Main Apartment Switch Rules | Switch One Rules
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As you can see from above.. the whole family has been spending time skilling.
Well.. all except for Owen. He's still growing.
Owen all toddler-ified. Isn't he adorable? I just love this family!
She looks like she's got a good idea..
.. But what she's really got is her first child aspiration complete. I set her on the path of the mental one next.
More family Skilling time. Iris and Salim are working on her mental aspiration.
Bedtime for the kids!
Breakfast and TV before school.
Iris really helps out around the house. I had a maid for a while, but it seems glitched. He spent most his time just standing around in everyone's way. I finally fired him.
Next part of the Whiz Kid aspiration.... gotta get those guaranteed focused homework completions.
Super Mom is at it again. She's always working on toddler skills.
Uh oh.. why did I make the kid's bedroom bigger?
An empty bassinet.. but not for long...!
Hey honey.. I'm pregnant again.
He doesn't look pleased.
But.. he comes around and applauds the decision.
A wide screen shot of the open-plan dining room.
Iris, finishing up her second aspiration. Now she's an A student. Way to go, Iris!
Owen is so cute! Squee!
This pregnancy is much harder on Aspen for some reason. So sorry, girl.
One last squishing of the dragon.
And Owen grows up just in time!
...What is it with that PJ shirt? Both kids have it.
Meet Griffin!!
Owen comes home from school all angry. Wide shot to show the entrance-way.. I like the way it looks.
I'm not sure why Aspen look so worried at Griffin growing up.
This couple makes the cutest kids, I swear.
Look.. more paint missing on the outside of an EA apartment. So annoying.
Owen gets his "A" for his Whiz Kid aspiration.
Iris ages up. Somehow I missed getting a picture of her right after aging.
Mr Grumpy Pants is home again..
Here's Iris as all three of them are studying. Salim is writing in a Book of Life.
Oh, yeah.. at some point Salim got this from his writing income.
Which I noticed because he aged to elder.. yes I made him a pink cake. LOL
I like Iris' PJs much better than her everyday wear.
Griffin and Mama playing. So cute!
Owen playing chess by himself.
Way to go Owen!
Cutie having Chili for breakfast.
More homework to be done...
And time for little Griffin to age up...
What a cutie!
Here he is working on his Physical skill (Motor?) .. since we don't exactly have room for a monkey bars.
I love this "watching movies" thing. It gives them fun while not leaving them doing it forever.
There really is a gorgeous view from the office...
Mom talking to her two little boys. (Showing that at least Griffin doesn't have the same PJ's as the last two have had!)
This is what Aspen does when the kids are at school. I could have had another toddler to keep her busy, but I decided three kids was enough.
And this is what Salim does. I think, actually, this was one of the last books I made him write. In the end, he was making nearly 11k per day just from writing royalties.
... He may be focused from playing chess.. but once AGAIN.. he came home angry!
The boys eating dinner. For some reason, I seem to take a lot of pictures in this eating nook. I guess I just like the way it looks.
Owen ages up...
... not so cute anymore. And what's up with the female voice?! Man I hate that bug.
Breakfast at Nash house.
While the kids are gone to school, Aspen does her final age-up.
I think she aged very well. 🙂
These two are always sneaking off to do this sort of stuff. It's kinda cute.. especially since they've pretty much run out of stuff to do while the kids are at school.
Family traffic jam in the upstairs skill area.
Breakfast. And, for a change, everyone in the same place for once.
Just had to throw this in here. Aspen met him the first day I played her. He's been calling EVERY DAY to ask her to do something or other (often a date) ever since. I was expecting them to stop when he finally died. No such luck. She's now getting texted by a ghost. *headdesk*
All the kids heading off to school at once.
Way to go, Griffin!
Salim calling to retire. I decided to let him do that for his last couple days of life. Notice the trash chute.. he called the landlord right after.
And even though we barely know the lady, she came over and fixed it right away. (Forgive the walls down, they were too close to the door for a wall up shot)
Way to go Aspen. She barely tried on this skill, only cooking what the family needed to always have the fridge stocked.
... Now it's Griffin?
...See? This is the next day.
The day before Iris ages up. She's going to be stuck starting with a Sad mood for the next challenge.
On a whim, I try to have Aspen demand to have Salim live another day.
.. And it WORKS?!
.. He immediately goes to have a snack. Lazy tubby sim that he is.
Owen chatting up Grim before he leaves....
Everyone's final stats. If I missed showing that an aspiration was completed, you'll see it here.
Final house value:
Some random house photos:
Since I forgot to show how much money they had before I went to household management.. this shows it instead. They certainly weren't hurting for cash!
And finishing up Switch One - the final age-up:
See you in the next switch!
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Yay on finishing the first Switch!! The family is adorable!
Hi, thanks for making this challenge, I am having lots of fun with it but I try for baby 7 days before so they are still alive when the heir moves on no sad moodlet
Thanks for the heads up. I'd love to read your challenge. 🙂 Good luck and have fun with it!