Sheppard's Decades - 1890s Week 3

August 2, 2020

1890s Week 2 | 1890s Week 4

Welcome back to the madhouse. As a reminder: we're in the 1890s, and have three toddlers and two dogs. Oh yeah, and Anna is pregnant again. Save me! No, really.. the twins have their birthday very soon, and I'm really looking forward to it.

Gertrude, dear, that's not particularly helpful. But I guess it's better than the toilet. Also: did not know toddlers could do this. Did you?

Bathtime for Jesse. The dog is not helping. LOL.

Then, Anna has a energy fail.. and tries to pass out while holding Jesse. Lovely glitch. She ends up stuck like this, and I have to reset her. It's also about this time that the twins state that it's their birthday.. and I realize 1 - I have no stove to make a cake, and 2 - you can't make cakes off the grid anyway. Darn. I have to wait for them to spin up on their own.

James: "I saw that. You just peed yourself."

Anna: "Shh. Let's see you have four kids in a row and not have any accidents!"

Baby time!! Wonder what it'll be. And yes, she's still filthy. Bath can come later - after baby.

And it's a girl! Welcome baby Edith. (Full disclosure: I forgot her name and had to reload the game to write this post. LOL OOPS)

Jesse being cute with the dog. Which dog? .. I dunno, can't see the collar.

Finally. He gets randomized, and this is what he rolled. Figures, with all that red hair he has.

Post-makeover. He's a real cutie.

She gets creative, as per challenge rules. The social butterfly was a roll.

I had the hardest time finding clothes for her. Didn't really have anything appropriate. So we went with this.

Glenn's first action: saying hello to his new baby sister. He seems to like her, which is good.

Then, he decides to take out the trash. I think I like this kid!

I send Gertrude to do her homework, and Glenn decides to join her. They have a conversation while doing it, so it takes forever, but that's okay.

Ginger is babysitting Jesse.. and a stinky toilet. Neither seem to mind the toilet, though.

No idea who Anna was talking to here, but she looks great in this photo. Nevermind that she's supposed to be cooking dinner or the fact that the counter is filthy.

Look! Jesse can fly! Still one of my favorite interactions.

I tried to get more era-appropriate beds, but they were too expensive.. so I settled on these plain wooden ones.

Sure, Gertrude, play where the dogs are supposed to be eating. You do you.

Gertrude and Glenn come to complain about a monster, and James pretty much says he's had it for the day. Poor guy.

This, I believe is one of the Munch kids. Logan, I think his name is. I've been having Gertrude and Glenn meet kids at school and whoever walks by, ever keeping an eye out for future mates for them. It may be a little early - but that's okay.

Glenn doing homework while the dogs play in the next room, doing as much as they possibly can to distract him.

Turns out Jesse is in there with them. Rook seems very interested in what he's doing, while Ginger is occupied with Glenn in the next room.

No, Jesse, Gertrude cannot help you take a bath. Cute interaction, anyway.

Edith joins the family as the only child who got her father's blue eyes.

My first experience with the "Teach to Knit" interaction. SO CUTE!!

Oh my gosh, she even leans in to help teach her the stitches! LOVE it!

Awww. Anna really tries so hard to be a good mom. It's not her fault that this family is so crazy.

Kid central. This house is always filled with activity.

James getting asked advice from Glenn.

Anna, probably wondering why there's always messes everywhere. I can point to exactly why. His name is Jesse. LOL. Gertrude is playing happily (and without making messes) behind her mother.

James comes home with a promotion, and finally, a desk to go with the chair he got earlier.

Told you the messes were Jesse's fault. Really? You couldn't wait until the other mess was at least cleaned up and mom left the room??

He decides chatting with his brother is more fun. Thank goodness.

Dad steps in to mop up the second mess, while Glenn brushes Ginger, who always needs brushing because she's hairy.

Apparently, James likes the new desk idea.

Anna finally gets some knitting time of her own in.

I buy a knitting box for Gertrude, too, so she can make a little spare cash with her free time. The dog toy in the background was found by one of the dogs and brought back in a little pink box. It squeaks when they play with it, and my real life dog always tips her head, trying to figure out where the sound is coming from. It's hilarious.

Last birthday for this update. He also gets random trait and aspiration.

Post-makeover shot. What pretty eyes!

Rook ages up to elder. Ginger doesn't seem to realize she's next.. and Gertrude is far too busy trying not to drop stitches in her rug to notice the party in front of her.

The kids decide to have a conference in the kitchen. Which reminds me.. they need a bigger table. I wonder if they can afford it..? (Probably not) .. Also wonder if I'll remember to look and see whether they can in the next play session. (Also probably not. LOL.)

At least we got most the kids through being toddlers. Things should start calming down in the house now. I hope. See you next time!

1890s Week 2 | 1890s Week 4


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August 2, 2020 11:52 PM

Seems to be a much calmer household this update; fewer toddlers will do that to you. Here's hoping Jesse has left his mess-making days behind!

August 3, 2020 7:30 PM

Somehow I doubt that. Jesse REALLY likes making messes. lol.

August 7, 2020 10:24 PM

Aww, I love Edith! Jesse grew up really handsome, I really like his look too. The house seems much nicer this update, a lot less crazy feeling. 🙂

August 7, 2020 10:47 PM
Reply to  ciysims

Totally agreed. On all three points.

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I am a 45 year old American wife, mother, and gamer. I’ve lived in the Midwest most of my life, and enjoy it for the changing seasons. My favorite movie is Labyrinth, my favorite game is Sims 4, and I have tattoos related to both. My favorite colors are purple, red, and green. When I’m not playing games (which is rare) I also enjoy reading and crafting. I’m also an animal lover, and have had many types of pets over the years. Currently, I have a dog named Cassie who is a Jack Russel / Beagle mix and three young fancy rats (all of whom are rescues). I run this Sims 4 Blog where I post screenshots and stories about the different challenges I play. Also here are the Sims 4 challenges I've written, and a place for me to store all the Sims 4 knowledge I've gotten over the years. I am also a Sims 4/variety streamer on Twitch for my mental health, fun, and to meet new people. I have also recently been accepted to the EA Creator Network, which is a dream come true! I look forward to meeting you!
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