We start out this week by sending Stefan to pass his bar exam for work, and then he needs level 2 logic - so he heads to the park, since we can't really afford a chess table and chairs right now.
Our other task is selling that puppy. There's no way I'm taking care of a puppy on top of two toddlers and being pregnant. Apparently Katrina Caliente is working for the adoption services. It has also occurred to me that I "handicapped" myself a bit by electing to have so many dogs in the house - we can't have as many kids. So I don't know that I'll be trying for more puppies for a while, if at all.
Almost immediately, I discover that this is going to be a really hard week. The messes Anna has to clean up is just the beginning.
... Because there's another one in process already. LOL.
"Hey, mama.. we're hungry too!"
"So go get some off the counter and stop bothering me about it!"
Laundry time!
Gertrude is being cute, so I couldn't resist a screenshot. Also, she's up by herself in the middle of the night because she got hungry. She was a good girl, though, and didn't wake anyone else - just got her meal, ate it, and crawled back upstairs to bed.
One of the few peaceful mornings before work that these two have this week. Note that the dogs need feeding, and there's one very stinky dog behind James...
.. So we wash the dogs, and fill the food bowls.
Now that's a happy dog!
But - as soon as those chores are done - there's toddlers to bathe, too. The work never ends, and Anna's energy is perpetually low.
Glenn is making friends with Rook, because mom and dad just don't have time to talk to him right now.. so, the dogs are great for keeping up his "attention" need.
Things look so peaceful. I assure you, they're not. I'm spending most my time yelling at pixel people who won't do what I'm telling them to.
There's a summer heatwave, so everyone is in their hot weather clothes. James is spending time with Gertrude, while Ginger supervises.
... I knew that was going to happen.
.. Gosh, I feel so bad for Anna. I just can't seem to get her energy up. She keeps getting woken up.
... And now it's baby time, too!
I love the curious dog behind Anna in this shot. Meet the newest Sheppard - Jesse. Another boy.
The toddlers, feeding themselves in the middle of the night.
... And in the morning. These guys seem to always be hungry.
What a huge storm! The lightning is actually loud enough to be jump-scaring me. LOL.
Yes, James, hurry off to work. This is what he leaves behind:
There's also piles of laundry all over the upstairs and in the sims' inventories. I feel like a horrible sim-watcher, because keeping up with this family is a NIGHTMARE.
"There's a storm outside."
That's outside. You're inside.
"I don't want my head to get wet, though."
...Sigh. He finally put away the umbrella when he got out of the bath, only to pull it out again to walk back to the house.
Amazingly, this is one of the few toddler energy fails I have this week. At least the kids have been well cared for.
.. Even if the adults aren't. And the house is still a disaster zone.
Aww.. I feel so bad for her. Things are not likely to improve, though. That puppy dog eye look isn't going to help.
More laundry. And a screaming baby. And a toddler that needs attention. And dog hair everywhere again. Sigh.
.. At least the baby isn't screaming anymore?
Even poor James is down for the count. He did manage to finish Gertrude's bath before passing out, though.
You know you're overwhelmed when going into CAS for an age-up makeover feels a bit like heaven. LOL. This is Jesse, all toddler-ified. Yet another kid with mom's green eyes.
Haha.... it figures. She's pregnant again. The dogs are begging for food again, and little Glenn is playing in a puddle of.. who knows what.
That moment when you seriously just stop to care and lay down for a nap. (Only to have to go to work a half hour later... LOL)
He leaves this mess behind, and by the end of the day when he gets home, the toilet will be broken, too.
Okay, I love rocking chairs. The interactions are adorable!
Poor Anna. Now she's going tiger-striped.
Jesse playing with blocks by a dirty toilet, with a dog sleeping in a puddle of pee. EW.
Three mostly happy toddlers. For the moment.
Jesse nearly gets knocked over with a kiss from Ginger - I only catch the tail end of the interaction, but it was really cute.
James comes home with a promotion. He's now officially a junior lawyer with the firm, and finally gets a suit to wear to work. He's also horribly tired, and immediately goes for a rocking chair nap, because I was pretty sure he wasn't going to make it upstairs.
Peace. For a moment, at least.
After his nap, he has to fix the toilet that was broken - and the sink, too.. but the toilet was definitely higher priority with a pregnant wife in the house.
And - no - he doesn't make it to bed.
To be honest, I'm not sure who was stinking in this photo.. the toddler (Glenn) or James. But someone is. The dogs are in a great mood, though. Good thing they're easy to care for!
The clothes line broke. Again. And that poor kitchen garden hardly ever gets any tending.
I find it hilarious that you can see her tiger stripes through the nightgown/robe.
.... I didn't know toddlers could eat there..? I mean, I'm grateful, because he was VERY low on hunger.. but.. still, it's weird.
Finally. It's the end of the week, and I've got nearly everyone in the green and happily sleeping.
Except for James. James is trying to catch up on the housework to help his wife out. I finally gave up on gender stereotypes for this family for the week, because Anna simply wasn't going to be able to make it through on her own. So whenever he's home, he's helping. 🙂
On that note, it's time to move on to the next save. Next time: Fall and week three, which will start with the twins finally aging up. I was tempted to play to their birthdays, but escaping this house was also high on the list of priorities.
OMG, this house looks like so much effort. And yet also great fun (to watch, anyway). Looking forward to seeing how the kids grow up. Will the girls be going to school in this save?
Probably not. They may not be able to afford that kind of expense.
Oh my goodness that was a lot of work. lol I'm tired just reading about it for you. This poor family. There is such a difference between your decades families.
I totally didn't expect there to be so much of a difference. But there really is. Not only in personalities, but the whole way the family plays.