Crystals Collection

By: IllusoryThrall
September 17, 2023

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To collect Crystals, you'll again need to dig at the rocks around towns. You could get a MySims Trophy, or a fossil, metal, or crystal. After the Cats & Dogs update, these spawn spots are shared by a pile of dirt that dogs can interact with, further reducing your chances of getting the item you're after. From my experience, the easiest way to get this whole collection is to get it while at the Science Center from Get to Work (either with a travel mod or as a Scientist). Otherwise, expect to spend a while on this one. Also, the two Get to Work pack Crystals and the two Jungle Adventure Crystals are not required for the collection completion, and must be found on Sixam (a "secret" lot), and in Selvadorada, respectively.

All Crystals give a +3 to Energizing Decor when placed.

*Crystals can also be refined and placed in a Celestial Crown (Get Famous) to have varying effects on sims. (listed in the table below)

IconNameValueRarityDescription & Celestial Crown Effects
"Consummate Gem Connoisseur"
The Sim Geological Council wanted to let you know that you've satisfied their stringent requirements in both hoarding and showing off your pretty crystalline friends. This is your very own Consummate Gem Connoisseur plaque. It's almost as pretty as your gem collection.
Alabaster$24CommonAlabaster is a milky white stone that is soft and smooth to the touch.
*When slotted in the crown, this crystal clears a Sim's mind of Tense energies.
Citrine$24CommonLike delicious citrus fruits, Citrine colors range from pale yellow to golden. Perhaps that color is why it's thought to bring success and prosperity!
*When slotted in the crown, this crystal clears a Sim's mind of Bored energies.
Emerald$19CommonEmerald literally means green gem, and the gorgeous green color of emeralds are unparalleled! Having one will surely make others green with envy!
*When slotted in the crown, this crystal clears a Sim's mind of Embarrassed energies.
Orange Topaz$14CommonBeing relatively abundant and durable, Orange Topaz is a very popular gemstone! With its happy color, it can be a symbol of friendship.
*When slotted in the crown, this crystal clears a Sim's mind of Sad energies.
Peach$14CommonThis small stone is delicate in size with a demure, peachy-pink color. No wonder it is the embodiment of innocence.
*When slotted in the crown, this crystal recharges the Bladder need. (Thirst for Vampires, Water for Plant Sims.)
Quartz$29CommonQuartz was once believed to be ice crystals that would never melt, but now we know it's made of silicon-oxygen tetrahedra. Duh.
*When slotted in the crown, this crystal clears a Sim's mind of Uncomfortable energies.
Rose$19CommonNamed for its pale pink color, Rose quartz is the stone of unconditional love and exudes a soothing sense of tranquility.
*When slotted in the crown, this crystal clears a Sim's mind of Anger energies.
Ruby$29CommonSought after for their brilliant red hues, rubies represent the passion of love. Decorating your slippers with them do not allow you to teleport.
*When slotted in the crown, this crystal recharges the Hygiene need.
Sapphire$14CommonBluer than the sky, Sapphire is a sight to behold! Known as the gem of truth, it helped coin the phrase "true blue."
*When slotted in the crown, this crystal
Turquoise$19CommonTurquoise is an opaque, blue-to-green stone that has been prized for centuries, as many believe it brings protection and good fortune.
*When slotted in the crown, this crystal clears a Sim's mind of Uncomfortable energies.
Amethyst$53UncommonAmethysts are purple colored quartz! From soft lilac to royal violet, these purple shades are caused by iron impurities in the stone.
*When slotted in the crown, this crystal boosts Logic (Mental for Children) skill gain and recharges the Hunger need.
Diamond$86UncommonOften used in jewelry, these sparkling gems are some of the most valued in the world and are also the hardest known natural material!
*When slotted in the crown, this crystal boosts the Fame Point gain and recharges the Social need.
Fire Opal$67UncommonThese uncommon opals are generally found in volcanic rock formations and are prized for their shifting warm, fiery colors.
*When slotted in the crown, this crystal ensures Friendly socials never fail and recharges the hygiene need.
Hematite$58UncommonEven though Hematite has a black metallic luster on the outside, it has a dark, blood red color on the inside.
*When slotted into the crown, this crystal boosts career performance gain and recharges the Fun need.
Shinolite$72UncommonShinolite is the shiniest stone of them all! Be careful looking at is as you might just get hypnotized by its gleaming silver beauty.
*When slotted in the crown, this crystal doubles the chance of finding crystals in the world and recharges the Bladder need. (Thirst for Vampires, Water for Plant Sims)
Simanite$58UncommonSimanite is one of the few stones with a true silver color. It has been used for everything from alchemy to utensil polishing.
*When slotted in the crown, this crystal periodically makes other sims like you more and recharges the Social need.
Jet$134RareBecause of its somber coloring Jet is commonly used in mourning jewelry, but it isn't commonly known that Jet is actually fossilized wood!
*When slotted in the crown, this crystal boosts Whim Satisfaction Point gain and recharges all needs (except energy).
Jonquilyst$139RareJonquilyst is like a glittering drop of sunshine! Its bright, yellow color radiates cheerfulness.
*When slotted into the crown, this crystal boosts Charisma (Social for Children) skill gain and recharges all needs (except energy).
Plumbite$154RareWhile Plumbites are found in varying shades from red to yellow to green, it's most popular hue is a deep, bright green.
*When slotted in the crown, this crystal boosts Athletic (Motor for Children) skill gain and recharges all needs (except energy).
Rainborz$144RareRainborz is a rare and unusual gemstone that is multi-colored, but predominantly red. And strangely, is it frequently found near rainbows!
*When slotted in the crown, this crystal periodically makes nearby Sims happy and recharges all needs (except energy).
Amazonite$82UncommonA softer gemstone which really shows off its beautiful color when polished. Sometimes found in the waters of long winding rivers.
*When slotted into the crown, this crystal boosts Archaeology (Mental for Children) skill gain and recharges all needs (except Hunger).
Crandestine$91UncommonCrandestine is an otherworldly red gemstone like nothing ever seen on earth.
*When slotted in the crown, this crystal boosts Painting/Writing (Creativity for children) skill gain and also recharges all needs (except energy).
Nitelite$91UncommonNitelite is a fluorescent green crystal that is so bright it burns to look directly at it.
*When slotted in the crown, this crystal gives a temporary Night Owl trait and recharges all needs (except energy).
Alexandrite$149RareThis rare gem has a dramatic color shift from day to night. Alexandrite is sometimes described as an emerald by day and a ruby by night.
*When slotted in the crown, this crystal gives a temporary Mystical Sensing Trait and recharges the Hunger need.

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I am a 45 year old American wife, mother, and gamer. I’ve lived in the Midwest most of my life, and enjoy it for the changing seasons. My favorite movie is Labyrinth, my favorite game is Sims 4, and I have tattoos related to both. My favorite colors are purple, red, and green. When I’m not playing games (which is rare) I also enjoy reading and crafting. I’m also an animal lover, and have had many types of pets over the years. Currently, I have a dog named Cassie who is a Jack Russel / Beagle mix and three young fancy rats (all of whom are rescues). I run this Sims 4 Blog where I post screenshots and stories about the different challenges I play. Also here are the Sims 4 challenges I've written, and a place for me to store all the Sims 4 knowledge I've gotten over the years. I am also a Sims 4/variety streamer on Twitch for my mental health, fun, and to meet new people. I have also recently been accepted to the EA Creator Network, which is a dream come true! I look forward to meeting you!
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