Those Crazy Irish - Chapter 2.2

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Current Points: 110
-20 Passing out
-10 Fire!
-5 Wetting self
+25 Aspiration milestones completed
+20 Births
+30 Grades
+30 NTH sims reaching the top of a career (Teen and YA/A/E)
+20 Positive Traits Earned by NTHs
+10 Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation
+10 Not using spares' Satisfaction Reward points for an entire generation

We're back! I have been so bust with my drifters I completely forgot that I 1, had an alien in the house, and 2, had a baby that was going to be a toddler soon. ... And then there's the little fact that I promised my MacRae's there would always be a girl and a boy for each generation, so we need to make more babies. Well, on to the game play.

Mom Ashley with Branden. A very stinky mom, that is. Take care of yourself, girl!

Grim is still here, and.. appropriately, listening to the dead sim playing guitar.

"Dad, why must you follow me around the house?"

Work. I'm still not sure what to think about the doctor career. I don't particularly like having to look up the diseases to get them right.

Alan's first surgery attempt - he's still only an R.N. so I'm not sure why they'd allow him into the tools. My diagnoses was wrong, though, so the surgery failed.

Work is never over, even when he's home.

Ashley! I thought I said to take care of yourself. And there went my points. -5

There. Much better. Sleeping in the bed is so much more comfortable, right?

Gratuitous picture of Branden being exiled to the hallway. Not because of the next picture, but because he's so fussy he won't let his mommy sleep! I put some thought into converting Maeve's old single bedroom to a nursery.. but I didn't do it this update. Maybe next one.


Nope. Try for Baby. Congrats, Ashley. Poor thing. Just what she needed.

Branden grows up into an utterly adorable toddler. Then again, what toddler in sims isn't adorable.

He rolled Angelic. Which might help poor Ashley out. Or not. We'll see.

Obligatory Potty Training shot.

Branden, you're not supposed to eat the blocks...

Alan makes dinner for everyone and puts it in the fridge.

... And a few minutes later, Ashley risks her life just to cook the SAME THING he made. #SimsLogic

Apparently Potty training is interesting?

Either that or she was just waiting her turn with the toddler.

He's back! Again.

I'm not sure whether to be mad at him, or happy. He broke the sink, then proceeds to clean the filthy bathtub.

Then he goes to watch over his sleeping grandson.


I make Alan take a sleep replacer, because he wasn't going to make it through the day.

And.. drumroll.. he's officially a doctor now!

Yup.. there's the high chair. And they're actually eating together. Amazing.

Poor Ashley is just exhausted ALL the time. I feel kinda bad for getting her pregnant again, and kinda hope the next one's a girl so I don't have to do it again.


Finally, we see Maeve again.

Nightmare. Poor Ashley is up half the night again.

This time, she's watching human weather TV. She seems fascinated with Earth weather. Then again, being from Sixam, you would think she would be.

And.. on that note.. the week is over. Not that anyone is actually sleeping at my usual quit for the week time. You know, thanks to that nightmare Branden had...  Oh well. See you next time! Oh yeah, and here's counting my lost 5 points. Thanks, Ashley.

Current Points: 105
-25 Passing out
-10 Fire!
-5 Wetting self
+25 Aspiration milestones completed
+20 Births
+30 Grades
+30 NTH sims reaching the top of a career (Teen and YA/A/E)
+20 Positive Traits Earned by NTHs
+10 Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation
+10 Not using spares' Satisfaction Reward points for an entire generation

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February 14, 2020 1:56 PM

Toddlers can be tough to manage in an I have obviously found...although you might not have gotten there quite yet. The family is still doing well, and hey congrats on being a doctor already.

February 14, 2020 2:44 PM
Reply to  ciysims

Oh, you say that now. Just wait. *evil look* It doesn't get better for this family for a while.

February 14, 2020 2:46 PM
Reply to  illusorythrall

I'm caught up and you did so good! Seriously, been impressed really.....The Otts have their own ways. 😀

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I am a 45 year old American wife, mother, and gamer. I’ve lived in the Midwest most of my life, and enjoy it for the changing seasons. My favorite movie is Labyrinth, my favorite game is Sims 4, and I have tattoos related to both. My favorite colors are purple, red, and green. When I’m not playing games (which is rare) I also enjoy reading and crafting. I’m also an animal lover, and have had many types of pets over the years. Currently, I have a dog named Cassie who is a Jack Russel / Beagle mix and three young fancy rats (all of whom are rescues). I run this Sims 4 Blog where I post screenshots and stories about the different challenges I play. Also here are the Sims 4 challenges I've written, and a place for me to store all the Sims 4 knowledge I've gotten over the years. I am also a Sims 4/variety streamer on Twitch for my mental health, fun, and to meet new people. I have also recently been accepted to the EA Creator Network, which is a dream come true! I look forward to meeting you!
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