Don't worry, the old content is still here, my brain just ran out of power while I was setting everything up tonight... I apologize. With any luck by morning I will be recharged and will be able to finish the blog set-up tomorrow. Top priority is getting the top-level pages linked and published, then I will dig in on linking all the old things into the new set-up. I do have tomorrow "off", so, as long as brain heals a little bit, I conceivably have enough time tomorrow to set it all up and finish the initial site transition. I'm trying very hard to get this all done this weekend, but top priority must remain staying mentally healthy and - if pushing myself to get this done will mess with that, I will definitely slow things down and put the rest of the time in over the next week when I have a moment. (Hence my stopping work on the site 2 hours before I ran out of time, simply because my brain was 100% done for the night.)
Another couple of things to look for: tomorrow I will be publishing the next month's streaming schedule, and the first Game of the Week! My next stream will be Monday at 1-6 pm, playing the number 26 nostalgic game on my list. (Sims content will resume on Wednesday.) See you then!
Hang in there! It's a huge job and always takes longer than we predict! I follow your blog through WordPress Reader, so the changes are invisible to me, and I don't even need to be patient, but I'm sure those who visit through a web browser will be plenty patient!
Aw, thanks 🙂 It's always nice to hear things like this when you're in the middle of a huge project that you didn't budget quite enough time for.. LOL