Island Spirits - Chapter Five

Chapter Four | Island Spirits Welcome page | Chapter Six

Nork's day started pretty much like they always did. By the time he woke up, Utel was already busy in the garden, even though the baby had kept them up at all hours of the night. The baby seemed very strong, and her cries were potent. It boded well for her continued survival. It was too bad it wasn't a boy, but Nork was sure they could try again.

Nork went out to join Utel in the garden, and was feeling magnanimous enough to help her out. After the herbs she gave him for his fish, Nork had changed his mind about gardening. Perhaps it wasn't a waste of time, after all.

The morning didn't stay normal, however, because of the huge monster plant that Utel had somehow grown. She had continued to care for it, and it had grown and grown. This morning, it had produced a tasty-smelling fruit, and no warnings from Nork would keep Utel away from it.

Before he could save her, the plant devoured Utel with one gulp. Nork yelled and ran towards them, intent on killing it and freeing Utel, but before he could attack, the plant spat her back out. She was filthy and uncomfortable, but she was alive. Nork made up his mind to keep an eye out on that plant, and to keep Utel safer from now on.

Later in the day, after Utel had cleaned up in the waterfall and returned to the hut to care for the baby, Nork visited the village hot springs. To his delight, Utas was there. Immediately, he began flirting with her, but she was initially unhappy with his advances. Nork felt very confused, but he persisted.

Eventually, she came around again, and she seemed suitably impressed by his stories of his long journey to get to the village.

She insisted on talking about inane village gossip, however, and Nork was "forced" to find a way to silence her.

The night had a satisfying conclusion, after all, and Nork headed home with a huge smile on his face.

The next morning, the skies opened up, and the rains came down with a vengeance. So much so that neither Nork or Utel needed to make their daily trips to the waterfall. Utel simply showered in the rain near the garden. Nork certainly didn't mind the view!

As the storm worsened, however, Utel retreated to the hut to care for the frightened baby, leaving Nork to his woodworking. He wasn't about to seem like he was afraid of the lightning and run to the hut like everyone else.

With no one watching, however, the lightning really was pretty terrifying. In the interest of keeping the woman and baby safe, he decided the hut was probably a better idea.

Late that night, after the storms subsided, Nork lit the campfire and cooked some dinner. Only to have a spare spark hop out of the fire and nearly set him ablaze. Despite all the rain, the log chair caught fire quickly, and Nork was left to simply watch it, and his dinner, burn to ash. Dejectedly, he returned inside and "borrowed" some of Utel's veggies. When she wasn't watching, of course.

The time flew past, and before Nork knew it, the youngster had grown into a toddler, and was getting into everything. Nork was glad he had been right that the baby was strong. Speaking of babies, he had recently found out that his liaison with Utas had also borne fruit, she now had a baby by her side, as well. Nork felt absolutely swelled with pride, and hoped this baby would be as strong as his first one was.

Nork was getting pretty good at his woodworking, and everyone in the village was starting to take notice. He was getting orders for raised garden beds like the ones he'd built for Utel, and he'd come up with other things to build, too. He still went out fishing with the guys from time to time, but for the moment, he had so many requests for things that he felt chained to the bench. He had even been able to figure out a tub that held water, so they wouldn't have to carry the toddler to the waterfall to bathe her. She still seemed perpetually dirty, though, because she was constantly "helping" her mother with digging in the garden.

Nork wouldn't admit it to anyone else, but he was getting quite attached the the little one. When no one was looking, he even hugged the child affectionately.

They were almost like a little family, and Utel seemed to thrive as a mother. She cooked daily vegetable feasts in the barbecue pit, which Nork was more than happy to partake in, as well.

The little one really seemed to enjoy playing in the water, and Nork was glad they didn't have to carry it far from the ocean for her to play in in her little pool. Now other mothers had taken notice, and poor Nork had more work to do than ever.

He was determined to give Utel a baby boy, however, and now that there was "room" in the hut, he made sure to "work" on that, too.

Little Saazul didn't seem to mind, and found ways to get filthy while Utel and Nork were "busy".. giving Utel more work to do when they were finished.

Soon, Utel's belly began growing, and Nork watched her almost possessively, hoping that this youngster would be a strong baby boy to carry on his legacy. Luckily, Utel had been staying away from that monster plant, and allowed Nork to care for it. Nork had found he could keep it pacified with cuts of fish from his fishing forays... so he had one more mouth to feed.

Things were definitely looking up for Nork, after all. He didn't like to think back on his reluctance to move away from his old home, but he was glad he had taken the mystic's advice.

Chapter Four | Island Spirits Welcome page | Chapter Six


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I am a 45 year old American wife, mother, and gamer. I’ve lived in the Midwest most of my life, and enjoy it for the changing seasons. My favorite movie is Labyrinth, my favorite game is Sims 4, and I have tattoos related to both. My favorite colors are purple, red, and green. When I’m not playing games (which is rare) I also enjoy reading and crafting. I’m also an animal lover, and have had many types of pets over the years. Currently, I have a dog named Cassie who is a Jack Russel / Beagle mix and three young fancy rats (all of whom are rescues). I run this Sims 4 Blog where I post screenshots and stories about the different challenges I play. Also here are the Sims 4 challenges I've written, and a place for me to store all the Sims 4 knowledge I've gotten over the years. I am also a Sims 4/variety streamer on Twitch for my mental health, fun, and to meet new people. I have also recently been accepted to the EA Creator Network, which is a dream come true! I look forward to meeting you!
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