As of tonight, Moving Walls is over, and tours were AMAZING. We had eight turn ins, and they were all really well done (and no, one was not mine - I got stuck on mine and didn't finish it!) Remember, if you didn't get yours done in time, you are welcome to turn it (or any shell of mine) in late, and just come to any stream, and I will tour it for free (i.e. no channel points needed) then.
But, on to the topic you all have been waiting for. The new shell challenge for June is now live! It's called Half & Half Shell, and is tagged with #thrallshell5. It's going to be a lot of fun. Due date is first Wed. of July, the 7th, at 5 PM EST.
Also, remember, there's also my Junk House renovation live at the moment, tours are scheduled for June 16th. If you haven't finished yours, and you read this.. change your hash tag from #onesim to #thrallonesim so it's easier to find, apparently #onesim is pretty popular already.