Day Eleven < | Challenge Home Page | > Day Thirteen
The morning started out with a cry. Brett's cry, to be specific.
"Oh god. GO AWAY, Brett!" Phoenix yelled (which woke everyone else in the house up, of course).
Jaz climbed out of bed miserably, and went to get ready for school.
Marnie was washing dishes, leaving the kids to eat cold, gummy pancakes from the day before. I'm not sure whether this is what annoyed Jaz, or whether she was mad at the mice, or Brett.. or.. well, she was just mad.
School still was required, though, so she finished her food, went to the bathroom and ran off to school.
After school, Phoenix was suspiciously friendly. Jaz had him help with her homework a little bit, and in no time, she was done. Only to get a surprise. She had a visitor.
When she got upstairs, Elsa Bjergson was there, waiting on her.
"Umm.... hi??" Jaz tried.
"I wanted to stop by for two reasons. One, Colin told me how much you helped him when he needed a friend. I really appreciate it and I wanted to let you know in person." Elsa began.
"Really, it wasn't anything I wouldn't have done for anyone who needs someone to listen." Jaz tried to play it off, feeling very awkward. She'd never been thanked for anything before.
Inside, I caught a shot of Bennie playing with his little brother all of his own accord. Then, Marnie forced him to finish him homework. Again. Bennie grumbled, but sat down at the table anyway to get to work.
"Oh, and the second reason?" Elsa started, smiling slyly. "A new position has opened up in the League of Adventurers. I would like to know if you would like to join. Phoenix has approved - which is important, because he was here first - and we all decided you would be the best choice."
"WHAT?" Jazmyn exclaimed. "Are you SERIOUS?"
"Of course!" Elsa smiled back.
"Well, yea! I mean.. yes. I would like to join." Jaz stammered her reply.
Elsa wrapped Jaz in a big hug and gave her a squeeze. "Great! Our next meeting is tomorrow at the park, if you would like to come?"
A bit later, Elsa and Jaz spent some time working on Jaz's science project.
Bennie finished his homework, took an important call.. and came out to help.
In no time, it was done. With a cheer, they packed it up and all headed to bed. Tomorrow was a new day.. and Jaz was finally finding friends!
Day Eleven < | Challenge Home Page | > Day Thirteen
Elsa! Yay! There's a reason she's one of my favorite premades!
Once I noticed Colin's expressions, I knew he would be good as a friend.. and Elsa has always struck me as a good friend to have, so I pulled her into the whole thing.