Monday 1PM - 5PM EST - Hoarder's House Challenge (Making the sims and getting started.)
Tuesday 1PM - 5PM EST - Hoarder's House Challenge (continuing play)
Wednesday 5PM - 9PM EST - RainbowSins Challenge - starting the Orange Gluttony generation!
Thursday 1PM - 5PM EST - To Be Decided: if I can get my Medieval builds done by this day, I'll start on the Medieval Gen 5 of my Timeline Adventure Challenge. If the builds aren't done, I'll probably finish them on stream.
Friday 1PM - 5PM EST - Timeline Adventure Challenge - Medieval Gen 5 Gameplay
Saturday 1PM - 5PM EST - Timeline Adventure Challenge - Medieval Gen 5 Gameplay
Notes: This will be a new thing. Hoarder's Challenge on Monday - Tuesday until I get it done, then back to whichever challenge I'm on for Thursday - Saturday. Wednesday will remain the odd man out because it's an evening stream, and I'll be doing RainbowSins or shell tours (on the first Wed of each month) then. I am hoping to get my Medieval builds done by Thursday, but I can't guarantee it, because I still have two lots to finish at this time.
Good news! I'm trying something new this week, and starting this week, I'll be setting aside my Sundays to play and write my blog posts up... then will be scheduling what I get done throughout the following week. I haven't figured out the exact posting schedule, but I'm thinking it'll be 3 or 4 posts per week in whatever rotation I'm currently playing. (For reference, I'm on Rotation One. Which means - Tails of Sulani Mermaid Legacy, Master Simmer, and my Drifter Challenge are going to get their next gens finished before I move to the next rotation.) If I get three posts, it'll be Monday / Wednesday / Friday; if four, it'll be Monday / Tuesday / Thursday / Friday.