Main Apartment Switch Rules | Switch Two Rules
Switch Two Part 1 < | > Switch Two Part 3
And we're back with the Nash's. I left you with the cutest shot of Sarah as a toddler.
Same toddler, different angle. LOL. The last shot of them doing family things in this apartment. That's right.. it's time to move.. so apartment pic spam...
Pretty good, if I do say so myself. I saved up a whopping 23k and had 27k to spend. It didn't go very far.
The only real furnishings include one full bathroom, a kitchen, a bed.. and the kids' rooms. I have a long way to go, huh?
Iris' two brothers still live next door. (I eventually regret leaving them there.... you'll see why later.) At this point, I'm still excited to see them.
First bedtime story in the new apartment. She looks worried about her great big new room.
The next morning.. we're back to learning.
Why does the maid that shows up for free always scare me the first time in this apartment.... I forget about him.
Some in progress pics for the downstairs:
And lunch time with mama! Who needs high chairs?!
Adorable bath time!
Then, for her aspiration, she had to go to the romance festival and be kissed. Figured while we were there, we could renew their vows.
Just for laughs, we asked the Love Guru about their relationship...
So what does she say??
...She's clearly confused.
The protest that she manages to donate money to someone at. Took me forever to find one. I finally had her join the Politics career, start one herself, invite people to join, then quit protesting and pay one of them. It worked.. but it certainly wasn't the most elegant way to go about it. I had her quit the job right after this. She has enough to do without having a career! If I'd just been paying more attention to the main square below the apartment I probably would have found a protest to donate to without jumping through all the hoops. But I'm glad to know that there's another way to get it!
Now.. here I miss taking shots.. but we spent several days power leveling her programming skill because the next tier of her aspiration wanted her to win at Geekcon. Then, we went to the Geekcon...
Not bad for spending most the day there! Part one of that last tier aspiration done. (At this point, I'm still reeling from finding out that you have to have a 100k apartment for the last bit of the aspiration. I was expecting to do about a 50-60k apartment and call that the goal for this last apartment. No such luck.... I take some time and think about it.. and with adding a strong warning about being sure you're making money with this Switch, I elect to keep the goals in the same order.)
Crazy sounds from next door... hearts flying.. in the middle of the night, so I do what any sane person would.. I go to ask her brothers to quiet down. Owen comes out wearing this. I completely lose it laughing.. it was so completely unexpected!
Matt blowing out his candles.
Seems like he's okay with aging up.
Little bit had to come down and get herself breakfast in the middle of the night. Poor thing was next door to starving.
Ok.. so Iris has a cake...
To remind me about this! First level 10 skill for Iris!
And the cake, obviously, is for the toddler.
Wow, isn't she pretty?
Family skilling time. They're all working on inspiring things, of course.. so all the aura objects are out on this lovely balcony.
Yep.. I got bored. Figured another baby girl would be just about perfect for this family. (Providing, of course, that they have a girl..)
Matt doesn't seem too thrilled about the idea, though.
Funny pic of Iris playing her guitar..
Because .. yay!
Maybe you shouldn't be throwing knives around while pregnant there, genius.
A decent shot of the family actually eating together.. in their completed dining room.
More noise from the neighbors. It's about this time I really start regretting leaving them there, because there's noise coming from their apartment practically every night.
Sorry to tank her relationship with Griffin, but.. seriously, guys, there's a kid trying to sleep!
I haven't seen this picture before. I like it. But it's not worth enough to keep. *sad face*
Yet another shot of the silly guitar..
.. Because.
And with that.. she finishes City Native! Wow, that was a hard one! One goal complete. Technically, two. Because the apartment is now worth over 100k for that goal, too.
Sarah really needed someone to talk to, and the mail lady happened to be there. Through the course of the conversation I find out..
... I thought it was hilarious. Poor mail woman.
Later that day, Sarah finally finishes her first child aspiration. On to Whiz Kid.. though she doesn't really need it. It's just something to do at this point.
Geez, Matt.. you think you'd be better at this the second time around. I decide not to follow them to the hospital.. and Erika is born. Yay!! It IS a girl!
And her daddy loves her, no matter how grumpy he looked about Iris getting pregnant again.
Okay.. that's more than enough shots for one post. I'll get the rest of Sarah's childhood and teen years in Part 3.
Main Apartment Switch Rules | Switch Two Rules
Switch Two Part 1 < | > Switch Two Part 3
Sarah is so cute! Yay on finishing the aspiration and the nooboo! I love that painting. I've never seen it before either.