Sheppard's Decades - 1890s Week One

Intro/Rules | 1890s Week Two

First of all: let's have a huge round of applause that Nifty Knitting has finally gotten here. Then, let's meet our founders, James and Anna.

They're downloaded from the gallery, with a little bit in the way of makeovers. Anna, in particular, had a hair color change so that she wouldn't look so much like my other Decades founder, Juliet. I love her freckles, however, and they look so awesome with the red hair and green eyes. When I downloaded them, I kept their names - and their (male) dog, Rook. While preparing for the challenge, another simmer posted a photo of one of their challenge founders and his (female) dog.. and one thing led to another, and we swapped dogs so we could breed them. So: meet Ginger and Rook Sheppard.

Just for reference, I did check: the breed was officially recognized in 1907, but it existed before then. So we're stretching credibility, and saying they brought them over with them when they came to the U.S.

Oh, and the featured photo is their house, that I built literally over a month ago in preparation for this challenge. It's based off a photo I found of a house built in the 1890s, so it's accurate to the time period. It is EXTREMELY lacking in furnishing, however, as you'll see in the upcoming game-play photos. I didn't start these guys out with a loan, so most their money went into building the home... they will have to earn enough to start furnishing it.

One last thing before I start play: this is a park lot I built to be as close to time period as possible, with as many uses as I could think of. I'll be using it for both of my Decades saves.

Yes, it's on the Gallery, called "1890 Church & Park".

With all that out of the way.. let's get this party started!

It's spring, and cold out, so they're both in their cold weather wear. I immediately send James to another lot so he can call to get his lawyer job that I planned for him. (Off the grid means I can't get a job while on their home lot..)

Being that James will be working outside of the house, Anna is in charge of the kitchen garden. So I get her to buy some seeds and plant away. Then, it occurs to me I should take some pictures of the house to document how it starts:

And yes, James is back home and working on his Research & Debate skill for work. I didn't take a picture of the empty rooms - there's one downstairs and one upstairs.

Finally finished with the gardening, Anna sits down and starts work on her very first knitting project. (After telling the dogs to try to breed.)

The dogs, of course, refuse. This might take a while.

For some reason, sims are having trouble putting books away, and I keep getting "Last Exception"s - which I brought up to the MCCC folks, and they diagnose as being the books' fault. So that book has to be manually put away, and it stays there for a while until I get around to it. Also of note: Anna, if you look closely, is already pregnant! No such luck on the dogs, though.

EA.. thanks for programming in that they can knit on the toilet. As a knitter, I assure you.. this is not a good idea. However, it was funny that it took me a while to find Anna - I didn't think to look in the outhouse.

The dogs are finally starting to get along. Anna is getting to be pretty good friends with both of them, too.

Yay! They're finally breeding! Still no puppy notification, though.

Poor Anna.. this pregnancy is really taking it out of her. James has been having to help with the garden because she just doesn't have the energy.

Yet another nap. I feel terrible for her!

No idea who she's talking to here. James wasn't even home.. so it was either one of the dogs, or she was just talking to herself. Perhaps she was complaining about yet another book being out. LOL.

Oh, and.. hooray!!

It must be that time. Thanks for letting me know, James. 🙂

Yep.. that's the baby face. I waited until the game gave us a free bassinet, because money is tight for these two.... so poor Anna had to be in labor for the entire time.

LOL. What a face. I completely relate. I was in labor for 37 hours when my RL son was born.. you'll be okay, there, Anna.

See? It was all worth it, right?

... Maybe. I cursed so loudly at the second name the baby screen that my hubby thought something was actually wrong. Nope. Just twins. in 1890. Joy. Meet Glenn (on the left) and Gertrude (on the right).

Stuff is constantly breaking. I usually make James fix it when he next wakes up or whenever he gets home from work.

This place is officially a madhouse. And yes, this is how the twins aged up. We're going to need makeovers. The redhead is Glenn. And the puppy is a little boy, named Dash. I will probably sell him.

I come out of the makeover screen to James playing with Gertrude. Too cute. And the dogs are making hairy messes again. Fun. (sarcasm)

I did the best I could on their outfits, but it's hard to match the kids' outfits for the time.

Um... already??

Here's a good shot of both twins:

They're both adorable and both got mommy's green eyes.

One last thing.. here's the toddlers' upstairs room. I was only just barely able to afford their furniture. And that's the week. The next week will probably be pretty crazy!

Intro/Rules | 1890s Week Two


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August 7, 2020 9:30 PM

Oh my, twins already. I do wish there were some more choices for toddler clothes, because there isn't much that would fit that era you are right. They are still super cute though!

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I am a 45 year old American wife, mother, and gamer. I’ve lived in the Midwest most of my life, and enjoy it for the changing seasons. My favorite movie is Labyrinth, my favorite game is Sims 4, and I have tattoos related to both. My favorite colors are purple, red, and green. When I’m not playing games (which is rare) I also enjoy reading and crafting. I’m also an animal lover, and have had many types of pets over the years. Currently, I have a dog named Cassie who is a Jack Russel / Beagle mix and three young fancy rats (all of whom are rescues). I run this Sims 4 Blog where I post screenshots and stories about the different challenges I play. Also here are the Sims 4 challenges I've written, and a place for me to store all the Sims 4 knowledge I've gotten over the years. I am also a Sims 4/variety streamer on Twitch for my mental health, fun, and to meet new people. I have also recently been accepted to the EA Creator Network, which is a dream come true! I look forward to meeting you!
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