House 010 Chapter 2 < | > House 010 Chapter 4
Goals for this house are:
House 010 Building Goals: 2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom home worth at least $50k Simoleons *Include a pool and a designated personal workout area House 010 Generational Goals: Max Wellness Skill Max Gourmet Cooking Skill Eat "healthy" for the whole generation Raise the heir to Young Adult age
... And we're no where close. So we keep going.
Keon is taking care of Zara again. Thankfully. Someone needs to! Since I'm aiming for Top Notch Toddler with Blaze, and that will take all of Cassidy's time this week.
Potty training.. (And somehow ... through this whole week.. Blaze is the LEAST "fussy" toddler I've ever had with that trait. He's so easy to deal with, and hardly EVER Fussy.)
Reading Blaze to sleep ... while Dad haunts and cleans the house. Or, at least the dishes.
... But he broke the sink. And there's other stuff to clean. (How long has it been since that sink was cleaned????)
Dinner time! The twins are SO cute, I can't get over it!
Working on that Imagination skill.
Hey, Brynlee, instead of just chatting with Zara, how about you change her diaper or give her a bath? ... Or wash the dishes?
.. One of the few times this play-week that I have time to work on house goals. We don't get very far.
It's Winterfest! I drag Keon into helping decorate.
Almost Tofu Turkey time. (Yum??) Blaze looks completely confused. "How is that even called Turkey, mom?"
Presents for all! Cassidy gets pet poop... (LOL), both kids get lumps of clay, and .. I forgot what Keon got. But it wasn't useful.
Yay! Someone's cleaning while I work on Blaze's skills some more! (Hey, that potty needs cleaning too, while you're at it, Keon..)
Father Winter gives Cassidy... upgrade parts. Woo. I think. Hey Keon, you could ask for your own present instead of standing around looking jealous. But NOO... that's not an autonomous action!
... Neither's that. But it's time for a brother or sister!
I don't take Cassidy's pregnancy test, since the kids are still toddlers. We'll let them find out naturally.
.. There's no streamers, but the notification of baby incoming just popped up!
Finishing getting Zara to Happy Toddler with a level three in all skills. Blaze, however...
... Rolled Klepto. *facepalm* .. but at least he got Top Notch Toddler. I think that's the best result I've ever gotten from uncontrollable toddler twins...
Blaze impersonates a Vampire while getting into bed. (Ok, so he's not.. but it looks like it.) This is the new room I added on... with what little funds we have. Since there's another baby(S) incoming, I figure I don't want to sell the toddler stuff. It's not like I have the extra money to support it. I actually remembered to put a roof on the addition, too. YAY!
Happy Birthday... with a "healthy" cake. (Yum?) .. And who put the clay on the table. That's for food, you silly.
Zara rolls glutton. I guess that's better than Klepto. Too bad she's not the heir.
And she manages to snag some cake before I can get rid of it. Sneaky little Sim. Although I guess it's okay, since it's a "healthy" cake.
KEON! Why are you peeing on the floor??? Oh, I forgot to mention. They have a new bed. (As you probably noticed earlier.)
Blaze finds the pool to his liking.
... While Cassidy works towards her next promotion. She's needed two Charisma points for almost the entire week, but Blaze's skills took priority. And it paid off! (So happy about Top Notch Toddler!)
Anyway.. that was that week. See you next time!
House 010 Chapter 2 < | > House 010 Chapter 4