So.. yesterday was by far the most frustrating and depressing day yet of this migration.. which is why I didn't get yesterdays' post up before bed. I had grand plans to finish the website graphics.. and somehow it got to the end of the day - and I was at the same place I had been at bedtime the day before. Only the day before, the website had been broken in mobile, but I didn't realize it until the next day. Which required a lot of trial and error and fixing.... which made for a long, and frustrating day. I'm realizing that the site may very well not be completely ready by the 26th... and I hate it. I'm going to continue to do my level best to get it there, but the task I set for myself is hugely daunting and exhausting.. so, I may very well take the day off today to rest and recuperate from all the work, and get myself in a better mood for the next big push to complete stuff. I heartily appreciate all the people who are supporting me in this endeavor... you have been amazing. And I know that nobody will be mad if I don't have the site completely ready, but I hate website down time and would hate to have to have you guys wait at all between sites. Gonna have to play it by ear, I think, though... and just do my very best. Love to everyone who takes the time to read my blog! You guys keep me going! I will not post again today, even if I do end up doing some more website work.. so I will talk to you all again tomorrow evening to let you know how things are going!