Play-Testing Switch Two - Extreme - Part 1

Main Apartment Switch Rules | Switch Two Rules
Switch One < | > Switch Two Part 2

Welcome back to the Ritchie household, it's time for Athena to start her journey through the Apartment Switch - Switch Two. Here's what we start with.





And.. the dreaded money shot. (or lack of money shot?)


Ready to go! My first order of business.. looking for a guy for Athena. Shouldn't be too hard, right? .. Think again.


Young Adult.. yes. Scary-looking... also yes.


Too old.


Too young.


Too... busy to stop and talk to Athena.


I see possibilities...


However, I don't like his traits.. and Athena doesn't seem impressed.


Again.. too busy to stop to talk.


What is it with sims that won't stop for an introduction!?!?


Well.. that's interesting. And loud. We go spouse hunting down the street a ways. (No traveling.. I have no money!)


Umm... what? Just saw her go running by.


Deciding both of us are seeing things, it's time for a nap or two. By this time I've collected a couple of posters.. but certainly not enough money to start furnishing.


Please... can you drop the prices so I can get food??


Guess not. So much for that $10.


Whoa!! He better have good traits! (Okay.. so it turns out he has two good traits.. we'll gamble and hope the third is good too. After that spouse hunt, I'm snagging this one before anything else goes wrong!)


Athena quickly takes a shower so she's not so offensive... I was able to afford a bed, a shower, and an easel. Better get cracking on money making here!


Kobe doesn't seem impressed with dinner. The best we can afford is two lousy eggrolls.


... And this is to prove that there was a second bed for him before it was bedtime. Otherwise I would have been breaking my own darn rule. LOL. Okay. Crisis averted. She was in too bad of a mood to woo him, and he was busy being upset about his haggling fail, too... so the romance angle to sleep in the same bed was SO not happening. I had to think fast and go looking for posters. Fast.


... What the heck... again??


Whew. A good night's sleep will fix a lot of ills, apparently. First Kiss success.


Oh.. and just because I gambled on that last trait?? I got a Klepto. (Laughs miserably to myself... hopefully he steals better things than the dirty dishes my last klepto brought home from work.. maybe we can sell the stuff he brings..? Note from the future.. nope. Lots of dishes. Dirty ones.)


There's nothing like painting to go with the smell of whatever roach poison the landlord is actually spraying for a change?


Since they're at that stage of the relationship, I wonder if sending them to tonight's romance festival can prompt a quick marriage.


Aww.. they're so cute together.


"Please??"  ... Yup!! Spam cute wedding pics...

02-23-17_10-20-29-am 02-23-17_10-21-12-am 02-23-17_10-21-23-am

And at this point, Athena was so tired she practically fell asleep on the walk back home.


I had the only one who had any energy left harvest all the flowers at the festival to sell.


What is this?!? A table?! .. Breakfast of champions. Granola and cereal. Yum?

And now.. apartment pic spam because it's time to move!

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It felt like it took forever, but it really didn't. This is what I was able to afford at the next place. Quite a lot, actually. All of the walls and the paint and a rough outline of the furniture it will have.


It's practically no time at all before I'm ready for pic spam again... (just lots of boring painting and Kobe going to work to earn a pittance in order to try to earn the painting easels.)

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Seriously fast turnaround there. And now I take some time to do what should have been done at the end of last house.. but since I just changed the requirements and time to build them.. I had the wrong lot built.. so I bulldozed it and built my Arts Center.

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I'm going to assume it works.. but I will test it later just for safety. I did upload it under #apartmentswitch because I put hours into the build.


Breakfast at the new pad. At least they're eating real food for a change.


I take a risk and get Athena pregnant. It's still very early in the challenge, but I really hate waiting for the kid to age up. So I'm gambling.. again. I seem to be doing that a lot this save.


Already?? Nice job.


Wow. Just Wow. This little beauty put me to a point where I'm willing to take the risk to move, even though I probably ought to save a little more money. With as much as she's making painting, it's going to be a non-issue. So: apartment three pic spam.

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And it was late at night, so the day hadn't even switched over.


This.. is what we've got. No stairs, one set of doors, a flimsy outdoor wall.. and a few pieces of furniture. Get painting guys! (it's at about this point I start wondering why on earth I still have poor Kobe punching a time clock. It's a virtually worthless job. Oh .. wait.. he did get the easy breezy easels.)


Paint fumes while pregnant. Can't be healthy.. but it's sure helping for the house. I barely have any pictures of it "in progress" because they're making money so quickly. By the time the next set of shots happen, the house is about 80% done with furnishings, just need paintings to start getting the value up into the stratosphere. And she's STILL waiting on the humor and hijinks festival in the second tier of the aspiration.


She looks like she's just waiting for him to panic again.


Right on cue.


It's... it's a ... nooboo!


"Don't tell me.. you're my mom?!?"


That face.... That face. I think I'm in trouble. It's a girl. And since I promised I'd name the kid after my daughter, I did. Meet Alex. So this small sim may very well be big trouble in a little package. At least she'll come by it honestly.

More in the next post. This one has gone on long enough! I just couldn't quite play all the way to that toddler stage for the cuteness pic. Plus, this face was worth ending on. Best baby shot I've ever taken in game.

Main Apartment Switch Rules | Switch Two Rules
Switch One < | > Switch Two Part 2


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February 27, 2017 7:55 AM

That face lol! It seems the second apartment in each switch is always finished quick lol. Cute pics and I can't wait to see Alex as a toddler!

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I am a 45 year old American wife, mother, and gamer. I’ve lived in the Midwest most of my life, and enjoy it for the changing seasons. My favorite movie is Labyrinth, my favorite game is Sims 4, and I have tattoos related to both. My favorite colors are purple, red, and green. When I’m not playing games (which is rare) I also enjoy reading and crafting. I’m also an animal lover, and have had many types of pets over the years. Currently, I have a dog named Cassie who is a Jack Russel / Beagle mix and three young fancy rats (all of whom are rescues). I run this Sims 4 Blog where I post screenshots and stories about the different challenges I play. Also here are the Sims 4 challenges I've written, and a place for me to store all the Sims 4 knowledge I've gotten over the years. I am also a Sims 4/variety streamer on Twitch for my mental health, fun, and to meet new people. I have also recently been accepted to the EA Creator Network, which is a dream come true! I look forward to meeting you!
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