I'm currently working to finish my Timeline Adventure ruleset, and the next five generations have been published as of tonight. I should hopefully get some more done in the next week or so - I have all the rest of the generations in rough draft form, but they still need editing before they go "live". It's a lot of work, and obviously, I'm still very early on in testing, so things could change in the rules. (I'm getting ready to start Gen 3 for the second time. Rule changes and unhappiness with the family I had made me restart.) I've been putting quite a bit of my free time into these rules lately, and I'm feeling very inspired to start playing - so tomorrow I will be switching from my Not So Berry to my Timeline Adventure on stream for a while. I figure I had better work on it while I'm inspired because I've been dreading re-playing this generation. Anyway. That's today's public service announcement. Hope it finds you having a great day or night! <3