Who's Crazy Now? Chapter 1.7

June 20, 2020

Chapter 1.6 | Generation #1 Heir Poll

I'm not going to list all the points these guys have until the end of the post (because who needs that whole list to start with...), but I will note our starting total - which is 160. Not too bad, really. Also: fair warning, this is a fairly long post. I didn't feel like splitting up the play session.. and I swear I stopped earlier than planned, hoping for a decent amount of pictures. Not the case with this family. Too photogenic. *wink*

We start the post off with Jesse finally remembering to drink some of his celebrity serums.. and pulling a fan mail box out of the mailbox. Love the movie reference there, EA. And what was in the box? ... A spoiled Salmon. Yum.

Fetia decides to use the couch for a nap instead of her bed.. but at least she's not passing out on the floor!

Jesse, chatting with Coty. While Jax walks by in his shades. No idea where he's going, though.

I interrupt his chat to put him back to work.. we have 5 masterpieces we need for the aspiration. Spoiler: this isn't one of them.

The twins.. both are being productive.. sorta.

While Jax sits at the computer simply staring at the wall. Silly Sim.

I'm not sure what she's cheering about - and Jesse looks confused, too. Can't blame the guy. Random cheering is weird, EA.

Tyson decides to play the guitar. But at least he's getting better. It doesn't hurt my ears as much as it did before!

Why is everyone napping in the middle of the night instead of going to bed???

You know, Tyson, you can't really complain about having to pee really bad when you're the one who decided to get a glass of water instead of going to the bathroom. Now it's too late, because the one bathroom in the house is taken! (Luckily, he gets there in time.. eventually.)

... See? Also: apparently Coty decided he needed some music time, too.

Random picture of nothing except for a leftover bowl of chili and Tyson's abandoned homework. How is he supposed to turn it in when he leaves it on the table??

On the whole, Jesse seems to be truly loving his ISBI experience.

Fetia... not so much. I have to wonder if she's regretting her choices.

But at least she's a good sport about it. Here she is cleaning a shower that has auto-clean upgrade on it. Useful.

Coty comes home from school enraged. Poor guy. At least we're able to calm him down, though.

Aha. Masterpiece #1. I love that gnome painting.

The real reason Fetia's having a bad day.. she's sick. While Jaxson thinks it's appropriate to talk about the mile high club with his sick mother. I had to screen capture just to get the thought bubble because it was so funny.

Finally. The boys decide to sleep in their bed at night instead of napping.

Granted - they went to bed at like 8 o'clock and are now up early.. but at least they slept.

Coty!! Idiot cooking is not allowed in this house!

And then he leaves it on a broken stove... while Fetia starts cooking on her own, too. I swear there's good food in the fridge...

At this point, I double check the fridge. Yes, there is food in there. STOP TRYING TO COOK!!!

Jesse fixes the broken stove.. and then makes everyone French Toast.. which nobody bothers to eat. Sigh.

They finally find the leftovers in the fridge. Why it took them that long, I'll never know!

Jesse needs to use one of his "banked" Youth Potions.

So I buy him a replacement.

Just as a preventative measure - I have Jesse make some more food for the fridge. (While Fetia continues to be an awesome ISBI spouse and clean the house.)

Spoiler: making food did not help the cooking situation. Sigh.

Wait.. the entire family is in one place at the same time? *gasp* .. Amazing!

Tyson, mortified, taking a shower. Apparently I missed it, but that big puddle is because he peed himself. And then got his privacy invaded. Luckily he lives through the experience.

One of the teens keeps setting the table.... but I'm not sure who. I have yet to catch them at it.

Fetia, honey, I admire your tenacity, but that's not going to help the situation ....

So I send Jesse on a repairing spree to save poor Fetia. Spoiler: fixing the game system didn't un-stuck the TV.. I had to reset it.

(Because Jesse needed fun.) I didn't tell the boys to do their homework, either. But they seem to do it one their own each day, now. Good job!

The one and only time this week the neighbors show up with free food.

Jesse promptly ignores them and heads back to the easel.

But at least it pays off. One part of the aspiration done!

.. And that's Masterpiece #2. He's been painting ALL the time, and he's only on his second one. He's really not very good at this.

In the morning, Jesse gets this announcement. Level 10 career, yay!

Paying Monday's bills.. and getting some spoiled cupcakes from fans. Jesse, dear, you need better fans.

Finally.. it's that time!! (Also.. what spice, exactly, are you adding to a chocolate cake?)

Fetia helps cheer Coty on as he ages to Young Adult.

Here's his roll. Great. A Klepto. Going to have a lot of dirty plates after this generation!

I use his free action to get his entertainer career.

Tyson's turn.

A Social Media loner? .. Interesting. Oh, and this means +20 points for positive traits earned by NTH's. Woohoo! Also, I get Tyson his career as soon as he's done aging up. While playing this week, it occurs to me that I kinda randomly "decided" (read: assumed) that Jax was our heir.. without ever running an heir poll, and without the first born being an heir being in the rules. I will rectify that after this post by running an heir poll so we can have an official heir.

The one time Jesse has to leave home this week to "work from home" - he needed to use a bubble blower, and I refused to buy one for their home.

... And THIS is why we don't like idiots cooking. Sigh.

Both Jesse and Fetia run to put out the fire, while Tyson glares at them. While playing, I wondered who the random guy outside the window was.. and why he and a friend ended up wandering around the house (I sent them home.)

Turns out, I noticed in this picture I have a smoke alarm - they must have been out of uniform firefighters. This picture, however, was taken of the worst fire casualty - one of the Youth Potions got torched!! 🙁

Tyson, who is still complaining. This time, he's complaining because he can't use the bathroom for his shower.

.. Because Fetia beat him to it. This is what he gets for being a slowpoke.

By the way, Fetia and Jesse are still adorable together, and still in love. She really has been a great spouse!

... Even if she seems to cheer herself on for winning a multiplayer game she's playing by herself. LOL.

Apparently the game wore her out.

Happy birthday, Fetia!

Welcome to elderhood!

The next day also happens to be Winterfest, so I have everyone work on the tree. If you look closely in this picture, you'll notice that Jax is doing the "pee pee dance". No worries, though, he makes it in time despite helping with the tree.

BAD TYSON! No. More. Cooking.

You, too, now Jax? At least Jax works in the culinary field.. so he has an excuse. Also: neither brother actually eats what they cook, so what, exactly, was the point?!

Jesse makes a festive ham dinner for everyone, and calls them to the table.

So everyone gets to actually eat a family meal together.

After dinner, I have them all open presents, with varying degrees of success. However, we have over 100k in the bank, so I'm not particularly worried about what they got, and I don't even bother to go sell it.

Jesse gets a Motion Gaming Mat from Father Winter. Although I still haven't decided whether I'll actually put it out for them. It tends to be a sim-magnet, and I'm not sure I want that.

Fetia decides to take a nap on the neck mid-monsoon/thunderstorm. Luckily the roof is covering her.

That's a first. I've never seen Father Winter randomly start painting before.. have you?

.. Here's what he's painting. Had to take a picture because I was curious.

And this is what he left us with. You can just see him escaping the house in the background of this picture. Thanks, Santa. A half-completed painting is JUST what I needed.

Yep, Tyson was cooking... again. At least he didn't set a fire this time.

Fetia looks adorable as an elder, I think. Too bad she won't live until the next torch holder takes over, probably.

... and here's Masterpiece #3. Jesse is VERY slow at masterpieces, because we spend a good portion of the week painting, and he still hasn't finished the aspiration.

I take the time to sell off the stuff in family inventory, which puts us at around 130k in the bank.. and then, I check for more points in the achievement panel. No luck. Time to count up points for the session...

Total Points: 165 
Self Wetting: -10 
Pass Out: -90
Failing School: 0
Negative Traits Earned by NTHs: -5
Accidental Deaths: 0
Fires: -10
Social Worker Visit: 0

Single Birth: +5
Twins: +10
Triplets: 0
Any sim in the household completing Any Aspiration Milestones (Child and Adult): +105
Any sim in the household completing Aspirations (Child and Adult): +10
Toddler Skills maxed by NTH toddlers: +40
Skills (Child and Adult) maxed by NTH family members: +10
NTH children (Child and Teen) earning an A in school: +30
Positive Traits Earned by NTHs: +30
Happy Toddler Trait Earned: +15
Top-Notch Toddler Trait Earned: 0
NTH sims reaching the top of a career (Teen and YA/A/E): 0
Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation: 0
Not using spares' Satisfaction Reward points for an entire generation: 0
Every 100,000 simoleons earned: +20
Immortalizing the Torch-Holder: +5

At least we ended up earning 5 points, right? Every little bit counts. *Glares at Tyson* Thanks again for the fire, buddy. And the wetting yourself. Now to put up the heir poll so we can make the heir official.

Chapter 1.6 | Generation #1 Heir Poll


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I am a 45 year old American wife, mother, and gamer. I’ve lived in the Midwest most of my life, and enjoy it for the changing seasons. My favorite movie is Labyrinth, my favorite game is Sims 4, and I have tattoos related to both. My favorite colors are purple, red, and green. When I’m not playing games (which is rare) I also enjoy reading and crafting. I’m also an animal lover, and have had many types of pets over the years. Currently, I have a dog named Cassie who is a Jack Russel / Beagle mix and three young fancy rats (all of whom are rescues). I run this Sims 4 Blog where I post screenshots and stories about the different challenges I play. Also here are the Sims 4 challenges I've written, and a place for me to store all the Sims 4 knowledge I've gotten over the years. I am also a Sims 4/variety streamer on Twitch for my mental health, fun, and to meet new people. I have also recently been accepted to the EA Creator Network, which is a dream come true! I look forward to meeting you!
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