Sheppard's Decades - 1890s Week 4

August 7, 2020

1890s Week 3 | 1890s Week 5

These guys are such a happy family. After the horrifying ordeal that was the twins as toddlers, things have changed drastically for the better.

James still needs some Research & Debate skill for work, so he's talking to himself in the mirror again.

Anna is trying to get some laundry done before winter really sets in.

Glenn and Jesse decide they need to go outside to make friends - which is okay by me, since it's a lovely day in Newcrest.

... And Edith is chatting with Rook. I know it's Rook because of the black collar.

Omg. So cute. He gave her a big lick, too.

Jesse doing his homework at his father's desk. Perhaps he's thinking he'll be a lawyer, too.

... While Gertrude and Glenn work at the kitchen table.

More laundry. The task never ends. But at least Anna seems to be good-natured about doing it.

Jesse is apparently fully reformed from his mess-making toddler days. Now he's going around cleaning up messes that are still around.

Then he meets one of the Pancakes kids, I forget her name. She was walking by while he was cleaning, so I had him say "hi".

Gertrude finishes a rug for her room before bed. Gives it a homey touch.

Guys - you don't BOTH need to spray for monsters. Although maybe it'll keep them away for longer. (Spoiler: it doesn't.)

Breakfast the next morning. And reminder # 1 that I forgot to buy a bigger kitchen table for them - just like I said I would last chapter.

Poor Gertrude eats sitting up. Reminder #2.

After everyone is off to school and work, the toddler is busy.. so Anna finishes up yet another load of laundry.

The rug in the downstairs boys' room. I also did a small house remodel to give them a door to their room instead of an arch. There's now a tiny hallway to get to their room. And - everyone has dressers in their rooms. Well, except for the girls. I ran out of funds.

Gertrude enjoying a clear and bright Winterfest morning. As opposed to the horrible storms that the Tangles were "blessed" with for their winter.

Everyone gets together to trim the tree - except for Edith, who's too little to help, and Anna, who's making some Stew for everyone's lunch.

Yes, James.. why in the Watcher's name are you sitting on the knitted pouf I put there for the kids... It's a wonder he doesn't squash it into oblivion.

Edith is once again playing with Rook. They've really become good friends.

Anna finally gets a break from doing laundry and has time to do some knitting.

Since there's still no sign of storms, I bundle the kids up and send them out to play in the snow. It's getting dark, but nobody's ready for bed quite yet.

Then my camera zooms across the neighborhood. .... What exactly are you doing, Darrel?

... Um.. Freezing to death? .. Never seen a townie do that before.

I laughed way too hard when he toppled over with a crash. It was kinda cool to see the Spellcaster gravestone.. although I quickly sent one of the kids across the neighborhood to pick it up and hide it in the family inventory.

It wouldn't be a Sheppards post without at least one spin-up for aging, and it looks like Edith got the honor this week. (I didn't get a picture of James aging up earlier)

Post-makeover Edith. That's the hair she grew up with, and it's perfect for her.

Anna immediately pounces on teaching her to knit, and I buy her a knitting box for her inventory.

Proof that during the house remodel I FINALLY remembered to buy them a better table. Even better, they are actually using it!

All the kids run off to school, James goes to work.. and poor Anna realizes she's home alone with the dogs for pretty much the first time this entire challenge.

Afternoon knitting party. After homework was done, of course.

Uh-oh. James is stripey. And I -once again - forgot to have him "work hard". He's SO close to getting a promotion, if I would just remember that he'd get it. But nooo.. it was friday and I totally forgot.

Rook is filthy, so James gives him a bath before bed. Little does he know...

... that it's the last bath Rook will ever get. Grim is forced to make another visit to this household, this time for someone much more dear.

I agree with James' expression. I had almost forgotten Rook was old. For half a second, I think about filling the void in the household with another baby, but then decide that's a totally bad idea. Where would I put them??

Anna, playing in the snow on yet another lovely winter day with Edith. Now that there's no toddler in the house, it's far easier to take care of the kids.

Ginger's turn for a bath. Then the household starts all heading for bed. Annnd... my camera zooms YET AGAIN.

... No idea who this person is.. but the entire family wakes up this time to run out and mourn. They didn't know the person at all.

Grim, checking his list and wondering why in the world he keeps getting called back to this one household. We're becoming repeat customers!

Everyone is up, so I send them to get something to eat before I put everyone back to bed for the end of the week. I apologize for the plumbob in Anna's face, I totally didn't even notice it when I took the picture. LOL. OOps. All in all, it was a pretty good week for the Sheppards. More birthdays next week - both Glenn and Gertrude age bars are bubbling, so we should see them become teens at the beginning of the next chapter. See you then!

1890s Week 3 | 1890s Week 5


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August 7, 2020 10:46 PM

Awww, bye bye Rook. 🙁 So sad, but I also was laughing at all the random people freezing outside your house. The Tangles may have had worse storms, but apparenlty it's SUPER cold for the Sheppards. 😀 I love all the kids, excited to see teens soons!

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I am a 45 year old American wife, mother, and gamer. I’ve lived in the Midwest most of my life, and enjoy it for the changing seasons. My favorite movie is Labyrinth, my favorite game is Sims 4, and I have tattoos related to both. My favorite colors are purple, red, and green. When I’m not playing games (which is rare) I also enjoy reading and crafting. I’m also an animal lover, and have had many types of pets over the years. Currently, I have a dog named Cassie who is a Jack Russel / Beagle mix and three young fancy rats (all of whom are rescues). I run this Sims 4 Blog where I post screenshots and stories about the different challenges I play. Also here are the Sims 4 challenges I've written, and a place for me to store all the Sims 4 knowledge I've gotten over the years. I am also a Sims 4/variety streamer on Twitch for my mental health, fun, and to meet new people. I have also recently been accepted to the EA Creator Network, which is a dream come true! I look forward to meeting you!
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