The first thing I want to do before I start writing this new challenge is introduce you to the family and their house. Both are on the gallery, if you're interested in downloading them. In fact, there's also a smaller version of the cabin uploaded earlier, because I had to add room for their toddlers.
Challenge Home Page | Town & Neighbors Information
But, first, let's meet the sims. The McPhersons were originally created for another challenge (The Family Farm challenge) - and, apparently I started playing them before fully reading the rules... because after more than a week playing them... I discovered I'd broken a rule that I felt couldn't be bent. So I saved the family, and restarted the challenge, only to give that challenge up and start writing my Misery2Mansions Challenge. But by the time I found the broken rule, I was already invested and in love with this little family, and the longer they sat there in my gallery, the more I missed them. So, consequently, they were the first family I thought of when I started thinking about starting a new historical challenge. Mind you, I already had a set of sims that I had planned to do the Simerican Settlers Challenge with.. but they just weren't as interesting. So, with a "slight" bending of the rules, I decided I would bring this family back - and this time, let them tell their story.
Now, I decided to add the family as-is, in other words, they'll be starting at the ages and set of skills they had when they stopped play in the other challenge. Which, of course, probably breaks the rules even further.. but I feel that's okay, since I plan to do this more as a story than a challenge.
Theo, as you can see, is a bit of a Loner. He likes to stick to himself, and spend him time out of doors or with his animals. His favorite music types are Americana and Classical, and he enjoys Fitness, Fishing, Gardening, and Handiness. He hates Cooking and Video Gaming (the gaming is to keep him off his phone), and his favorite colors are brown and green.
Charlotte, however, is a cheerful soul, who loves creating things... and also simply loves life. She is also partial to Americana and Classical music, and loves to Cook, Work out, and Sing. She's not as into the whole cleaning thing.. but when it needs doing, she'll cheerfully step in. She doesn't like fishing, gardening, handiness, and video gaming (again, to try to keep her off her phone)... and regards those skills as "man's work". Her favorite colors are also Brown and Green.
Harriet is their eldest daughter. She is just turning three at the start of this challenge. (And let's be honest, she's freaking adorable.)
A year younger than his sister, Luke is equally adorable, and is the spitting image of his father. He also, by benefit of being their eldest son, is the heir for this challenge.
As I mentioned above, there is another version of this house/ farm on the gallery, but it wasn't big enough for this family, so I did some editing.
The following pictures were taken before starting play (and me realizing that I forgot a couple things in the build - namely, a tea set and a coffee table..) - so you'll notice a few small differences once the story starts.
Anyway.. that's enough for this post. Next one will introduce the town and the McPherson's neighbors, then I feel we should be finally ready to start the story. See you then!
Challenge Home Page | Town & Neighbors Information
I'm looking forward to a new story from you!
Aw, thanks! I'm looking forward to writing again! It's been too long.
This is so cool!
Thanks! Glad you're enjoying it!