First thing I want to go through is the Sims 4 scoring, and the mini challenges I'll be attempting since deciding to keep score is why I restarted the challenge for the third time...
Scoring the Challenge:
Mini-Challenges I'm taking:
Now that all that is attended to, I went in game and made two new founders with backstories:
I set the season to start at as Spring, and then absolutely could not decide on where to live, so I made my hubby choose. He picked Windenburg, and of the two big lots, I chose Dresden House. Kicked out the family and bulldozed the lot.. then moved the Braxtons in.. dropped their funds down to the 1800 Simoleons for a "Legacy Start" and we were officially ready to start.
First order of business: Have Becca quit her story-mode-given Culinary job. I plan on her being the stay-at-home parent.
I wasn't really expecting the Teacher career for Brett, I was planning on going Tech Guru - but perhaps this will work out after all. So I have him start learning Research & Debate for work.
... And it begins. One of Becca's first wishes was for a Bee Box, so there it is. Then she wants to water a plant. Which is a little tougher because .. it's RAINING! We'll have to wait and plant something quickly when the rain lets up.
After a while, one of them rolls a "Try for Baby" whim.. so we give it a try. (Spoiler.. it takes three tries to get the first baby on the way!)
Finally, baby success. She's in her swimsuit because she wished for a pool. Took me a while to afford one, but she now has a 1 by 1 pool to satisfy her whim. Apparently it's the new favorite place to eat meals and have conversations.
Geek Fest shows up, and, while Brett is at work, we have Becca go try to win a computer. She gets third place for 250, which isn't too bad since she has no programming skill, but no computer.
The game contest gets her fun up, but she won't be winning that one, either.
Ok, car that just went by: please come back and take away this half naked vampire!!
Uh-oh. Brett didn't fix the toilet fast enough and Becca had an accident. Poor sweetie!
Yes, I got them a couch so they'd stop sitting in their suits at the pool so often. It only partially worked. Oh, and yes, I waited until the game gave us a bassinet for her to give birth in.
+30 Points! (Our first points!) Welcome, Brycen!
Yep, that means there's another nooboo on the way. Also, if you're looking very closely, we have our first roofed area: the baby's room. I felt too bad having him out in the rain and cold.
Yay!! That Wild trait should be interesting, at least. Oh, and - It'll be a bit before you get a good picture of him, since it's pretty much always dark or raining. I do manage to buy them lights before he grows up, though.
The season changes, a thunderstorm hits, and we need a greenhouse to keep making money. So I enclose the plants, and send Becca and Brett inside to chat. Brycen apparently thinks it's appropriate to talk to the bear during the storm, however. The stereo, the umbrella stand, and the bulletin board were all from whims.
Brycen: "Hey Mom, what are you doing??"
Becca: "ARRRGGGHHH!" (or something close to it.)
Also: the big circle on the wall is the thermostat that Becca wished for. Apparently she was getting cold. (Then stop getting in the pool, silly!!)
+30 more points. And welcome to Girl #1, Bridget.
Our last dark photo... because shortly after this, I finally get lights in the house! The highlights: Becca is pregnant again, the shower is filthy and Brett is still trying to get himself clean - and both Brycen and Bridget are sound asleep in the nursery. (For now.)
Finally. Meet Brycen! He's working on his thinking skill.
Inquisitive isn't too bad. Maybe it'll help her skill faster?
Poor little girl is filthy and not happy about it, though. I have one of the parents fix that asap.
Nooboo # 3 incoming. And Brett sleeps through the entire thing. Which means he's running around like a fool in the morning getting ready for work, which was hilarious.
First B name that was offered to me. I guess it'll work. Perhaps I'll make her the female bad apple?.. Or should I wait for a better house to do that in.. HMM
Oh, yeah.. and Becca is pregnant again.
We leave you with a picture of the three current kids in the "living room". (Well, it's more of a whole house room, but whatever. At least the parents finally have their own bed and aren't out in the tent anymore.) We did manage to get through the tent phase with only one big scare - lightning hit the tent with both of them in it and burnt the tent to a crisp, but neither were harmed. Thank goodness. Took a while to replace the tent because we were out of money.. but that's how this whole thing works!
Total Points currently: 110 90 from babies being born, 20 from parent aspiration milestones.