First thing I need to announce.. for my own mental health, I'm going to delay launch by a week - hence why the count on the post title has changed. My new site will officially open November 1st. I am pretty sure there won't be any interruption in service, but.. if there is, I whole heartedly apologize. As I've been working on the website, I have a massive to-do list I've been whittling away at.. and it's come to my attention that there's really no way I can get it all done correctly in time with my sanity intact by the 26th. That being said, I did go from 3-4 days behind to only 1 day behind yesterday, so I did get a ton done. Progress is still being made, it's just slower than I expected.
Also, sorry this wasn't posted last night. I was honestly to exhausted I completely forgot about hitting "publish" on the journal entry. Whoops.