Finally managed to get back to work on the website today. I assure you, I had not forgotten.. however, so much has happened since I was last able to work on it. I will have it up before the beginning of December - current target is November 26th. But... back to what I was saying. So... I have a new computer now. Built by my hubby and myself (luckily we had help!), and it's really quite nice. My old one was almost 7 years old, so I was definitely overdue for an upgrade.
My other announcement.. Is that - I GOT APPROVED FOR THE EA CREATOR NETWORK!!! It's pretty much a dream come true. I originally applied right when they first opened up the applications, and I've been stuck on a never ending "pending" notice since. Almost 2 years of it. Then, a couple days ago, I got the big email.. and screamed so loud hubby thought there was something seriously wrong with me. HEHE. Anyway, that's my big announcement.
Back to the website news journal.. I am now officially up to about 90-95% of pages links completed, and 580 posts completed out of 1000. So .. slowly, very slowly, it's getting done. Goal is to squish in another 9 or so days of work into the next two weeks and finish my to-do list for relaunch. I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. It's faint, but it's definitely there. Well, tomorrow is another day of website work, so time to wrap this up for today!
((On a related side note... why is it when you really don't have time to write the moment that you're the most inspired??))
Congratulations on being approved for the EA Creator Network. That is amazing!
Congrats! That's fantastic! You definitely deserve it.
I appreciate that!
Congratulations! I'm so excited for you and wish you the best! xoxo
Thanks! It's just so exciting!