Day Fifteen < | Challenge Home Page | > Day Seventeen
Since Bennie hadn't told anyone about the looming financial crisis, life in the Malone household continued as normal.
Jazmyn woke up early the next morning, and quickly realized she hadn't finished her homework. Searching for some peace and quiet so she could study, she ended up sitting with the twins, who were sound asleep still (by some miracle).
Benji was having a "distant" phase and wanted to be ANYWHERE but near his family. Which, let's be honest, wasn't going to happen anytime soon. So he ate breakfast across from Myles while making faces at the ceiling.
Jaz finished her homework in plenty of time, and strutted confidently off to school. In her mind, things were going perfectly. She was even finding friends, so all the bullies could be ignored in her opinion.
After school, everyone queued up for the bathroom as usual, and played while waiting, or worked on their skills. Jazmyn finally had enough Mental skill to make the Emotion potions she needed for her aspiration, so she stayed up a bit late to finish those, and happily crawled into bed, looking forward to seeing her friends at school the next day.
Day Fifteen < | Challenge Home Page | > Day Seventeen
Jaz is having confidence! Yay!