Okay, so today started with me finishing up what I didn't finish yesterday. Which means, all the page links to other pages are complete. And the featured images are are fixed. It only took me four-five hours. Page links to posts are still borked, but they come up later on my schedule, because - quite frankly, I need a break from link fixing. It's monotonous, it's painstaking, and it's annoying. But it still needs to be done. So, all EXISTING pages have page links fixed. (It only took me most the day to complete the last bits of it.. ugh.)
Now, it's time to start adding new pages and morphing the existing site into the new taxonomy and planned new menu...
After adding a few pages, and doing a bit of planning, I called it a day and gave myself a pat on the back. Well an truly on my way to a new and improved site!