It took me quite a bit to decide on a cartoon that I actually watched and/or connected with as a kid, because to be honest, I wasn't really allowed to watch cartoons. So what I did see wasn't until college or was at a friend's house, so I was never really able to get invested into any cartoon. I did finally settle on Scooby-Doo, and then I really sat down with some photos of the characters and made them - at least facially - as closely as I could. Clothes was a bit harder, but I did really make an effort to get it at least in the same fashion family as what they wore. They're all teens, because that's what they are in the show, and I tried to pick appropriate traits. Scooby was the hardest to make, mostly because I actually painted him to match his markings, and I had to find photos that showed all sides online.
Day 2 | Day Themes | Day 4
Anyway, here's the download, and their info:
The house was totally the reason I picked Scooby-Doo, I'll be honest. I thought of several cartoons while brainstorming, but the only one I could come up with an easy concept for a house was Scooby. Of course, a house with a hidden passage and cobwebs was the idea, and I ran with it. Looking at the photos, I definitely should have added more cobwebs, but it still looks pretty good. Download here:
I am actually up to having just finished the day 6 house and sim(s), so I really need to catch up on posting. Expect to see the alien build tomorrow - and as a teaser, this is one of the longest times I've spent on a build in quite a while. In comparison, it took more time than the huge mansion for day 2! (And that's including the time I spent on an initial shell I ended up bulldozing.)
Day 2 | Day Themes | Day 4