This lot started out as a "chat decides" build, in other words, all of it was voted for by chat. They decided where, and what, and how I was building, and I went from there. So, a strange shaped modern-ish Community Center build is what we ended up with. It got included in the save file because it's pretty darn impressive. (And because ... how many four-part builds do I really want to have to do?!) This one is designed for the Sprucewood Square lot in Evergreen Harbor.
As I said above, this is a four-part build. Which is how the Community Centers work. They work BEST if you use the same shell for all, and then cater to the specific lot requirements after that. So I built the community center itself, furnished it, and then reloaded and refurnished it for each sub-lot. (Basically, when sims go and vote to change the kind of lot it is, there are four things they can choose from, and you have to have all four set up for the lot to work properly. It's confusing, but that's the way EA set it up to be.) While going through taking pictures, I tried to get shots of everything that changes between versions of the build, and ignore the stuff that didn't change. Will add captions to the photos so you don't get confused. Enjoy!
Community Center:
Community Garden:
Maker Space:
What a neat build! Sometimes, design by committee works!
It really did turn out nice. I was very skeptical for a while, though!