Metals Collection

By: IllusoryThrall
September 17, 2023

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To collect Metals, you'll again need to dig at the rocks around towns. You could get a MySims Trophy, or a fossil, metal, or crystal. After the Cats & Dogs update, these spawn spots are shared by a pile of dirt that dogs can interact with, further reducing your chances of getting the item you're after. From my experience, the easiest way to get this whole collection is to get it while at the Science Center from Get to Work (either with a travel mod or as a Scientist). Otherwise, expect to spend a while on this one. Also, the last two (Get to Work pack metals) are not required for the collection completion, and must be found on Sixam (a "secret" lot).

All Metals give a + 2-3 bonus to Decor when placed.

"The Magnum Ingot"
The Magnum Ingot plaque refers to the rare, sensitive Magnum alloy created from mixing all the metals discovered in your collection. The Sim Geological Council, however, cautions against any sort of alloying done at home.
Alcron$8CommonAlcron is a highly abundant silvery, ductile metal which means it doesn't crack or break under stress as easily!
Baconite$20CommonBaconite is a soft, red colored metal that oddly has a faint smell of juicy, delicious cured pork.
Heavy Metal$24CommonHeavy Metal like brass is the metal of choice for musical instruments because of its malleability and acoustic properties.
Obtanium$20CommonObtanium is pale white in color and is also one of the most abundant metals so it is relatively easy to obtain.
Ozinold$20CommonOzinold is a dense, heavy metal accidentally discovered by Harold Ozinold and subsequently named after him due to their similar characteristics.
Phozonite$12CommonPhozonite is a yellow-tinted metal that has good electrical and thermal conductivity, but is famous for its unique atom arrangements.
Plathinium$16CommonPlathinium is a common transition metal that has a variety of uses since it doesn't react to most chemicals.
Punium$24CommonPunium is a metal just like any other, but it is habitually overlooked and no one takes it seriously. Perhaps because of its name?
Pyrite$8CommonPyrite has a metallic sheen and a brassy-yellow color, but you'd have to be a fool to mistake this for real gold!
Ultranium$20CommonUltranium is a metal with a low melting point that was once used as a pigment to dye almost anything purple!
Crytunium$60UncommonCrytunium is highly brittle; making it frustratingly hard to work with as it breaks apart easily and is not commonly found.
Death Metal$48UncommonDeath Metal is remarkably resistant to corrosion and is speculated to be the material used in the Grim Reaper's scythe.
Flamingonium$60UncommonFlamingonium is a startling shade of pink and is the go-to metal for creating shiny lawn ornaments.
Ironyum$64UncommonIronyum is a metal not many understand as it often reacts in the opposite manner of what you would expect.
Simtanium$72UncommonSimtanium has a shiny, reflective green appearance and is highly conductive so it is used in the production of computer parts like circuit boards.
Socialite$64UncommonSocialite is a precious metal that is highly sought after to make attractive and extremely valuable jewelry.
Furium$112RareFurium is highly reactive and flammable compared to other metals. It is prone to outbursts and tarnishes easily.
Literalite$100RareLiteralite is a hard-to-find purple metal that little is known about, and currently its properties are taken at face value.
Romantium$120RareRomantium is a blush-colored metal that is highly reactive chemically; you might even consider it one of the most amorous metals.
Sadnum$124RareSadnum is a soft, malleable metal that is typically found in a blue state and is as rare as a unicorn's tear.
Blutonium$72UncommonBlutonium is an element found on Sixam. Like a deep ocean abyss, it is hauntingly beautiful.
Solarium$72UncommonSolarium is a beautiful orange element created by the gravitational collapse of a star.

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I am a 45 year old American wife, mother, and gamer. I’ve lived in the Midwest most of my life, and enjoy it for the changing seasons. My favorite movie is Labyrinth, my favorite game is Sims 4, and I have tattoos related to both. My favorite colors are purple, red, and green. When I’m not playing games (which is rare) I also enjoy reading and crafting. I’m also an animal lover, and have had many types of pets over the years. Currently, I have a dog named Cassie who is a Jack Russel / Beagle mix and three young fancy rats (all of whom are rescues). I run this Sims 4 Blog where I post screenshots and stories about the different challenges I play. Also here are the Sims 4 challenges I've written, and a place for me to store all the Sims 4 knowledge I've gotten over the years. I am also a Sims 4/variety streamer on Twitch for my mental health, fun, and to meet new people. I have also recently been accepted to the EA Creator Network, which is a dream come true! I look forward to meeting you!
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