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Welcome back! point check..
Current Points: 195 -35 Passing out -10 Fire! -5 Wetting self -5 Negative Traits Earned by NTHs +30 Aspiration milestones completed +30 Births +60 Grades +40 NTH sims reaching the top of a career (Teen and YA/A/E) +50 Positive Traits Earned by NTHs +20 Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation +20 Not using spares' Satisfaction Reward points for an entire generation
And... here's where we start!! I'm so excited about this. I love new generations! It's 1 PM on New Year's Day for my little Simmies.. so we're starting off the year right.. with a new Torch Holder.
We start by having her get her Criminal job as per her roll.. and reassigning beds in the house. I have totally never even LOOKED at this club aspiration that Becca has, so this will be interesting.
Poor Becca starts out with fixing things. Ah, the trevails of an ISBI TH.
While looking through her stats.. I notice this. *chuckles* I told you she and that cat didn't get along!
Alan, is, apparently, living it up outside with New Year's Toasts. The other guy looks completely uninterested.
... And the never-ending laundry begins. At least I had Alan upgrade these fully, so they're not dangerous.
The poor garden's in quite a state.. so Becca spends most the afternoon fixing it.
Oh, really Alan??? You couldn't come across the street??
Brittney shows up. She hasn't been gone that long, and she already misses home, I see.
Zander, the first Young Adult we've seen all day. We run to meet him, get some traits and such.. but I'm gonna keep looking.
Since her aspiration is club-related, we start our own club. Lots of naughty things on the list of things to do. But she's evil, so she should be happy about it!
Becca's older brother, Brandon, invites Becca out to Single's Night at the bar, and we accept readily. Maybe we'll find some more prospects.
Well, Hello there, Bruce. (And no, he's not an alien, he's glowing from the polite handshake.) I like his looks.. so I invite him to the club, and he accepts. We spend a while getting to know him.
"Happy New Years!"
Becca autonomously sabotages the coffee maker. I approve.
Bruce takes care of the jukebox.
Darrel Charm joins the club. I'm discounting him from prospective suitors, though, because 1, he's a townie and 2, he's a spellcaster. Not sure I want to deal with a spellcaster ISBI spouse.
Insulting/instigating Lilith Vatore. I love the look on her face.
Double-fisting drinks. Way to go, Becca. (She desperately needed energy, and I didn't want to risk losing points so I fed her a sleep replacer.)
Then, while I wasn't paying attention, she gets into her first fight. All on her own.
This fight was my doing, but I love how everyone is cheering her on, even the bartender.
More sabotaging. We made sure to USE it first, though, since she needed to go.
And.. yep.. we stayed up ALL night with a club gathering. This is that Zander I met earlier, I brought him to the bar so we could get to know him a little better. They're doing a club handshake for aspiration points.
Becca sure seems to be having a good time. I've certainly never seen a sim do THAT on their own before!
We dare Zander to streak. He does. Haha.
Pickpocketing is so easy now that I've bought the perk that makes mischief interactions easier for club gatherings.
Becca's still wearing her shades to make her first breakfast. Must have been a long night.
Brittney stops over again, so we go say "hi".
Alan also goes outside to visit with his absentee daughter.
I have them play a round of hoops (the girls, not Alan, of course).
... Brittney is apparently a sore loser. But then, we knew that.
Alan is NOT impressed with her kicking over our trashcan.
I finally stop waffling over who to marry/move in, and invite Bruce over. Neither had a "leg up" on traits, but I liked Bruce's looks better, so Bruce it is. He comes over all bored, but is happy within moments of talking to us. A good sign, I think.
He's in love! *grin*
First kiss.. but not going to be the last. I love Alan in the background pretending to read his book while giving his daughter and her beau the side-eye.
Woohoo! Literally.
Please say yes??
And, as is tradition, we get married on the spot. In the bathroom, this time. Neither seem to mind.
This is only halfway through the week, but I had too many pictures, so you'll see them next update. Points check:
Current Points: 190 -35 Passing out -10 Fire! -10 Wetting self -5 Negative Traits Earned by NTHs +30 Aspiration milestones completed +30 Births +60 Grades +40 NTH sims reaching the top of a career (Teen and YA/A/E) +50 Positive Traits Earned by NTHs +20 Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation +20 Not using spares' Satisfaction Reward points for an entire generation
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Well so far so good with the new generation. I like Bruce, he has a fun set of genetics to add to the family. 🙂