Plumbobbing Through Time - Chapter 1.4

Chapter 1.3 | Chapter 1.5

A brief recap of the rules for this generation:

  • Have as many children as possible. The goal is to populate the world.
  • Female Sim must complete the Freelance Botanist Aspiration, Male must complete Angling Ace.
  • Skills that must be maxed out: Fishing, Gardening, Handiness, and Parenting.
  • Save as much money as possible from your skills.
  • The founding sims must die when the heir is a teenager, and the next generation starts then.

Welcome back to the Stone Age! We are still inundated with kids, and: as a reminder, we still have one on the way. I say one - because that's all the space we have in the house, so I know this baby will be a single!

We start with Arjuna beating up on other people's sand castles. Typical Evil sim. Then... almost before I get the game off pause..

Aden joins the house. And, being worried about getting that last point and a half in Parenting, I have Utali spam interactions with the baby when she's not gardening. It's *incredibly* boring, so I don't bother taking pictures.

Here is, however.. proof that it works. By the time Aden is ready for his birthday, Utali has maxed out the parenting skill. One more goal complete!

Yes, I gave him the Charmer trait to go with his name. No, I am not sorry.

He's also incredibly cute. Here he is playing with his sister.

Toddler hugs! I swear, this wasn't directed by me!

About this time, I realize I must start thinking about how the founder-sims will die when the heir gets to teen, since that's one of the rule requirements. After some consideration, it occurs to me that probably the easiest way will be to take them "out" by Cowplant. I already have the one, so if I can fish up another berry - I should be able to complete this horrible task easily and fairly quickly.

So, I send Paku out to fish up his doom.

Less than five minutes later - and probably 1000 simoleons worth of fish later.. he comes up with a berry. We immediately plant it.. and begin the dicey-ness that is having two Cowplants.

... At least the kids can't be eaten. Because Arjuna spends most her time out here, I swear.

BEES! Poor Paku ends up stung and sore. I feel really bad for him. (Also: make note of his arms. Or come back and look at them later. When posting this - I noted where his son's skinny arms come from. You'll see..)

Yusu doesn't make it to bed on time. Oops. Bad Watcher.

Poor Utali is forced to garden pretty much constantly, trying to get her skill to max.

But, finally, we succeed.. which means that the only thing I have left to do is age up our heir. In other words, I could potentially had Ryorg, the first born, be the heir and I would have "made it" in time. But with as weird as the save was being about counting the plants getting evolved (to get most of them to count, I had to go into build mode, put them in the family inventory then take them back out and go into live mode again. very annoying.) ... I wasn't going to bet on getting things done in time.

And... the gauntlet has been thrown. Now I just have to keep the sims - and the cowplants - alive until the right time. Something I'm not great at doing (the cowplants part, at least, they always die on me.)

Awww.. brotherly love!

Skyor is making a sand castle, on his own. He seems like he's pretty good at it for just being a toddler! LOL.

More creepy Crawlies. Sorry, Arjuna!

Our first Cowplant incident. Eeks. Now I really am going to have to keep Paku away from them.

This was the moment I realized I had watched Skyor age himself up, given him his trait and his makeover.. and then forgotten to take any screenshots of said events. Well, at least you can now see what our heir looks like. He got his Outgoing trait, and is complaining to his Dad in this photo.

Somehow the pony toy has changed hands, but I guess that's okay. The twins' birthday is coming up, anyway. And Arjuna has been too busy with the cowplant to worry about her old pony. Also of note: Aden proves that sims can pout in their sleep. Look at that bottom lip.. lol!

Playtime with daddy.

Yes, I know gardening is annoying.. but you still must take care of your pets, there, Utali!

Family dinner time. Only this time..

They're all being stalked! LOL It looked like Aden was trying to be a shark and sneak up on them to attack or something. I couldn't resist.

Our eldest spins himself up upon waking up. Also, sometime during the night, I was informed that Social Services could take him away soon if he didn't get his grades up. I was not aware that was an issue. I'm not sure why I didn't think of it - but after some research, there are a few ways around it. 1. Download MCCC and have the kids "quit" school. 2. Cheat them up a grade level so it's not a problem. (Use the careers.promote gradeschool cheat) 3. have them take their vacation days they get (3 of them) towards the end of their school days while you wait for them to age up. 4. Wait and hope they age up before they get taken. I went with a combination of 3 and 4.. and Ryorg is now a teen and ready to be kicked out on his own. However...

... This was the result of aging up. HAHAHAHAHA!! I found the missing link between apes and humans! *dies laughing* Ok ok.. I'm alright. Really. Thank goodness I didn't pick him as heir. And this is me - hoping Skyor doesn't get the same genetic arms!!

Ryorg, chatting with Mom before he leaves. In my head, I have this whole story playing out about him saying he's old enough and wants to be on his own, blah blah.

Dad joins in on the conversation, then I have him move out.

I use the Caldera Lot I have listed on the rules page for his home, and then have his parents come visit him to "get him settled in."

Mom gives him a big hug. As Moms are wont to do, of course. Ryorg is still upset about his forgotten birthday.. but somehow the story in my head is that he's already regretting his decision.

Dad cheers him up, telling him he's got a great home and that he will do fine. He gives him a few last fishing pointers, and Utali and Paku head home to their house full of kids. Of note: this is only the second time they've left their lot the entire game. The first was to try to get the plants to make a cowplant in their very first spring in Willow Creek, but the plants didn't grow in time, and I don't think I took any pictures. I actually do have the Beach and the Pool lots I built in the world, I just haven't used them.. mostly because I didn't make any other Stone Age sims, and the improperly-dressed townies would be too jarring. So I just avoided them and stayed home. It's not like they haven't had enough to do...

Utali wakes up and instead of feeding the plant like I told her to, she goes and takes a cake. Sigh. Bad Utali.

Ryorg stops by the next day, and his brothers rush out to greet him, probably peppering him with questions about being the "man" of his own household.

Yeah, I know - it looks like she's drowning. She's not. She's laughing Maniacally. Silly Evil Sim.

Skyor looks on in horror as his mom finds out she's pregnant.. again.. while she's in the middle of a conversation with him.

Awww. Paku really is a great Dad.

ACK! Utali got poisoned by a spider bite again!! While she's pregnant. This can't be good.

.... I have no idea where they came from, but there's suddenly a ton of butterflies flying around the lot. They're only there for a split second.. and then they're gone. But at least I got a screenshot of one of them.

Dinner time again - and proof that Utali survived her poisoning.

Our sweet little Daphne ages up into the Neat trait. Looks like I know who will be cleaning up from now on!

That's her - on the right. I let her keep her braids.

If I didn't know any better, I would think Utali was carrying at least twins. But there's only one spot in the house... for now. The twins' age bar is sparkling.. so I don't know which will happen first. Them aging up and leaving.. or Utali giving birth. We'll just have to wait and see!!

Chapter 1.3 | Chapter 1.5


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I am a 45 year old American wife, mother, and gamer. I’ve lived in the Midwest most of my life, and enjoy it for the changing seasons. My favorite movie is Labyrinth, my favorite game is Sims 4, and I have tattoos related to both. My favorite colors are purple, red, and green. When I’m not playing games (which is rare) I also enjoy reading and crafting. I’m also an animal lover, and have had many types of pets over the years. Currently, I have a dog named Cassie who is a Jack Russel / Beagle mix and three young fancy rats (all of whom are rescues). I run this Sims 4 Blog where I post screenshots and stories about the different challenges I play. Also here are the Sims 4 challenges I've written, and a place for me to store all the Sims 4 knowledge I've gotten over the years. I am also a Sims 4/variety streamer on Twitch for my mental health, fun, and to meet new people. I have also recently been accepted to the EA Creator Network, which is a dream come true! I look forward to meeting you!
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