house with five young children in it. There was nothing. Even more worried than they had been, they approached the house and knocked. Hard.

A muffled voice called out that it was open, and Gemma walked into a disaster. It was clear the power was off, and there was no sign of the kids. Angrily, Gemma rounded on Marnie, and ground out, "Where's Jaz? Where are the others?"

Marnie looked at her bleakly, then shrugged, and sat down on the couch.

One unspoken look between Gemma and Kayla was all it took, and they both picked a direction, looking for the kids.

They found Myles in the back yard, playing happily (although very quietly) on the monkey bars - without any sort of supervision at all.

The trip downstairs into the darkness was less than pleasant, other than the fact that they managed to find the rest of the children.

Jaz was trying to clean up some messes that were on the floor, the twins were playing in their room quietly, and Phoenix was experimenting on the science table.

Rounding everyone up, they got everyone started upstairs, where it was at least lighter, where they could talk.

Arriving upstairs to find Marnie in tears on the couch, Kayla immediately tried to calm the woman down. No matter what she thought of her, she couldn't stand to see someone this desolate.

Jaz treated Gemma with a huge, relieved hug. "I wasn't sure I'd see you again, Gemma!" Jaz commented, to which Gemma laughed.

"Not a chance, sweetie. I will always be here for you, even if I'm not your therapist anymore." Gemma replied with a smile.

Kayla was immediately aware that there was another child who was in danger, as well. This was going to be a lot more complicated than just removing the children. Sighing, she sat Marnie Malone down on the couch, and tried to explain what was going to happen.

Aware that this wasn't talk for the kids, Gemma took the youngsters outside to play in the back yard for a while.

One very unpleasant conversation later, Kayla bundled all the children up, and herded them outside with a promise to return for Marnie later. Each child had been given enough time to pack a small backpack and grab their favorite toys, and that was it. It was time to go.

Jaz looked at Gemma's infectious smile, and tried to smile back. They felt an immense relief that at least their siblings and them were going to be safe, but all the uncertainty and the upheaval was upsetting. Taking a longing glance back at what had been supposed to be their dream house, Jaz sighed and walked to the big van waiting for them.

During the car ride to Newcrest, Kayla Bliss tried to explain what was happening to the kids. She explained that they hadn't been in a safe or healthy situation, and she was there to fix that. They were being taken to a safe place for an overnight stay, and by tomorrow Kayla would find places for each of them to call home, temporarily. She explained that it was probable that they wouldn't be all going to the same home tomorrow, but she would TRY her best to place as many of them as possible in each home.

Finally, pulling into a large and cheerfully well-lit house, Kayla took a deep breath and helped everyone get their things out of the back of the van. Every time she had to do this, she hated to see the hurt, confused, and lost expressions on the kid's faces. Having so many of them this time made it so much harder.

She knocked on the Williams' door, and they answered immediately with a big smile.

"So sorry it's so late, Elizabeth." Kayla apologized, and started shooing all the kids inside, "And on such short notice, too. These youngsters simply couldn't stay where they were at any longer."

Elizabeth Williams smiled, and shushed Kayla, "You know it's not a problem. We're here at any time of night for" she paused with a gasp, as her eyes widened at the state the kids were in... "any one in need."

Each of the kids were introduced, and to Jaz's delight, they were introduced with the correct pronouns and gender. The toddlers immediately located the toy box, and happily picked out toys.

There was apparently another kid in the house, too, but she didn't seem to be very sociable, and avoided the living room for now.

Elizabeth asked when the last time the kids had eaten, and was horrified to find out they'd been surviving on cereal, yogurt, and granola from a cooler filled with melted ice. Excusing herself, she went to make a hot meal.

Jaz and their brothers sat awkwardly, looking worriedly around the room. There were fun things everywhere, but they didn't feel comfortable enough to even grab the toys on the table in front of them.

Kayla finished her explanations, and instructions, and bid them all a temporary goodbye, promising to see them all tomorrow, and went to get Marnie to take her to her new home, too. Being that there was another life at stake, Marnie wasn't going to be allowed to stay in the home situation she was currently in.

Gemma, also, said goodbye to everyone, with a huge hug for Jaz in particular, and promised to leave Jaz's Tuesday appointment free for them. "As soon as you can come back, just show up, you don't even have to warn me. I'm always ready to see you, sweetie!"

Before long, Elizabeth called everyone to a freshly cooked, hot meal. She'd made some homemade Mac N Cheese, a delicacy the Malones had NEVER had. The dish was polished off before long, and everyone, including the quiet blonde girl had smiles on their faces.

The twins didn't even bother with the formality of finding a chair - both plopping themselves down on the kitchen floor and polishing off a full plate of Mac N Cheese each.

Elizabeth's husband invited the boys upstairs to go to bed, and Elizabeth directed the blonde to bed, and turned to Jaz. "Ready, sweetie?" she asked.

Jaz nodded mutely, and went to grab her backpack.

With Phoenix and Myles in their PJs and ready for bed, both were lovingly tucked in and assured that the nightlights were working by each bed.

Through an open doorway, Jaz was tucked into another bunkbed, able to see their brothers to feel safe, and knowing the twins were just down the hall.

Speaking of the twins, They were tucked in with full bellies, and happy smiles, and read a bedtime story in a cheerful room just around the corner from the rest of the Malones.

Later, in Del Sol Valley, Kayla dropped Marnie and her meager belongings off at a women's shelter designed for homeless, pregnant, and endangered women.

She introduced her to the retired actress who ran the shelter, but Marnie was so tired and distracted she couldn't remember the woman's name. She would have to ask again tomorrow.

There were two other pregnant women there, both much younger, and both not as pregnant as Marnie, but it felt better to know she wasn't alone.

The actress showed Marnie to her cottage, pointing out the small laundromat and the pool and garden on the way there. There was even a small, well-stocked kitchenette in the cottage in case Marnie got hungry later. Exhausted and overwhelmed, Marnie apologized and begged to be allowed to get some sleep. The woman apologized, and left Marnie to herself. Marnie fell into bed in her clothes, and was asleep almost immediately.

Just a bonus image:

THIS... is the disaster that the Malone's basement was when the kids were taken. (None too soon in my opinion!!)

OS: Day Twenty-Nine < | Challenge Home Page | > Willow Creek: Day One


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July 1, 2021 2:05 AM

OK! Everyone is safe!

July 1, 2021 12:12 PM
Reply to  cathytea

I know, I'm so happy! SUPER excited to write now, it's been really hard the last few days.

Deb Lewis
Deb Lewis
July 1, 2021 12:11 PM

I'm so enjoying your story. I love that there is so much drama and that it's not like a lot of other peoples stories... all rainbows and butterflies. 👍

July 1, 2021 11:09 PM
Reply to  Deb Lewis

I'm glad you enjoy it. I didn't want to do the "always happy" sort of story I usually do, and that you usually see. So, that's where the Malones came from.

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I am a 45 year old American wife, mother, and gamer. I’ve lived in the Midwest most of my life, and enjoy it for the changing seasons. My favorite movie is Labyrinth, my favorite game is Sims 4, and I have tattoos related to both. My favorite colors are purple, red, and green. When I’m not playing games (which is rare) I also enjoy reading and crafting. I’m also an animal lover, and have had many types of pets over the years. Currently, I have a dog named Cassie who is a Jack Russel / Beagle mix and three young fancy rats (all of whom are rescues). I run this Sims 4 Blog where I post screenshots and stories about the different challenges I play. Also here are the Sims 4 challenges I've written, and a place for me to store all the Sims 4 knowledge I've gotten over the years. I am also a Sims 4/variety streamer on Twitch for my mental health, fun, and to meet new people. I have also recently been accepted to the EA Creator Network, which is a dream come true! I look forward to meeting you!
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