I spent quite a bit of time today running around killing Cliff Racers while looking for the Bandit Camp near Caldera. I did, eventually, find it... but then had to figure out how to get back to Caldera through the mountains to turn in the quest.
I also killed the "bad men" for Varro at Fort Moonmoth - one of which was also the murderer for the quest I worked on last week (which meant killing him gave me two quests completed!)
There was a bunch of back and forth to corpses, selling their wares, then picking up whatever I could carry again, basically until everything was sold.
Then, I also visited Mar Gaan, because there is a shrine there (I joined the Temple), and the Mage's Guild wanted me to kill a "known necromancer". Turned out she was just a healer helping out the town. She agreed to leave Morrowind if I wouldn't kill her, and I just told Ranis that I had killed her. I saw no reason to murder someone based on rumors.
I forgot to get the next Master Index while I was in Mar Gaan, but I did finally remember just before the end of my stream. It took a couple tries, but I did manage to steal it without getting kicked out of the temple.
I think one of the next major things I need to do is the multitude of quests in Vivec that I'm amassing. Also, need to get a Thieves Guild quest from Ald'ruhn.. (which I forgot to get today)
Finishing Stats: Level: 15 Quests completed: 4 Total Quests Completed: 42 Total Quest Completion % = 8.7%