Day Six

May 6, 2021

Day Five < | Challenge Home Page | > Day Seven

(I apologize, there isn't much about Jaz in this post.. but she does get to go skating, which I never have my sims do...)

Benji's day started innocently enough. He really wanted to spend time with someone.. anyone, and he wanted something fun. The only other person awake at this hour was hit little brother, Brett, and he was hungry. So Benji found him some breakfast (no, he didn't attempt to cook it), and decided to sit down and talk to the toddler.

Brett, of course, was ecstatic to have someone paying full attention to him, and excitedly talked about all things toddler.

"Um... I have no idea what you're saying, little man..." (Not that saying this dissuaded Brett- he was in a CHATTY mood.)

Inside, Myles was showing that his father's temper was actually in him, too.. and instead of rage cleaning (there wasn't anything left to clean for him), he was beating up the todders' bear.

Finally, Benji escaped the toddler chat, and corralled Myles into playing a game. Marnie, of her own accord, grabbed some flash cards and started trying to teach Brett some actual words.

Speaking of being by themselves, Bennie was found inside the dumpster, looking for breakfast. (Apparently all the perfectly good leftovers in the fridge weren't okay...)

He seems inordinately pleased that he found something that was still good. (Although I wonder what on earth an Island Vegetable Feast was doing in that particularly dumpster...)

Delighted with his find, he magnanimously answered Jaz's quest for growing up advice (in this case, she was asking about what to do with bullies attacking a "friend"... Bennie's answer was that, of course, she should cowardly wait until the friend's beating was done, and step in after to console them.)

A few minutes later, Bennie decided he really WAS the man of the house, and headed off to repair the bathtub all by himself. (Spoiler: he failed, and I began wondering exactly what was wrong with Bennie.)

(It was then that I noticed the stripes.) Clearly, Bennie was ill. And there certainly wasn't money to go spending on medicine in this household. So Bennie did what he could - took a nap. Although Phoenix wasn't helping, because he decided NOW was practice time.

Outside, Jaz had been busy most of the morning playing chess. That aspiration wasn't going to complete itself.

But then... she had an idea. (Only to get rudely interrupted by Jay calling Benji and asking if he wanted to crash a party at a local nightclub. Obviously, Bennie was down for this!!!)

(So, off we spin to the local nightclub, and feeling pretty good about himself, Benji showed off a fake ID and ordered some real drinks for him and his buddy. A good german beer, obviously.... because that seemed the COOLEST thing he could think of to order.)

While waiting for Jay's drink, because no way was Benji taking the second one... Benji started noticing some suspicious looks from the other bar patrons. Grinning back at them, he sipped at his beer, and turned to chat with Jay.

Inwardly, he cringed at the taste of the beer, and decided trying to chug it might be a better idea. He also was feeling particularly confident because Jay had elected to finally spend some time with him, his best friend, instead of with his girlfriend (for a change!)

So, feeling talkative and confident got to Benji's head. (And the drink might not have helped either..) Before he thought twice about it, he was spilling the "beans" about his crush on Shaylee and complaining about his love life. Whatever was he going to do, when the girl he wanted was already "taken"??

While Jay was reeling from this confession - without Benji noticing the surprise - Benji suddenly noticed a real opportunity. There was a full, and seemingly unclaimed drink on the bar.... Benji waited all of two or three heartbeats before swiping it like it was his, and taking a drink.

He had no idea what it was, but it tasted a heck of a lot better than that beer he'd ordered, so he stood up and wandered around with his drink, hoping whoever had ordered it wouldn't notice that he'd swiped a drink he hadn't paid for.

One swiped drink turned into two.. and despite the strange looks - double fisting his drinks - Benji continued to prowl around the bar. Jay was completely forgotten, and so he never did have to reply to the blurted confession, and quietly left, trying to figure out what to do with his new intel.

One of the drinks Benji stole had REALLY gone to his head, and he wandered around a bit Dazed, but not so dazed that he couldn't figure out how to always keep both hands full of new drinks.

Then, he noticed his club friend, Jack Ryan, (one of the brothers who like the dancer), had snuck into the bar confidently on the arm of some brunette who looked far too old for him. Benji said nothing about the brunette, in fact, I'm not sure he noticed her, but started mumbling some jokes he'd heard his dad tell at an open mic night to his friend. Jack gave him a strange look, and was going to ask what the heck Benji was talking about ...

... When suddenly, a VERY irate (and no longer stripey) Bennie burst into the bar. Apparently someone had spread the news that Benji was at a bar drinking underage, and Bennie was NOT happy about it. Benji wasn't going to be leaving the apartment for a while (except for school), and sneaking into this bar was certainly never going to happen again.

Back at home, we finally see what Jaz's idea was. She had noticed a roller rink had been put up for the season, and she borrowed some old skates and was having some fun.

Well... she was TRYING to have fun. She was starting to wonder why this sport was so popular, though, when it ended up hurting so much....??

It was way past bedtime by the time she finally put up the skates and headed home, but nobody had even noticed she'd been gone. Marnie had finally gotten all the (other) kids in bed, and passed out in her own bed... and Bennie had escorted his misbehaving son home, and to his bed, and had gone to bed himself. Jaz rolled her eyes.. trying to not be upset that no-one had even noticed her being gone.. and slowly snuck past creaky boards to her empty bed.

.... Poor Marnie, however, hadn't finished her night, it seems. Furious, she grabbed the crying twin and tried to shush him from waking Bennie before trying to put him back to bed. It was nearly sun-up before she had both of them back in bed.. and it was time for the next day to start.

Day Five < | Challenge Home Page | > Day Seven


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May 7, 2021 12:39 PM

Benji is kind of decent to his siblings.

May 7, 2021 9:00 PM
Reply to  cathytea

Yeah, sometimes. Just don't tell his friends that. LOL.

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I am a 45 year old American wife, mother, and gamer. I’ve lived in the Midwest most of my life, and enjoy it for the changing seasons. My favorite movie is Labyrinth, my favorite game is Sims 4, and I have tattoos related to both. My favorite colors are purple, red, and green. When I’m not playing games (which is rare) I also enjoy reading and crafting. I’m also an animal lover, and have had many types of pets over the years. Currently, I have a dog named Cassie who is a Jack Russel / Beagle mix and three young fancy rats (all of whom are rescues). I run this Sims 4 Blog where I post screenshots and stories about the different challenges I play. Also here are the Sims 4 challenges I've written, and a place for me to store all the Sims 4 knowledge I've gotten over the years. I am also a Sims 4/variety streamer on Twitch for my mental health, fun, and to meet new people. I have also recently been accepted to the EA Creator Network, which is a dream come true! I look forward to meeting you!
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