So... we ended the last chapter on the two of them sitting by the pool reading.
... We start this one.. with Harvestfest bringing us an invasion of garden gnomes. We appease all of them because Iris can always use new seeds.
I decide we should save up an essence for the next time it wants us to drink one for work. Little Moo doesn't seem to mind the meal.
Iris decides to get all flirty, so she drags Aiyden to the bathroom to help her clean up.
I then realize they have some 15k in the bank, and I haven't done any building in a while... so I do some upgrading. Here's their new open plan dining area. (They're eating a grand meal for harvestfest - it seemed appropriate to get them an actual table to eat it at!)
The living room gets a facelift, as well, with some color changes.
The breakfast nook becomes an impromptu garden area.. because why would they need two tables to eat at?
Oh yeah... and there were consequences to the shower romp. *wink*
With his new job, Aiyden gets the ability to "grow" meat. Weird, but.. okay then. The "Massage" interaction is one of the creepiest things I've seen in game.
Upgrading the dryer for safety reasons. We don't need any fire accidents.
Despite being lazy, Iris seems to actually be a good mother. She is almost always the first to make it to the bassinet when McKenzie starts crying. (Also: I realize I spelled McKenzie's name wrong in my last chapter. Sorry, sweetie!)
Flying baby!! (Screenshots of baby age-ups crack me up... I had to include it.)
Inquisitive, huh? Nice.
Squeee! OMG She's adorable!
Proof that Iris actually cleans on her own sometimes in my save. Also: I adore that kitchen shelf.
Poor Iris. This pregnancy has been really rough on her. I find her in the bathroom after nearly every meal.
Aiyden lets me know it's that time. But since I don't want to leave McKenzie home alone or send her to daycare, I have him stay home for the birth. Iris assures him that she's got this.
Iris? You going to wait for the doctor to get in the room? .. Nevermind. I guess not.
Welcome baby Luke! I had the hardest time picking his name. I randomized for about 15 minutes before I just picked my own name that was a variation on one of the ones that had popped up while randomizing.
We arrive home.. to snow? .. Okay then. Everyone has to run outside to "react to first snow", which always amuses me.
I find McKenzie reading all by herself in her room after a nightmare. Apparently she didn't think waking up the parents was necessary. (Immediately after this photo, she starts chewing on the book. I was so startled I didn't think to take a picture. I've never seen a toddler do that in the sims before. I guess that's one way to be inquisitive? LOL!)
Winterfest arrives, and Iris and Aiyden move the coffee table in favor of a traditional tree.
The night before, Aiyden rolled the "Try for Baby" whim, so I indulged him. This was the result.
Welcome to toddlerhood, little Luke!
Based on that smile, he's definitely a Charmer, alright.
First thing he does: head out to the back porch nobody uses to play in the snow. Too funny.
He then runs stumbles back inside to give his big sister a huge hug. Next time: Father Winter ... and another baby on the way. Wonder what it'll be?!
OMG, the kids are sooo cute! Luke in that hat is just adorbs.